Chapter 160 Mutation ([-])

The roar that seemed human but not human came from the third room on the right.

Looking at the room, both of them frowned.

Could it be that there are zombies hidden in this building?

That's not right... This building was used by Kane to live in, so how could he hide zombies for no reason.

After careful observation, Shi Liu found that the door showed signs of being opened, and there was a trickle of sparse blood spreading from the door to the far side of the corridor.

There is only one possibility that can explain this phenomenon.

Kane escaped into this room!
The bloodstain on the ground is the best proof of the above judgment.

At this time, the low and hoarse roar came out again, which made Mandala's hair stand on end.

However, Kane was only shot in the left shoulder, even if he panicked and ran into this room.

So, what happened to the roar that sounded before?

"Follow me."

Shi Liu turned his head and warned, and then adjusted the brightness of the night vision device to the highest level, then changed the magazine for the Black Tiger M4, straightened it up, and walked slowly towards the room where the sound came from.

Mandala also took out the M500 on his lap, clasped his hands tightly and aimed at the door, maintaining a posture ready to shoot at any time.

As they got closer, the two could clearly hear the human panting in the room, as well as the sound of furniture falling and making a mess.

Shi Liu's speed was very slow, but no matter how slow he was, he and Mandala still came to the door.

Looking back and winking, Mandala nodded, and then stepped back a few steps according to Shi Liu's intention.

Then, Shi Liu raised his leg according to the slightly open wooden door!
boom! ——

There was a groan from the wooden door, and then it was forced to slam to the side quickly, revealing a scene in the room.

In the clear green vision, Shi Liu saw a person in the room with his back facing him. The furnishings in the room were very simple, a small single bed, a gray bookshelf less than two meters high, nothing more.

But now, the single bed was in a mess, as if it had been ravaged a lot, the bookshelf was tilted to one side, and was supported by the corner of the wall to barely fall down, and the books inside were scattered all over the floor, very messy.

If ordinary people see this scene after opening the door, they will definitely point to the person in the room and say, "Maybe this is a mental illness."

But Shi Liu didn't think so.

The first thing he thought of was that besides White Wolf and Kane, there was a third party in this building!
With the help of the powerful vision of the night vision device, Shi Liu clearly saw that the back of the person in front of him was a little hunched, and the brown suit on his upper body showed signs of being torn. He was wearing a pair of brown trousers that matched the suit, and a pair of black leather shoes. .

However, he was somewhat bald, Shi Liu looked down naturally, and couldn't help being surprised.

In addition to the messy books on the ground, there are large black hairs and a very conspicuous syringe!

Shi Liu's eyes suddenly focused on the plastic syringe. Several large green bubbles adhered to the plastic wall inside the syringe.
In other words, the man in suit and leather shoes in front of him just finished injecting himself with some kind of medicine!

Then the roars that came out just now all came from him!

At this moment, this person turned his back to Shi Liu, who couldn't see his face clearly.

Suddenly, he moved.

Shi Liu took a step back subconsciously, staring at the man who turned around slowly.

A rotten, yellow pus-covered, completely distorted face!
Mandala behind immediately covered her sexy mouth to prevent herself from screaming out of fear.

Although she has experienced fighting zombies, seeing this face under such conditions would shock anyone.

His eyes are very big, bloated to be precise, the left eyeball has a slight desire to swell out, and a meat groove has been cut in the bridge of the nose, causing the originally tall nose to roll back to the sides at this moment, with countless tiny fleshy tentacles Opening his teeth and claws inside, it seems that the flesh is about to be pulled out. The corners of the man's mouth are split to both sides, and the cracks extend all the way to the root of the ear before stopping. It looks like he was stabbed from the root of the left ear to the right with a knife. ears.

This can no longer be called a human being, but the suit on his body makes him somewhat human.

His reaction was very slow. After turning around for a minute or two, his bloated eyes widened before he opened his mouth wide and let out a bad breath.

Shi Liu could see clearly that the teeth in his mouth were very different from those of normal people. There was a row of sharp shark-like teeth at the top and bottom, densely packed reptiles covered the gums, and the color was an unhealthy dark yellow, as if a punch would Going up, these sharp teeth can be broken into powder.

Shi Liu frowned, he couldn't figure out why this unknown person in front of him used this syringe to make himself like this.

Presumably, no one has trouble with their own lives...

Do not!
The person in front of him is very likely to be created by Kane!

Don't forget the bloodstain you saw before entering the door!
Shi Liu's brain was spinning rapidly, and he was restoring the scene at that time:
Kane staggered to the door, clutching his left shoulder, and knocked hard on the door, but the people inside didn't respond.In a hurry, Kane raised his leg and stomped on the door. This kind of internally locked door cannot bear too much force, and finally Kane broke in.

"You brought the enemy!" The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes shouted in a deep voice just after entering the door.

"Father, do me a favor." Kane's exhausted face was full of slyness, he secretly took out the syringe with his left hand behind his back, and stabbed it into his father's neck without any explanation!


The screen turned and Shi Liu opened his eyes.


Mandala yelled, and at the same time raised the silver-white M500 in his hand, aiming at the head of the zombie.

Shi Liu's tacitly short body, the explosion-like gunshots rang out, followed by the zombie's head being blown off, rotten meat and brains sprayed all over the ground, and the headless zombie's powerless body swayed and fell to the ground.

"Quick, come in and see if there is any secret passage!"

Seeing that the zombie was dead, Shi Liu quickly jumped over the corpse and entered the house.Since Kane is not in the room, it means that he must have escaped through some secret passage!

Mandala followed closely, looking for a pass, but there was nothing suspicious.

"This is weird," Mandala shook his head slightly, and said to himself.

Shi Liugang was about to say something, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the zombie whose head had been blown apart at the door, staggering and getting up slowly again!
Moreover, on its damaged neck, some minced meat tissue began to solidify, grow, develop, and take shape!

Shi Liu's eyes widened. This scene was extremely familiar to him, as if he had met him somewhere before...

The brain is spinning rapidly, and the pictures of the past are presented like a movie.

Conscious world!Matt's bone and blood proliferation!

 Thank you guys for your votes!Many thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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