Chapter 161 Mutation (V)

Shi Liu couldn't help exhaling, and Mandala followed the former's gaze, and was also taken aback.

Bone and blood proliferation!

It actually appeared on it!

This reminded Shi Liu that in the world of will, Matt relied on his perverted bone and blood proliferation ability, and almost killed himself!

However, how can the ability in the will world come to the real world?
The zombie's head has gradually taken shape, and the two eyeballs that are about to explode have squeezed through the flesh and blood, drilled out of the eye sockets, and continued to turn slowly.

Shi Liu's secret path is not good, although he doesn't know how it acquires the ability to proliferate bone and blood, but he knows very well that the next will be a fierce battle, a fierce battle that may cost lives!
As Shi Liu thought, the zombie's head was still reshaping and condensing, one of its arms had been raised rapidly, and a few tentacles dripping with thick blood quickly poked at the two of them.

The two hid in a panic.

Shi Liu pulled Mandala and rolled onto the bed together, avoiding the onslaught of several tentacles.While rolling, Shi Liu rolled the mandala with his arms towards the door, then made the mandala stand on the ground, and finally stomped her feet directly in front of her!

I have to say, it feels so cool~ Mandala screamed, Shi Liu's kick was so powerful that her whole body rushed out uncontrollably, and finally broke through the door in embarrassment...

Shi Liu didn't intend to take advantage of her, and he didn't have the slightest intention to abuse her. He knew that in this small room, one more person would give the zombie an advantage.

Therefore, Shi Liu stomped Mandala out of the house, leaving himself to deal with the zombie.

This zombie seems to still retain a bit of human sanity. Seeing an enemy suddenly fly out of the house, it immediately roared, pulled over the huge two-meter-high bookshelf, and directly blocked the door!
In this way, you can eat the person in front of you with peace of mind!

The mandala slammed into the wall in embarrassment before it stopped under the force. Regardless of the pain, she rolled over and wanted to enter the room.She knew why Shi Liu stomped her out, but she would never let Shi Liu take such a big risk!

Just looking back, Mandala saw the big bookshelf across the door. Through the gap between the bookshelf and the door, she could vaguely see that the battle inside had already started!

Two figures one in front and one behind rose and fell against each other, one launched a fierce attack relying on its huge size advantage, while the other had to block with the saber in his hand, unable to fight back.

Mandala scolded Shi Liu bastard in his heart, took out an MP7 submachine gun, aimed at the bookshelf blocking the way and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle flames flashed again and again, amidst the continuous gunshots, the wooden bookshelf couldn't bear the fast-firing submachine gun at all, and the hit wood pieces flew in all directions, and soon, a section in the middle collapsed.

In the room, Shi Liu was using two sabers to resist the attack of the zombies in layers. Suddenly, the zombie seemed to realize something, and stretched out a hand to aim at the bookshelf at the door that was about to be smashed by bullets.

Then, countless thick silk threads spread out from its palm like a spider web, and the entire web directly covered the entire doorway and the bookshelf, and the edges of the web were attached to the wall for fixation.

Mandala outside was startled, and Shi Liu inside was also startled.

There is such a blocking ability!
The mandala continued to shoot, bullets whizzed out, all hit the sticky silk screen, and when the bullets touched the screen, they were all corroded by it!

Seeing this, the zombie had a smug look on his face, then turned around, only to find that the prey that was standing in front of him just now had disappeared!
It turned its head and looked around, but did not find any whereabouts.

Suddenly, it felt its neck suddenly loosen, as if something cold had been cut directly into it.

Then, its field of vision descended extremely quickly, and finally, it saw the 180° vertical ground.

Shi Liu appeared behind it, and this knife cut off its head directly, making it temporarily incapacitated.

Without further ado, Shi Liu ran to the door, and he saw Mandala outside who was burning with anxiety.

"Hurry down, this zombie has the ability to proliferate bones and blood, and is almost immortal. Go!" Shi Liu said in a deep voice through the sticky silk screen.

"But what do you do!" Mandala's pretty face was full of desolation. Faced with this situation, she was powerless, and could only watch helplessly as the tragic battle unfolded in the room.

"Someone must hold it back! Otherwise, none of us will be able to leave! Hurry down and join the group leader and the others, and leave this place!" Shi Liu's words were firm, and he knew very well that although this zombie lost its head, its ability to multiply bones and blood would be very strong. Quickly let it have a head again, I don't have any confidence that I can kill it completely.

If it eats itself and then goes out to find food, then the fox hunters who are fighting with reinforcements will not escape bad luck.

Although he couldn't kill it, Shi Liu had the confidence to drag it down for an hour or two.

An hour or two was enough for Hunting Fox and the others to escape unscathed.

"No! I'm not leaving!" Mandala almost cried.

"Fucking women are trouble." Shi Liu frowned and scolded, "Then what's the use of you staying here? Can you help me? Get lost!"

At this time, the sound of flesh and blood mingling sounded again, and Shi Liu looked back, and there was a rapid proliferation of bones and blood at the neck of the headless corpse.

"If you don't leave, you'll run out of time, let's go!" Shi Liu shouted while looking back.

This time, Mandala didn't refuse, and she didn't say anything. She seemed to have made some kind of decision. She gave Shi Liu a hard look with her beautiful eyes, then turned around and ran out of Shi Liu's sight.

Shi Liu patted his forehead in pain, "I hope this silly girl won't call the group leader and the others."

Behind him, the sound of bone and blood proliferating, Yu Lai Yu Lie, made people's scalp tingle slightly.

Shi Liu turned around, and the opponent had been reborn again. It shook its new head vigorously a few times, as if to show off to the opponent: You will never kill me.

Shi Liu clenched the saber in his hand tightly. He remembered that in the world of will, Matt fell into the crypt of the gold-swallowing bug and died completely after being swallowed by the gold-swallowing bug.

That is to say, to deal with this kind of near-immortal monster, one must restrain it through external factors.

However, in this house of less than 80 square meters, there are only him and this zombie, so where are the other factors?
this bed?Or that broken bookshelf?

Could it be that he really had to die here today?

How many chapters does it take for labor and capital to appear?That's the end of it?Damn, I'm not reconciled...

While thinking, a new round of zombie attacks has arrived!

Shi Liu rolled to the side to dodge, letting the zombie's huge claws miss, then got up, took advantage of the opponent's turning around, raised the saber in his hand, and swung it at its rotten and twisted face!

puff! ——

The sharpest is nothing but the blade, this knife directly left a wound nearly three fingers long on its face, several pieces of rotten flesh were directly slashed, and thick black blood splashed out at a uniform speed.

Regardless of the flesh and blood wounds, the other party raised his arms, held up the pair of strange claws, and stabbed straight at Shi Liu!

Shi Liu's double knives crossed to block, the collision of flesh and blood with the cold steel, countless black blood splashed, and some rotten meat fell, the zombie didn't flinch at all, the distorted face was already out of shape at this moment.

Shi Liu only felt that the double sabers were carrying a weight of ten thousand catties, and now the weight was oppressing him little by little, forcing his whole body to start bending and lowering!At this moment, he finally felt what it was like to be "stressed"...

Just like that, the two stood in a stalemate for nearly five seconds. The floor tiles under Shi Liu's feet were broken, and his entire body was forced to bend into a Z shape.

The zombie didn't seem to have the patience to continue leaning on it. It opened its mouth and roared, and a foul smell immediately spewed out.Its stomach began to change drastically, first the flesh on the surface began to writhe indiscriminately, and then the shape of a mouthpart began to gradually form!

Shi Liu was startled, what the hell is this? !

He didn't dare to let go, once he let go, the strange claws on the top of his head would directly chop off!Chop Shi Liu's head!

The mouthparts began to take shape gradually, and finally the flesh and blood around it began to fall off one after another. In the bloody mess, a mouthpart the size of a human mouth was completely formed like this!
The mouthparts opened, revealing a circle of tiny fangs attached to the mouth wall, and then, a bloody sharp tongue came out of it!

Its target is Shi Liu's chest!
 Urgently need recommendation tickets!I implore you brothers to vote a lot!Grateful!


(End of this chapter)

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