Chapter 156
"But do you know what the butler said to him?" Shi Liufeng raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Of course I don't know, do you know?" Linghu asked unconvinced.

Shi Liu smiled wryly and spread his hands: "Of course I don't know, but I can be sure that such a large manor can't be lived by Kane alone. There must be people who are very important to Kane living in the main building, or parents , or partners, or, lovers."

Linghu glanced at him angrily, and continued to pick up the binoculars: "But you came up with three possibilities in one breath, so who is the important person living here?"

Shi Liuning raised his eyebrows, touched his chin and said, "I think it should be Kane's parents. If you think about it, if you are a lover, considering Kane's age and conditions, it is impossible to choose this remote and simple manor, at least you have to be close to it." The bustling area of ​​Nanhuangyu Municipal Government. Partners may not be too big. After all, most of what Kane does is secretly and shady. Naturally, he can't be in this kind of place, so only his parents are left. "

"Hmm... makes sense, especially the first point. I agree very much." Linghu nodded repeatedly.

"Looks like I'm going to quickly get a house near the city hall." Shi Liu spread his hands.

"Whatever you want." Linghu said, it took nearly five seconds to react, and immediately kicked Shi Liu's calf angrily.

Linghu didn't use too much force, the soft combat boots kicked on the calf not only did not hurt but felt soft, it seemed that Linghu was consciously getting close to Shi Liu.

The layout of the main building of the manor is very simple, with three long sofas, one horizontal and two vertical, with a glass table in the middle.

At this moment, Kane is sitting on the sofa on the left, leaning forward, speaking to a middle-aged man with a stern face on the sofa in the middle.

"...Where is the chemical plant in the city? I heard that it is a project you invested in recently." The middle-aged Huot said such a sentence.

Kane showed a trace of confidence: "Father, you only know one thing but not the other. Although it is just a chemical plant, it has another function."

"Oh? You have registered other projects?" Holt seemed a little surprised. He really couldn't figure out what else a chemical factory could be used for besides producing chemical products.

Kane smiled and said nothing, and only revealed after Hult urged repeatedly: "Father, do you still remember how the rebels overthrew the alliance?"

Holt frowned: "Of course it's by biochemical weapons, how can I..."

Huot was taken aback, and then looked at the only son in disbelief: "Don't tell me your kid is researching that thing! Do you know what it will mean to you if you fail!"

Kane didn't care, he sipped his coffee, frowned and said, "Father, keep your voice down, lest people outside can hear you?"

"If you still want to marry a wife and have children in the future, stop this project immediately!" Holt stared.

Kane put down his glass impatiently, and looked at Holt squarely: "Father, it is because of my suffering that I did this. Last night, some Alliance mercenaries approached me and asked me to tell them about the deployment of troops by the Southern Wilderness City Government. Aren't you embarrassing me? And no one can guarantee that those desperate alliance mercenaries will not kill me because of this incident, father, you will never know what it is like to be caught between two major forces. I If you help the rebels, you will offend the alliance mercenaries, if you help the alliance mercenaries, you will offend the rebels! I have had enough of this kind of life! Only by being independent can I completely get rid of this kind of life!"

As soon as the words came out, Huot, as a father, was blocked and had nothing to say. After a long silence, Huot said: "Although you think it is right to do this, I also want to advise you as a father. Once the development of biochemical experimental products fails, a large-scale biochemical crisis will erupt. This biochemical crisis is not the same as the biochemical crisis of the anti-military offensive alliance. It’s out of control like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, think about it for yourself.”

With that said, he stood up and walked to the second floor.

Looking at Holt's back, Kane sneered, and murmured in a voice that he could only hear: "Joke, as long as it is something I am sure of, there is nothing that cannot be done!"

If Shi Liu was present, he would definitely laugh at Kane's ignorance.What his father Hult said was right. In the biochemical crisis when the rebels launched their final offensive against the alliance, all zombie monsters were equipped with artificial intelligence brains, just like the main force attacking the major cities of the alliance—T– 52.To put it simply, it is a group of monsters controlled by the rebels.However, the self-developed zombies do not have the biochemical technology support of the previous anti-army, and the controllability of the zombies will be greatly reduced. Once a certain route makes a mistake, the entire project of developing biochemical weapons will be implicated, resulting in a complete failure of the project.Once it fails, the zombies or monsters being developed will wake up immediately. Their brains are damaged, and without the guidance of the anti-military artificial intelligence brain, they will become a group of complete monsters!

But Kane didn't know this. Now he only focused on how to handle the relationship between himself and the anti-army and alliance mercenaries. He didn't think too much about the harm of this matter, so much so that his father said don't move him.

Outside the manor, Linghu and Shi Liu were still on the hillside.

"The operation will be tonight. I will ask Blade, Blood Eagle and Sea Mine to help us." Shi Liu surveyed the surrounding terrain with a telescope and said.

"Isn't it just to kill an ordinary person, so it needs to mobilize the crowd." Linghu said angrily.

"Stupid, I'm afraid the white wolf will come tonight." Shi Liu glanced at her, and then said quietly: "Don't tell me that the two of us can beat the white wolf."

"Why can't you beat me?" Linghu straightened her plump chest with a confident expression on her face: "Have you always looked down on me? Or, look down on women?"

Shi Liu said indifferently: "Well, anyway, I can't beat him, so you should be careful and don't let him mess around."

"Hey hey what is it?"

"Use your own brain, alas, I was wrong! It hurts! Don't hit..."

It is night, full of stars, and the moon is in the sky.

In the manor, Kane was lying on a recliner, smoking a thick cigar comfortably.

The guards around him had obviously increased a lot. Although it was night, the torches on the manor wall still exposed them.

On a hillside in the distance, half a person's tall grass was pushed away, and a black, thick and long silencer protruded.

"Shui Lei, don't call us when you get raped."

Such a sentence sounded in the grass, and then the grass was pulled away from left to right, revealing several familiar faces.

The silencer was pressed down, revealing a section of the black sniper rifle barrel. Behind the barrel was Sai Lei's wretched face. He snorted angrily: "It was Poison Wolf who got blasted first, when will it be my turn?"

A burst of low laughter sounded, and at this moment, another voice sounded: "Poison wolf, our captain handed over Linghu to you, you really got a bargain, don't pinch here! It hurts! Sigh...! "

Shi Liu gloated and looked at the blood eagle beside him whose thigh was pinched by Linghu, and said with a smile: "Why, is Miss Linghu being raised by me?"

Blood Eagle nodded heavily and gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, okay, be serious," Dao Feng looked at the two of them and said in a low voice, "We are here to kill people, not to fight. If you want to fight, you two find a place to practice after you finish the task." , whoever wins, I will win... oh no, it's a bit cold today, I don't wear enough, Suilei give me some clothes!"

(End of this chapter)

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