Chapter 158 Mutation ([-])


The white wolf shouted, threw the glass with half a cup of coffee in his hand towards the door, then threw Kane in his arms and threw him to the side.

At the same time, the wooden door burst suddenly, and several alliance mercenaries rushed in amid flying wood chips, with full firepower in their hands, the shining muzzle flames illuminated the whole room, and countless bullets roared in!
Fortunately, the white wolf reacted in time to keep himself and Kane out of the fire target, otherwise the two would have been beaten into a sieve.

Now, all the bullets hit the chair and the glass table where the two were sitting before. The rattan chair was hit and jumped, and the glass table was twisted and shattered, and the room was immediately thrown into a mess by bullets.

Without any explanation, White Wolf quickly took out a smoke bomb from his waist, bit the pull ring with his teeth and threw it directly towards the door. The smoke bomb flew up into the sky, touched the ceiling and fell directly to the ground, and the thick white mist immediately released to fill the room , with less than three meters of visibility.

"Come on!"

White Wolf pushed Kane to let him go to the second floor first, while he took advantage of the chaos and rolled to the other side, behind a large bookshelf, to attract more firepower for Kane.

Kane was not sloppy, he got up and found the handrail of the stairs, and ran up the spiral staircase leading to the second floor in three steps and two steps.

White Wolf opens the weapon system, takes out a smoke helmet and puts it on his head, inserts four high-explosive grenades around his waist, inserts two silver-white streamlined Desert Eagles into his legs, and puts TRG-21 on his shoulders. Quickly complete within 20.

With the help of the smoke helmet, the white mist in the room began to thin out, and a few alliance mercenaries could be vaguely seen entering the room with guns in their hands.

White Wolf sneered, he pushed a bullet, turned over and rolled out of the bookshelf, and when his left waist touched the ground, he aimed at the sea mine walking in front.


A gunshot sounded in the messy house, like a muffled thunder sounded in the dark clouds all over the sky.

However, a glass that was approaching quickly blocked the trajectory of the bullet. The glass was smashed to the ground, but the mine was unscathed.

The white wolf cursed, at this moment he had got up, and he was only three steps away from the handrail of the stairs.Seeing that he didn't hit the target, he jumped up to the outer edge of the stairs with both hands and feet, then straddled the handrail and stepped up the stairs, and rushed to the second floor.

Seeing this, Shuilei hurriedly ran after him, but behind him he heard Shi Liu yelling "Come back!"

Just four or five steps away from the mine, an open-loop high-explosive grenade rolled down the stairs and exploded two seconds after landing.

The huge explosion shook the entire first floor, and the chandelier on the ceiling almost fell off. The place where the grenade landed even exploded into a pit, surrounded by broken floor tiles and fresh soil.

"Captain, you, Linghu and Xueying go out to hold back the reinforcements, and pay attention to every window on the second floor. The rest follow me to the second floor!" Shi Liu shouted in a deep voice, and then he stepped over Trapped, run to the second floor along the spiral staircase.

Everyone was a little confused, the flying foxes and hunting foxes were all here, the captain and the head hadn't ordered what to do, and the poisonous wolf came out to act as the leader?
However, what he said is not unreasonable. With such a big commotion on the first floor, the soldiers in the manor will definitely gather here. Someone needs to delay it. By the way, keep an eye on Kane and the white wolf to prevent them from jumping out of the window on the second floor and escaping. .

"What are you doing in a daze, take action!" Hunting Fox said very bluntly, and then Feihu, Linghu and Blood Eagle went out of the first floor, and the rest followed Shi Liu to the second floor.

Shi Liu ran in the front, stepped on the last step in three steps and two steps, and the corridor on the second floor was in sight.

Suddenly, a fine steel dagger stabbed out from the edge of the corridor, Shi Liu hurriedly backed away to dodge, then the white wolf turned around, raised his leg and stomped on the latter's chest, Shi Liu was unprepared, and his whole body was forced back He fell, but he still pulled the trigger of the Black Tiger M4 on the way, but the opponent dodged a series of bullets.

Daofeng catching up from behind supported Shi Liu in time, preventing the latter from falling.

"The opponent's marksmanship is very sharp, be careful!"

Shi Liu shouted to the people behind, and immediately took a step across and rushed into the corridor.

As soon as he entered the corridor, the lights on the ceiling that were originally on suddenly went out one by one. In an instant, the corridor became pitch black.

Then, they saw muzzle flames flashing in front of them, and everyone hid in a panic.

At this time, deafening gunshots sounded downstairs, and Feihu and the others had already exchanged fire with the soldiers who had come to reinforce them.

After a hail of bullets, the muzzle flames ended. Shi Liu fixed his eyes, but there was a window swaying in the wind!
"They jumped off the building and escaped!"


"Wait!" Shi Liu yelled, reaching out his hand to stop everyone who wanted to run towards the window.

Shi Liu's brain was spinning rapidly, and he was judging whether this situation was a trap deliberately left by the white wolf.

Recalling the previous scene, if White Wolf finishes shooting and then opens the window to jump off the building to escape, then the last bullet casing should fall to the ground in a parabola as his body tilts, but in Shi Liu’s memory, the last bullet casing is It fell straight to the ground!

This also shows that although the white wolf opened the window, he did not jump off the building to escape!

"what happened?"

Everyone was puzzled, the windows were already open, why did they stop them, was it because they were afraid that they would escape too fast and not be able to keep up?

"If the white wolf opened this window on purpose, how would the result be?"

Shi Liu didn't say much, it would only be a waste of time.

Everyone frowned and thought about it, and in less than three seconds, they all showed dazed expressions, and they were about to say something, but Shi Liu preempted them: "Although Linghu Xueying and the others exchanged fire with the reinforcements, they jumped out of nowhere from the second floor. It is impossible for the two of them to be unaware, these two points alone are enough to show that White Wolf and Kane are still upstairs!"

"Then what are you waiting for, chase after him!" Mandala immediately took up the conversation, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Shi Liu again.

"Leader," Shi Liu looked at Hunting Fox, "If we still have so many people together, we will be played around by the white wolf instead. In this way, you go down to help Feihu and the others first, and it is enough to leave me alone here."

Hunting Fox immediately frowned, and said: "No, how can you deal with two people by yourself? Although that Kane doesn't understand mercenaries, if he is used by the white wolf, it is also a very good killing weapon .”

"Why waste so much talk," Mandala shouted: "You all go down, I will stay here with him!"

The words are overbearing, and there is no reason to refuse.

"Well, that's good, at least there is a support." Hunting Fox nodded, and immediately looked at Shi Liu.

Shi Liu had no choice but to nod with a wry smile.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it next time, you can work with peace of mind." Foxhunting smiled sweetly, and walked downstairs with Shuilei and others as he spoke.

"Let's talk about it first. All matters must be arranged by me." Shi Liu said very seriously after Hunting Fox left.

Mandala snorted coldly: "If I get hurt, then I'm sorry, give me the command."

Shi Liu nodded, immediately put on the night vision device, held the Black Tiger M4 steadily, and walked forward with vigilant steps.

(End of this chapter)

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