Chapter 159 Mutation ([-])

Mandala followed closely behind, and the two, one in front of the other, walked forward slowly with vigilant steps.

In the green field of vision, a straight staircase leading to the third floor gradually appeared in front of him, which made Shi Liu feel a headache.

How many floors does this fucking building have?
While walking, Shi Liu suddenly caught a figure who appeared quickly from the next room.

"Be careful behind you!"

Shi Liu shouted as he turned around, he was very clear about the other party's purpose.

Attack the unsuspecting Mandala from behind!
As soon as he turned around, Shi Liu's eyes widened.

In the green field of vision, Kane's smile is even more ferocious, and he is standing behind Datura at this moment.

Moreover, the M66 silver and white revolver in his hand was firmly placed between Mandala's golden hair.

At the same time, another person's footsteps sounded behind him.

Shi Liu didn't look back again, thinking with his ass, he also knew that the person who appeared at this moment was White Wolf.

Then, the unique sound of a sniper rifle being loaded was especially crisp in the dark corridor.

A small massacre was about to take place in this not-so-wide corridor. Two people who were facing each other were pointed at their backs with guns.

"Not bad, poisonous wolf." The white wolf's sarcastic voice sounded behind him, "I knew you were not that stupid, but unfortunately, the initiative is in my hands now!"

Shi Liu coughed dryly twice, but remained silent.

He was making brief eye contact with Datura.

From the beautiful eyes of the other party, he saw the whole plan of this wild girl.

"Really?" Although being pointed at with a gun, Mandala still raised his snow-white chin proudly, "Then let's see who has the initiative!"

While speaking, his body turned sideways suddenly, raised his pistol and swept it directly at Kane's right hand holding the pistol.

Although Kane has a gun, he has not received any training after all. He does not have the most basic defense and reaction of a mercenary. His first reaction is surprise.

He didn't expect this girl to be so bold, and he never believed that this girl dared to make any moves at gunpoint.

He once pointed a gun at other people's heads, and he was intoxicated by the sense of pride and conquest. Those people were ordinary citizens, and they would usually huddle together in fright, or beg for mercy on their knees. .

Today, however, he is no longer referring to the townsfolk, but to the wild mandala!
The next moment, the toe of Datura's boot had accurately kicked the artery in Kane's wrist. Kane screamed in pain, and the silver-white M66 revolver fell to the ground immediately.

At the same time as the mandala gun was swept out, the white wolf behind Shi Liu was the first to react and made corresponding movements.

There was a bullet in the TGR-21 in White Wolf's hand. When Mandala swept out the gun, he raised the gun. Mandala kicked the revolver in Kane's hand. He took aim and then buckled it. trigger!

Just when his right index finger touched the trigger, Shi Liu rushed forward, grabbed Mandala's leg, and then pulled her down with his own strength. Mandala exclaimed, followed Both fell to the ground.


The sound of powerful sniper shots filled the entire corridor, and the blood mist sprayed out, staining the walls of the corridor red.When the white wolf looked at it, Kane, who hadn't reacted in time, was shot in the left shoulder!
Kane almost fell on his back under the impact of the sniper bullet, but he still tried his best to control his body so as not to fall down.

However, the mandala that fell in front of him gave him a ride.After the latter fell to the ground, he immediately jumped up his legs and stomped towards Kane. Those powerful legs pushed Kane back again and again, and finally collapsing weakly when he hit the wall. The reaction force of En's body turned over again.

The white wolf was shocked, he never thought that this Kane was such a waste, the former's original perfect and seamless plan was now disrupted by this young master!
Looking at Mandala and Shiliu who got up, White Wolf's eyes flashed with hostility. He simply threw the TGR-21 out, and then a thought flashed in his mind, and two gray military handaxes appeared in his left and right hands respectively.

He knew that if he turned around and ran away at this moment, he would be shot into a sieve by Mandala and Shi Liu.

It is better to give it a go than to run away at the risk of death!
Seeing that the other party directly mounted the melee weapon, Mandala and Shi Liu looked at each other, and immediately threw away the guns and took out their respective white blades.

"One hit two, who are you pretending to show?" Shi Liu said with a sneer as he rubbed the two sabers in his hands against each other.

Facing two enemies, a man and a woman, the white wolf still showed no fear and didn't talk to him.

Naturally, Shi Liu and Mandala went head-to-head. In an instant, flames splashed everywhere, and the sound of cold weapons colliding with each other was like a melodious hymn, echoing in the long corridor for a long time.

The three of them were playing smoothly, but Kane, who was paralyzed under the wall in the distance, made a move.

Kane clasped his left shoulder tightly with his right hand, his face was full of pain, and his eyes were full of hatred. Immediately afterwards, he gritted his teeth and got up, taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

Shi Liu's battle here only lasted less than 2 minutes. White Wolf thought he was strong, but he was no match for the insinuations of the two men. In the end, he got out of the battle at the cost of two stab wounds. A high-explosive grenade separates himself from the enemy.

boom! ——

A huge explosion occurred instantly. Shi Liu grabbed Mandala who was about to chase, hugged her tightly and pressed her to the ground, but his back was facing the explosion.

In the front is the soft and plump body of the mandala, and in the back is the destructive shock wave produced by the explosion of the grenade. The two senses of heaven and earth allow Shi Liu to enjoy the rhythm of the coexistence of heaven and hell.

The entire second floor trembled violently like an earthquake, but it was only a shake, and then fragments of floor tiles and various wall tiles were scattered. After the dust settled, Shi Liufang let go of the mandala.

"Don't be so impulsive in the future, or you will always feel that I am taking advantage of you."

Shi Liu left Mandala's tender body, coughed twice and said.

Mandala snorted unhappily, but the blush on her face spread to her ears. When she was thrown down by Shi Liu before, she admitted that her heartbeat was at its limit. Even if it wasn't for the moment when the grenade exploded, she would She is willing to let Shi Liu hug her like that forever.

But Shi Liu didn't see the change in Mandala's expression. He let go of the latter and looked towards the corridor. At the end, a window was swaying in the wind.

This time I really escaped.

Shi Liu thought so, and turned around immediately, but was shocked, the fucking Kane also ran away!
"Come on!"

Shi Liu picked up the firearm on the ground, pulled up the Datura that was still lying there, and ran towards the stairs.

The two rushed in the corridor one after the other, and when they passed a certain room, there was a roar similar to that of a zombie.

Both of them were taken aback for a moment, and after looking at each other, they both looked towards the room.

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(End of this chapter)

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