Chapter 152 The World of Will ([-])

This question is indeed on point, and it is also very practical. After all, except for Feihu and Shi Liu, no one else remembers having this dream.

"Look at this." Flying Fox said, turning on the weapon system.

Then, she took something out of the weapon system.

To be precise, this is a head.The entire head is in the shape of an inverted triangle. There are two pointed ears on both sides of the head, a concave nose, and two large oblique triangle eyes. This is the overall appearance of the head.

Its mouth is not much different from that of a human being. It is now open, and the rows of fangs inside can be clearly seen.Its neck was broken at the root, and there was a bit of water-blue substance left on the wound.

"This is..." Everyone gathered to look at the head carefully, but unfortunately, none of them knew what it was.

"Captain, don't tell me, this is the head of the Cybernetic..." Shi Liu frowned, looked at Feihu and said.

Feihu pursed his lips and smiled, "You are right, this is the head of the Cybernetic."

What the hell!

Everyone was shocked, after all, this was the first time they saw the head of an alien.

"This...captain, have you seen an alien?" The coffin said, looking at the head in Feihu's hand. Judging from the wound under the head, it was clearly cut off bit by bit with a dagger.

"It's more than just seeing it," Feihu's face became serious, "We have even fought against each other."

Everyone sighed, Mandala widened her beautiful eyes, and said: "It seems that those aliens are not very strong, and you don't have any scars on your body."

"It's not without combat effectiveness." Flying Fox shook his head, "It's just that it seems to belong to the weaker fighters among aliens, so I can be lucky enough to kill it."

Then, Feihu told everyone the whole process of meeting the alien and killing him.

"So, I suspect that it's not just these aliens that come from Seibo, but it may also carry various creatures from the surrounding planets." Flying Fox said with a serious expression.

"Since that's the case, can I enter that will world again?" After Feihu finished speaking, Shi Liu asked immediately.

He really hopes to return to that world of will, after all, he still doesn't know the whereabouts of Joe and Lan.

Flying Fox shook his head: "I don't know about this. All the previous knowledge was told to me by this Cyborg, but when I asked this question, it refused to say anything."

Shi Liu nodded repeatedly, but a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

"Captain, you just said that Poisonous Wolf is a god, that is to say, he is not a human being? Or, the same Cybernetic as this one?" Coffin asked.

As soon as this remark came out, even Shi Liu felt that it made sense.Since it is the tenth cybernetic body, it stands to reason that they should be instilled with cybernetic spiritual thoughts, but why do they have the brains of normal earthlings?

Feihu shook his head again: "I don't know these things, but one thing is certain, Poisonous Wolf's body is not composed of normal human body parts, and there are countless war parts in his body."

Not a normal human body mechanism?
Although everyone was surprised by this, Shi Liu nodded again and again: "That's right, in that will world, when I was fighting with Matt, I once felt the existence of machinery in my body!"

Everyone was even more startled. Didn't this reflect from the side that Poison Wolf is not a normal person at all!

"Fuck, it doesn't matter if he's a normal person or not, anyway, labor and management are now!" Shi Liu was so troubled by this series of questions, he immediately waved his hands and said.

"The truth hasn't been revealed yet, so let's take a step at a time." Feihu also nodded.

In the early hours of the morning, the helicopter arrived at Hurricane City in the Southern Wilderness.

Shi Liu and the others join Fox Hunt and the others in the hospital, and now there are only two paths in front of everyone: either join the rebels collectively, and the Hermit Alliance has completely disappeared from the earth since then.Either be unique, look for alliance mercenary groups or scattered teams scattered around the world, and then gather together to fight against the rebels.

There is no doubt that everyone chooses the second way.Because everyone knows that if they join the rebels together, they will all be massacred by the rebels, leaving no one alive.

Today's earth has undergone earth-shaking changes, the anti-army has directly replaced the existence of the alliance, and the alliance mercenary group is like a mouse crossing the street.The fundamental element causing this change is the anti-army's trump card - biological and chemical weapons.

Although it is independent, since the alliance has just collapsed, there will always be a transition period, and during this transition period, everyone will live a life of fleeing every day, avoiding the sight of the rebels every day, and even whether they can eat enough is a problem .

Therefore, everyone used this hospital as a meeting point.Then, the two were divided into groups and scattered in Hurricane City. Firstly, they could avoid the search of the rebels, and secondly, it was convenient to find other alliance mercenary groups in Hurricane City.

Counting the number of people, the hunting fox, dark night, stone six, flying fox, coffin, blood eagle, green mirror, spirit fox, sea mine, evil fish, mandala, blade, and other team members have a total of 122 people, which can be divided into 61 groups.

These 61 groups will be self-reliant in this Hurricane City for the next few days, and they must not call their companions for emergency unless it is absolutely necessary.Of course, how to eat and where to live are all up to you.

The two captains, An Ye and Hunting Fox, separated for a long time, and finally put Shi Liu and Linghu into a group.

Looking at the plump girl beside him, Shi Liu was full of joy.

Back then, when I came to this live world, the first person I met was her!
From now on, I will live with her~
Although it was given to An Ye for the first time, but for a big man, what the hell is the first time and the second time~

"Our rules have been set. Let's develop in this Hurricane City for a period of time. Alright, now the grouping has been decided, let's go." Foxhunting concluded with this, and she herself was in a group with Dark Night.

After all, these more than 100 people were scattered from the hospital.Although there is a scene of parting, there is no intention of parting. After all, we are all in the same city, and it is not a matter of minutes to get together.

Moreover, on weekdays, they might meet up or something.

"Hey, where are you going?" Linghu and Shi Liu walked side by side, looking at the latter and asking.

"Find a job with me first, after all I don't have any money." Shi Liu said with a wry smile.

It was another night, Hurricane City was brightly lit, and from time to time there were rebel soldiers patrolling the road with the slogan of "Maintaining City Law and Order".

On a street, Shi Liu and Linghu walked side by side.

Both of them changed out of their alliance tactical suits and put on city suits.

After all, you can't hang around in a Union military uniform in a city under the rule of the rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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