Chapter 151 The World of Will ([-])

In the north of Silver Tree City, everyone met Flying Fox.

She was wearing a brand-new tactical uniform, and her beautiful pretty face was a little thin. After seeing everyone, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Captain, it's not suitable to stay here for long, I think we have to leave quickly." Shi Liu looked around and said in a low voice.

It has to be said that Shi Liu felt as though three autumns had passed since he hadn't seen Feihu in the past few days.Especially, after that long dream.

In the dream, he overlapped the two figures more than once, and now, he finally saw her.

Mandala looked Feihu up and down, and finally stretched out his hand to take Shi Liu's arm, looked at Feihu with beautiful eyes and said softly: "This is your captain, he looks good~"

Shi Liu turned his head and glared at her, then immediately withdrew his arm and said, "My captain is naturally prettier than you!"

When Blood Eagle and the others saw it, they all sniggered aside.

Feihu's beautiful eyes lingered on Shi Liu and Mandala, everyone could see the jealousy on that pretty face, she looked at Mandala and said: "This is..."

"Don't pay attention to her, let's go." Shi Liu glared at her angrily, then stepped forward and took Feihu's hand away from everyone.

Looking at the two people going away, Mandala couldn't help snorting coldly.

Then, Blood Eagle Coffin and others followed.

"Hey, who do you think is the most reliable in this team?" In the end, Linghu passed by her and asked with a glance at her.

Mandala crossed his arms, looked at this beautiful girl who could be described as "extremely plump", and said, "Of course it is him."

"I agree." Linghu nodded and said, "Men like the new and dislike the old, so to get him, let's wait until he and the captain have done enough."

As he spoke, he followed the crowd.

Everyone followed Feihu to find a relatively weak wall in Silver Tree City, and climbed over the wall one after another.

Although Silvertree City has entered the first-level security state, it is still a bit difficult to stop everyone. After all, the lowest mercenary level in this team is the three-star warrior level, not to mention the Pluto-level mercenary Mandala.

As night fell, an Alliance helicopter flew high in the night sky.

"Why are there two extra sabers behind you for no reason?" In the cabin, Feihu Meimou looked behind Shi Liu and said.

"I had a dream... I'll have it after I wake up..." Shi Liu said with a wry smile.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this, can dreams come true?This is also Intuit 6.

"Dream?" Feihu's beautiful eyes lit up after hearing this, "What kind of dream?"

Everyone was surprised again. Seeing the captain like this, did he have the same dream?

"Captain, don't tease me." Shi Liu smiled bitterly, and immediately told everyone about the long dream before.

After saying the last sentence, Feihu finally exhaled, looked at Shi Liu and said, "I have to tell you, I also had this dream, and the time was the same as yours."

As soon as the words came out, the four were shocked.

"Captain, you..." Shi Liu's eyes widened a little, such a thing can happen in the world, how can it be the same even in a dream?
Feihu nodded slightly, and said, "Maybe you don't know yet."

"Know what?" Shi Liu was confused.

"The dream of the two of us is actually a spiritual will world given to us by the Cyborgs. You are the tenth divine body of Seibot. They created this will world just to restart your divine body, but you The will to break free, so the dream is over." Feihu's words were very calm, but it was as incomprehensible to everyone as a bible.

Shi Liu was shocked.

This reminded him of what the leader of Leibao had said to him before.

"You are Seibot's No. [-] Divine Body."

Shi Liu didn't believe this sentence before he was beaten to death. He always thought it was a way for the leader of Leibao to trick him.

But now, Flying Fox actually said in person, "You are the tenth divine body of Seibot."

What the hell, what divine body?What the hell is Seibot?

"In the world of will, your divine body has been sealed for 30 years. After awakening, you have abilities far beyond ordinary people. Old Henry, Matt, Ryan, you will not forget these people, right?" Feihu added.

Shi Liu was at a loss, recalling that dream, it was true.He thought of the rusty desert eagle in his hand when he just woke up. In that world of will, he was indeed very powerful, and even the monster that could proliferate flesh and blood died tragically in his hands.

"But Captain, how do you know everything about me in the dream? Could it be that we met in the dream?" Shi Liu asked, and this question was indeed on point.

Feihu covered his mouth and chuckled, "It's not just a meeting? You saved me from the monster. When I was infected with the virus, you gave up the base and walked with me..."

Shi Liu was shocked.

No wonder he always has some untouchable memories in his dreams. It turns out that the girl Lisa who fell in love with him is Captain Feihu!

"However, your own will in the real world is too strong, so that you left the world of will during the mission and returned to the present." Feihu said quietly, "If you didn't leave, I'm afraid you have completed the mission now and came back to me Bar……"

"In this case," Shi Liu frowned, "then other characters in the will world, such as Karen, Ryan, and old Henry, are they also among us?"

"Fuck, I don't want to be some unlucky guy." After Shi Liu finished speaking, the coffin immediately shouted loudly.

Everyone laughed, Feihu said: "You are right, each of us plays a different role in that world of will."

"Ryan is played by the coffin, Karen is the green mirror, old Henry is the blood eagle, Joe is the blade, and Lan is the mandala. The Thunder Leopard leader is Lida who committed suicide due to the virus. There are many, many characters None of them appeared, because Shi Liu, your own will is too strong and destroyed the will world, so they have no chance to appear." Feihu said.

Everyone laughed, there is such a story?People in the real world can enter the world of will to play different roles?

"Hey, isn't there me? Who am I in the will world?" Sai Lei, who was driving the helicopter, shouted.He listened to Feihu's speech in the cockpit in obscurity, and he was naturally unhappy to hear that most of the people were playing roles, but he was not mentioned.

"You're playing Matt," shouted Flying Fox.

"Hahaha!——" Shi Liu couldn't help laughing, Matt... that **** monster...

"What does Matt do?" Shuilei shouted again. After all, he hadn't experienced that dream, so naturally he didn't know who Matt was.

"Matt, I wanted to force our captain, but I shot him in the head!" Shi Liu said with a big smile.

"Damn!" The cockpit immediately heard the curse of the sea mine, and everyone in the cabin burst into laughter.

"But captain." After the laughter, Shi Liu became serious again, "How did you know all this? Also, why only you and I keep the memory of the dream, and the others don't remember it?"

(End of this chapter)

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