Chapter 157 Mutation ([-])

The night was bright and bright, and there was a commotion near the gate of the manor.

A large group of gatekeepers gave way one after another, and a white-haired anti-military youth walked in quickly.

On the recliner, Kane was smoking a cigar comfortably, when he heard someone coming, he immediately sat up from the recliner.

At a glance, Kane smiled slightly, and he immediately stood up to meet him.

This scene was clearly seen by Shi Liu, Linghu, Shuilei, Blade and Blood Eagle on a certain hillside.

"Hey, I'm sure I've given Poisonous Wolf a chance." Shuilei said with a wry smile, "How much benefit did that guy Kane give White Wolf to invite this God?"

Shi Liu shook his head: "These benefits are not exclusive to Bai Lang, I think 80% of them must be eaten by his superiors. Hehe, Bai Lang is extremely reluctant to take this job."

His words immediately got Dao Feng's approval: "I think so, if all the benefits are eaten by the white wolf, it probably won't take this time to arrive."

"Let's be serious, are you planning to kill Kane here?" Linghu looked around everyone angrily.

Blood Eagle was the first to shake his head, and he said: "Of course not, do you think that Kane would be so stupid as to sit and wait for death? Let me tell you, how many ambushes he arranged are hidden on this hill. If the whereabouts of us are exposed, none of us can escape .And the most important thing is that this position has long been beyond the range of our sniper rifles."

"Are we going to go in and kill him?" Linghu raised her eyebrows lightly.

"That's right." Blood Eagle nodded, then turned to ask Shi Liu and the others for their opinion.

Everyone nodded, and then, several people with haystacks on their heads stood up one after another, and groped down the mountain one by one.

In the manor, Kane was sitting on a sofa in the living room, and sitting opposite him was a white-haired young man.

"Actually, there are only a few alliance mercenaries active in Hurricane City." Kane said with a smile.

White Wolf kept his face straight, this task was personally ordered by his superior at noon today, and he told White Wolf that there is no need to protect Kane for five days, and the task will be considered as completed after five days.

But White Wolf was extremely reluctant, because he knew that this man named Kane had offended the alliance mercenaries active in Hurricane City, and judging from what happened last night, Shi Liu had already targeted Kane. It's time to let yourself protect Kane, isn't it sent to the gun?

Although Bai Lang thought he was superior in strength, he also knew that Shi Liu was approaching a Pluto-level mercenary, which made him start to worry.

Here, Kane's vicious eyes had already seen through the other party's mind, so he kept talking about some pleasant topics to relieve the atmosphere, but he still talked about this topic before he knew it.

White Wolf frowned, leaned forward and said, "Mr. Kane, although I was ordered to protect you, there is one thing I must clarify,"

"No need to say much," Kane interrupted White Wolf with a smile, "I know what you're going to say, you see."

As he spoke, he took out a syringe from his pocket. There was half a cup of green viscous liquid in the syringe, with bubbles rolling from time to time.

"Why do you have this?" Bai Lang was a little surprised, even though he didn't ask much about the internal technology research and development of the anti-army, he still recognized that this was the R virus for cultivating zombies!

Most of the biochemical weapons used by the anti-army when they invaded the alliance were from the R virus, and only a small amount came from the Z virus or the G virus, and these source viruses had already been sealed in the technology building of the anti-army headquarters after the alliance was destroyed. How could he Will there be an experimental solvent for the R virus?
"Don't be nervous." Kane showed a sneer, shaking the syringe in his hand and said: "This thing was given to me by General Ross, and asked me to use it at the last moment of my life."

The white wolf suddenly realized that General Ross Kane was talking about was his immediate boss and one of the important figures who planned the biochemical crisis.

"But do you know what will happen when this thing is injected into the body?" The white wolf said with a sullen face. Before, how many people or animals were swallowed by the R virus and turned into biochemical weapons, and the white wolf had witnessed it with his own eyes. .

Kane smiled disapprovingly: "Of course I know, but that kind of situation will never happen, because now I have someone who is extremely brave to protect me, right?"

The white wolf said indifferently: "Listen, I am not omnipotent. You have never fought against that mercenary, and you will never know how scary and cunning he is."

"Second lieutenant, why do I feel that you are not here to protect me, but to seek my protection." Kane said with a smile: "Second lieutenant, although this manor does not look luxurious, you never know how much it has. Underground passages, some of these passages can lead you to the cliffs outside, and some can lead you to escape from the sky. And only I have the right to choose between the two.”

"So, even if an enemy comes in and you can't handle it, I can take you to escape from these secret passages, right?" Kane added.

The white wolf snorted coldly: "I don't think that's necessary, after all, I'm not as trash as you say."

While the two were talking and laughing happily, several alliance mercenaries came down from a hillside and moved towards the manor.

Although Kane brought many soldiers, most of them were scattered inside the manor. There were only a few near the door, and they were evenly distributed around the door. Two were on the left side of the door, three were on the right side of the door, and there were three more inside. indivual.

They don't have any decent automatic rifles or machine guns in their hands, but each is equipped with a stainless steel dagger and a P228 pistol with a short range.

The night is still so quiet.

Suddenly, a figure sprang out at high speed, dragging afterimages, and came quietly like a ghost!

In the darkness of night, blood splattered, a soldier covered his throat with his hands wide-eyed
fell down.

His companion was about to shout, but was blocked by that lightning-like figure one by one!

Soon, almost none of the soldiers near the door fought back, and their throats were cut collectively.

In the distance, several alliance mercenaries were all taken aback.

"Who the hell is this?" Shuilei let out a low voice, and then looked around. His teammates were all there, and there were quite a few of them.

Shi Liu and the others immediately raised their sniper rifles and aimed their sniper scopes at the gate of the manor.

The next moment, everyone sighed. In the sniper mirror was the pretty face of Captain Fox Hunt. She seemed to know that everyone was peeping at her. Looking back, she gave a symbolic sweet smile and blinked her left eye.

Then, everyone received a message from Hunting Fox: Little ghosts, your wings are stiff, and you won't report any actions to me.

Dao Feng put down the sniper rifle and said with a wry smile: "This girl can't sit still anymore, but that's okay, at least she didn't come alone."

"Oh? Don't tell me they're all here." Shi Liu said, picking up the sniper rifle again.

Sure enough, in addition to hunting the fox, he also saw the captain Feihu and Mandala.

"Poisonous wolf, don't worry now." Blood Eagle said with a smile.

"I guess the four girls alone are enough for White Wolf to drink a pot." Shi Liu shook his head and chuckled.

Five minutes later, everyone gathered outside the gate of the manor.

"Remember, you must move quickly, and remember to disperse around after you get it." After some discussion, Hunting Fox concluded with this.

Then, one after another, the alliance mercenaries touched the main building of the manor.

In the main building, White Wolf and Kane were still drinking coffee and chatting.

Kane kept refreshing himself with coffee. Although he was already sleepy, he didn't want to go to sleep at all.

White Wolf sneered in his heart, he knew that the reason Kane in front of him didn't sleep was because he was afraid that he would attack him if he fell asleep.

Just as he picked up the cup, Bai Lang was taken aback suddenly.


(End of this chapter)

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