Chapter 155
"That's right..." Linghu Meimou looked outside. At the moment, the officers were directing the rebels to check the people who walked out of the bar. After Kane went out, he greeted the three officers, and then walked quickly to one of them. In the past, he whispered to the latter.

The officer's face immediately became exciting.

All of this was reflected in Shi Liu's eyes, he sneered, and immediately drank the wine in his glass, saying: "It's time, let's go!"

With that said, he pulled Linghu up and ran towards the second floor.

As soon as the front foot left, the number of rebels with guns on the back foot almost squeezed through the door, and the people in the bar were startled.Many rebels stepped forward and grabbed people who were drinking and dancing, yelled at them and kept raising the battle microcomputer on their wrists.

There are two blue-ray headshots on Zhanwei Brain, a man and a woman. The man on the left has a sharp and handsome face, and the girl on the right has a charming and pretty face, especially those big eyes like autumn water, which are unforgettable at first sight.

Some of the people who saw the two heads shook their heads to show they didn't see them, and some sharp-eyed ones immediately yelled, "I saw it just now, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye!"

This scene was clearly seen by Shi Liu and Linghu who were hiding at the corner of the stairs on the second floor. Since Shi Liu was below and Linghu was lying on his back, he could feel two soft masses behind him, which was very beautiful. .


At this time, a very familiar voice sounded from downstairs.

Shi Liu immediately looked at the bar entrance, and a tall rebel strode into the bar. His camouflage uniform was different from ordinary rebels, and the most special thing was that he had white hair!
white wolf!

"Damn it," Shi Liu couldn't help rubbing his temples, "What the hell, how can I meet him everywhere?"

Downstairs, White Wolf strode forward and grabbed the man, and put the M66 revolver in his right hand on the latter's head.

Just about to pull the trigger, the bar proprietress yelled sharply, "Don't shoot! Those two people ran towards the second floor! The second floor!"

White Wolf immediately let go of the man and ran towards the stairs, with a large number of rebels following behind him.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Shi Liu cursed secretly, a thought flashed in his mind, and a pair of desert eagles had already appeared in his hands.

"Boring! Boring! Boring!—"

The trigger was pulled continuously, and the powerful bullets roared out, which forced the white wolf who was on the stairs to stop to avoid the bullets.

"The enemy is on the second floor, shoot!"

The white wolf's yelling sounded from the stairs, followed by a burst of dense shooting. The bullets rained down on the stairs, walls and glass, and the stairway on the second floor was in a mess. It was a mess, screaming and shouting one after another.

Taking advantage of the panic among the crowd, Shi Liu shot a shot at a window, and when the window was broken, he also jumped directly with Linghu.

Although the second floor is not high, it is absolutely impossible to feel comfortable when it lands, so Shi Liu deliberately put himself on the bottom and Linghu on top.

boom! ——

Shi Liu fell to the ground on his back, plus the weight of a beautiful woman. The front and rear forces were really not very comfortable, but Shi Liu had no time to take care of these.

Along the way, there were constant rebels chasing the two of them. Fortunately, the third-level mercenaries on Shi Liu and Linghu gave them a speed bonus, which allowed the two to successfully shake off the rebels behind their buttocks in a small lane. military.

"Huh! I'm exhausted!"

Linghu panted with her head up, and sat down on the ground regardless of her appearance. Since she was wearing a pair of high heels, she was not as comfortable as combat boots when running. It must be very uncomfortable for her little feet.

Shi Liu also gasped for breath, adjusted a little, and came to sit down beside Linghu and said, "That Kane must die! He knows too much about us, keeping him for one more day is tantamount to wasting one day of our survival time."

"You want to kill him?" Linghu looked at Shi Liu. "Although it is easy to kill him, there must be a large number of soldiers guarding his residence. Judging by the situation tonight, maybe the white wolf may also protect him."

Shi Liu nodded: "Yes, but the more this happens, the more we will kill him. If he is fully protected by the rebels, then he will definitely disclose everything he knows to the rebels, and we will be very passive at that time. So if you want to live a more comfortable life in the future, you must seal Kane's mouth at the latest tomorrow night!"

Linghu was silent, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Do you have a plan?"

"As long as you know where Kane lives, nothing else is a problem." Shi Liu looked at the night sky, "But the blade told me before, that guy has several manors in Hurricane City, and two villas in the coastal area. tricky."

Linghu nodded lightly, and thoughtfully said: "Since there are several properties, it is impossible to have guards in every house with the people under him alone, so we only need to find the one with the most soldiers." A house is enough, right?"

Seeing Linghu's confident smile, Shi Liu shook his head.

"Why?" Linghu's smile was fleeting.

"What if Kane also thought of your thoughts?" Shi Liu said.

Linghu frowned slightly, she thought carefully for a while, and finally slapped Shi Liu's thigh with a palm and said, "I see! You mean, look for a place with the fewest soldiers."

Although Linghu's small hands were soft, they were integrated with the power of a third-level mercenary after all, so Shi Liuzhi grinned when he slapped: "Yes, big sister."

Under the night, two figures were active in the streets and alleys of Hurricane City.

Early the next morning, Kane showed up at a manor in Hurricane City.The manor is very simple. A main building, several rows of attached rooms and a row of shacks in the distance are the decoration of the whole manor.

At this time, Kane was not followed by three ordinary soldiers like he was outside the bar last night.

"Master, you are back. Master Huot is waiting for you." An old man with a white beard dressed as a butler took the upper body of the suit Kane took off and said respectfully with a nod.

"Understood." Kane's expression was not good, he simply said something and walked towards the main building.

On the hillside 1000 meters outside the manor, Shi Liu and Linghu each hold a telescope, and the target is the manor.

"Sure enough, you're sure about it." Linghu took down the binoculars, turned his head and said with a smile.

Shi Liu also took down the binoculars, and said indifferently: "This manor looks calm on the surface, but it actually hides heavy troops."

"How do you know?" Linghu asked.

If you observe the problem carefully, you will find what the butler said to Kane just now. "Shi Liu smiled.

"I saw it, but so what? Isn't it normal for the butler to greet the master?" Linghu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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