Chapter 154
"Isn't your appetite too big? The Southern Desolate Territory is so big, why do you choose the city government?" Linghu's small mouth opened into an O shape.

"Catch the thief first, don't you know? Of course I know that the city government is not so easy to conquer, so I brought you here tonight. The city government is the lifeblood of the entire Southern Wilderness. As long as we take it down, we will be able to conquer it." With a foothold in the Southern Wilderness, there is no need to live a life of fleeing every day." Shi Liu said seriously.

"Captain, do they know?" Linghu sipped his wine.

"Of course I have to report to the head of the group. She discussed with An Ye all night, and finally agreed." Shi Liu smiled slightly.

After drinking for three rounds, a large group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms appeared at the entrance of Minghuang Bar. Among the many soldiers was a tall and thin young man in a suit and leather shoes. The rebels outside did not stop them. Chang even said hello to the young man.

This scene was clearly seen by Shi Liu. He turned his head and said, "Did you see the man at the door? He is the local snake I mentioned, named Kane."

Linghu Meimou looked towards the door, only took a look, then took it back, and said: "It's useless to tell me, anyway, you will do everything, including paying the bill."

Shi Liu smiled wryly.

At this time, the group of people in camouflage uniforms stayed at the entrance of the bar, while Kane in a suit and leather shoes strode into the bar.

As soon as he entered the bar, he began to look around. Shi Liusheng was afraid that he would not see him, so he pinched his mouth with his fingers and blew a whistle. Although the music in the bar was loud, this whistle still aroused the excitement of many people around. look back.

Kane glanced at Shi Liu, and then strode over.

"You are Mr. Shi Liu?" Kane sat on the sofa that Shi Liu had pulled for him, looked at him and asked with a smile.

Shi Liu nodded, "Yes."

"Then this..." Kane looked at Linghu again.

"Oh, lover." Shi Liu said with a dry smile. Just after finishing speaking, Linghu gave him a hard look, but because of Kane's presence, she didn't say much.

"Hehe, Mr. Shi Liu is so elegant, and now he still has the heart to talk about love." Kane said with a knowing smile.

How could Shi Liu fail to hear the meaning behind his words, and immediately said: "That's right, I have to say that Dao Feng has a good eye. Now that I have her, I really don't want to do anything."

Kane nodded with a smile, and immediately called a bartender to get the good wine.

"Let's get to the point, what news do you want from me." After the bartender left, Kane said solemnly.

Shi Liu secretly praised his straightforwardness, stopped laughing immediately, and said in a low voice: "You can see the current form, the alliance mercenary has no place in the world, if we want to change the status quo, we must rebuild a A regime like the Union, so."

Kane shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Restoring the alliance? It's not easy. The anti-army has just gained control of the world. Now that they have no enemies, the first thing to do is to stabilize the regime. Do you think the anti-army will give you this opportunity?"

"You're right, that's why I found you. Since you're flourishing in the Southern Wilderness, and you already have your own private army, I believe you can't get the approval of the Southern Wilderness military. It is very difficult for you to do this." Shi Liu said.

Kane narrowed his eyes slightly, he had already heard the meaning of the other party, and said coldly: "Do you want to know the situation of the military in the Southern Wasteland?"

"Exactly." Shi Liu nodded, "Especially, the deployment of troops by the Nanhuangyu Municipal Government."

Kane was taken aback, and then snorted coldly: "You are quite courageous, forgive me, even if I tell you the deployment of the city government's troops, with your alliance mercenaries, these remnants and defeated generals, can you take it?"

As soon as these words came out, Linghu's beautiful eyes immediately widened. She was about to say something, but Shi Liu's hand reached out from under the table and squeezed her little hand, signaling her not to be impulsive.

"Mr. Kane, although it is now the world of the rebels, it does not prove that our alliance mercenaries will always be chased and spanked by the rebels, and there is no room for retaliation. We can resist, but resistance does not mean blindly fighting against the rebels. The army is working hard, and only through you to find out the deployment of troops in various places in the Southern Wilderness, can we have the prerequisite for action." Shi Liu said solemnly.

At this time, the wine that Kane asked for was served in the hands of the waiter and placed on the table one by one. Kane looked at the waiter serving the wine silently with a straight face, without saying a word.

Shi Liu chuckled in his heart. He knew that what he said had reached Kane's heart. The alliance has ruled the earth for hundreds of years. After several generations of inheritance, his views and support for the alliance have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, the latter management system still needs a long period of adaptation for the majority of civilians.

It was by grasping this point that Shi Liu had the courage to come to this bar to talk to Kane. Now, Kane has been half moved by his persuasion.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Shi Liu picked up a bottle of wine and filled it up for Kane, then poured it for himself, and said while pouring: "Of course, it's just the simplest conversation between you and me. You can totally accept what I said. The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. But you have to think about it, we are very weak now, but no one can say what will happen tomorrow. This is not the case for hundreds of years and thousands of years. The alliance will be overthrown by the rebels, and who can Guarantee that one day the rebels will not be overthrown by other forces?"

Kane laughed dryly, took a sip from his wine glass, and snorted coldly, "The massacre outside the Huanxiang Street supermarket this morning must have been done by you, right?"

"Exactly," Shi Liu smiled, "I can't wait any longer, it will only be more and more unfavorable to us if we wait any longer, and I will take the initiative at any time."

Kane lowered his head slightly, his eyes kept going back and forth between the two table legs, as if he was thinking about something.

At this time, one of Kane's men hurried in from the outside, came to the former and whispered in his ear for a while.

Kane's face turned happy, he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to go out, and then looked at Shi Liu and Linghu gloatingly: "You two, I think today's meeting will end here, and the officials from the Hurricane City Military Headquarters will come back later I will personally come to this bar to check, even if the owner of this bar knows how to deal with the world, he can't stop the military's interrogation."

With that said, he sneered and stood up, ready to leave.

"Mr. Kane, do you think those officials alone can pull us out of the water? You underestimate me, I advise you to sit down and have a few drinks together, no good Is it?"

As soon as he stood up, Shi Liu's cold voice sounded.

Kane didn't take it seriously, he snorted coldly, glanced at Shi Liu with disdain, and then strode out without looking back.

Shi Liu followed his back and saw that there were already many rebels outside the bar, as well as several officers wearing green berets and camouflage uniforms. Several rebel leaders surrounded a fat officer and were attacking him. What to report.

"Let's go, if they come in to investigate, we will be exposed." Linghu Meimou glanced outside, and then looked at Shi Liu, her pretty face was full of anxiety.

Shi Liu shook his head: "Although they are the military of Hurricane City, they still understand the basic rules. The first object of their interrogation is the person who leaves the bar, and the second object is the person who stays in the bar. So we not only You can't go out, and you have to drink slowly here."

 Thanks guys for the votes! !

(End of this chapter)

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