Chapter 153 The First Step

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"You, come on, next!"

The entrance of a supermarket was blocked by two identification devices, and people who entered and exited had to go through inspections.

More than a dozen rebels armed with AK-47 surrounded the identification device, and four rebels were in charge of checking one by one, while the rest were vigilant.

"Hey, you don't have any weapons with you, do you?"

In the long queue of the crowd, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure pinched a man in front of her and said in a low voice.

The man was Shi Liu, and he tilted his head slightly: "It's all done, just follow me when the time comes."

The beautiful woman nodded worriedly. When she went out this morning, she saw Shi Liu put the two sabers back into the weapon system. There will be an inevitable conflict.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Soon, the people in front of Shi Liu passed the inspection one by one, and the rebels who were in charge of the inspection looked at Shi Liu and shouted impatiently.

Shi Liu coughed twice and strode into an identification device more than two meters high.


After Shi Liu stood firmly, a purple ray was formed from the top of the appraiser and connected from both ends, and then fell down at a constant speed, passing Shi Liu's body.

When the purple ray passed through the six-point stone, the appraiser issued an alarm sound of "Dididi!"!
The rebels who were in charge of the inspection were stunned for a moment, and turned to look at the monitor. There were several eye-catching red fonts on it: The target is detected to be carrying an alliance weapon system!

"Kill him! He is an alliance mercenary!"

A few rebels shouted, and immediately raised their AK-47s, pointing at Shi Liu!
The surrounding crowd, whether they had been checked or not, ran away screaming when they saw the anti-army drew their guns. Suddenly, there was chaos near the entrance of the supermarket.

Just as the rebels raised their guns, a thought flashed in Shi Liu's mind, and two Desert Eagles appeared in his hands respectively.

"Boring! Boring! Boring!—"

Shi Liu preemptively aimed at the rebels and pulled the trigger. The rebels closest to Shi Liu sprayed blood on their heads and fell to the ground!

Linghu was not idle either, and at the same time as Shi Liu knocked down several rebels, a MK18 with a silencer appeared in her hands.

But when she took aim, before she could pull the trigger, she found that the dozen or so rebels in front of her had fallen to the ground spraying blood.

At this time, I saw Shi Liu raised his head and smiled slightly towards the roof of a building in the distance.

There, Linghu vaguely saw a sniper rifle silencer shining brightly in the sunlight.

"It was said yesterday that we were going to hide our strength and look for opportunities, why now..." Linghu put away the MK18, looked at Shi Liu and said.

"Hey, I don't have that patience. You know, the more we hide our strength, the worse it will be for us." Shi Liu turned his head and smiled, "This is a great opportunity, and it's just the first step to seize control of the entire Hurricane City That's all."

"So you brought the Blood Eagles here?" Linghu asked angrily.

"What else?" Shi Liu smiled wryly, "Do you think that with the abilities of the two of us, we can deal with these ten or so rebels?"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we have to change places quickly." After saying that, Shi Liu couldn't help but take Linghu's little hand, and left the supermarket stepping on the blood all over the floor.

It's night, at Minghuang Bar in Hurricane City.

Minghuang Bar is considered a first-line bar in Hurricane City, and it is also the bar with the largest scale and the most variety. Even though the military in Hurricane City was very annoyed by what happened this morning, it was in various entertainment venues, office buildings, and even the city government. Additional manpower has been deployed, but there are still only a few rebels standing guard outside the bar, thanks to the bar owner.

Many men and women went in and out of each other, and the rebels guarding the door did not stop them, because they did not want to be secretly punished by their superiors for affecting the business of the bar.

At this time, a tall man strode into the bar holding the arm of a sexy girl, and the girl passed by the rebels, immediately arousing the latter's fiery eyes.

Linghu was indeed dressed naked enough tonight, and with her handsome face, she would fascinate many passers-by, and quite a few young men were attracted to her, but they all stopped after seeing the tall man beside her. They were all upset, because the murderous aura emanating from that man made them feel uncomfortable.

Just like that, the man walked into the bar with the girl on his arm, amidst countless jealous and envious eyes.

The bar is very luxurious, and the facilities inside have long gone far beyond the service scope of the bar. Many drunk men walked into the lounge next to them with the support of two bar dancers. GP notes stuffed in a ravine.

Five or six long-haired women in revealing clothes stood on the singing stage. They twisted their beautiful bodies amidst the sound of whistles, and kept making various seductive poses to the men in the audience. The dancing girl stuffed a large handful of GP banknotes into the gutter, and led them to the lounge.

After entering, Shi Liu led Linghu to sit down at a relatively remote round table, and asked the bartender to order three beers.

When the beer was served, Shi Liu took a sip of it first, which almost made him spit it out. After the beer entered his mouth, there was a sour and numbing taste, and there was no wheat aroma at all.

The bartender saw the drastic change in Shi Liu's facial expression, and hurriedly said: "Sir, this is the cocktail in our bar. If you don't like it, there is also gin here..."

Before the bar finished speaking, Shi Liu interrupted him by waving his hands again and again: "No need, I think this is pretty good."

Shi Liu and Linghu didn't make a special trip to drink, so no matter whether it was good or bad, they just let it go.

After the bar nodded and left, Linghu crossed his arms on the table and said in a low voice: "Have you had a relationship with him before?"

"No," Shi Liu shook his head, "I heard Dao Feng say that this person is his friend, and he is a local snake in the Southern Wilderness. His lair is closer to you and me, so Dao Feng entrusted him to me. done."

Linghu nodded, "Since he is the local snake in the Southern Wilderness, there must be a lot of people doing things for him."

Shi Liu shook his head and smiled, and said, "You silly girl, do you really think I'm going to kneel down and beg him to help us tonight? Tell you, ten of his subordinates can't fight against one rebel, count on him?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Tonight we are not looking for him to fight, but to find something valuable from his mouth." Shi Liuxiao took a sip of wine.

"Oh, don't be foolish, just say it!" Linghu frowned.

Shi Liu chuckled, "For example, the Nanhuangyu Municipal Government and the deployment of troops around it."

(End of this chapter)

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