Chapter 162 Mutation ([-])

The dragon's pointed tongue aimed at Shi Liu's left chest!

puff! ——

The sound of piercing the flesh sounded, Shi Liu only felt a worm-like thing go into his chest, and then countless warm currents spewed out, his whole body weakened instantly, the worm pulled out, entered, and repeated nearly three times!
Pulling out for the last time, Shi Liu's whole body trembled suddenly, and then he spat out a mouthful of dirty blood. There were some pieces of meat mixed in the blood, which were damaged internal organs. Bursts of ringing.

Shi Liu's chest was covered in blood and flesh, but several blood holes were still faintly visible, as well as the stabbed internal organs and cracked white bones.

Just like that, he fell down tremblingly, his eyes were still open, but the eyeballs no longer moved.

The zombie withdrew its strange claws, and the mouthparts on its stomach slowly degraded as the flesh and blood turned. It opened its mouth slightly and walked slowly towards the corpse on the ground.

That's right, it wants to fill its stomach with six stones.

Just a few hours ago, he was fidgeting in this room because he heard gunshots in the corridor and knew that his son was in trouble again.

His son Kane then breaks in, uses a syringe from nowhere to make it what it is, and Kane escapes through a dark tunnel.

It is Kane's father, Hult.

Now, it is just an advanced zombie that retains a little bit of human consciousness, has an immortal body, and wants to fill its stomach all the time.

As it got closer, it squatted down and stretched out its strange claws to grab the rotten flesh on Shi Liu's chest.

boom! ——

Suddenly, the fire illuminated the dark corridor, followed by the sound of the wall collapsing, and then countless bullets hit its body in the flash of fire.

It roared, turned around and stood up, and found that apart from the silk screen it had thrown out, the wall next to it had collapsed, and several people were standing outside with guns, shooting at it.

Among these people are Mandala, Daofeng, Linghu, Hunting Fox, and Sea Mine.

Bullets rained down on the zombie, making it back again and again. In the end, someone fired a grenade. This is a trigger grenade. Once it touches an object or liquid, it will explode instantly. The wall was blasted with this kind of grenade.

At this moment, a huge explosion occurred on the zombie, and countless pieces of meat were scattered, and it retreated in embarrassment to avoid the shooting of everyone.

The zombie dodged, revealing Shi Liu lying on the ground.

"Sixth Stone!"

Mandala screamed, tears glistened in her beautiful eyes, she leaped over the stones recklessly, and ran towards Shi Liu on the ground covered with minced meat and thick blood.

Seeing that Mandala's actions were suddenly so crazy, everyone subconsciously looked in her direction. Immediately, everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

"Shi Liu... Shi Liu..." Mandala slumped on the ground weakly, she stretched out her jade hand tremblingly, but dared not touch Shi Liu's face.

Tears were pouring down like rain, and she felt so regretful in her heart, why didn't she dissuade him from entering this room at the beginning?Why?
He stomped on himself to go out, just to buy time for everyone to escape, but he himself has become what he is now?
Roar! ——

At this time, the zombie, who had endured countless bullets, finally let out a loud roar. It quickly got up from behind, raised a hand, and three bloody tentacles flew out, aiming at Mandala who was sitting on the ground!
Mandala looked back after hearing the sound, and the tentacles gradually enlarged in her beautiful eyes. There was a cross-shaped crack at the end of the tentacles. At this moment, the cracks were fully opened, and a mouthpart as big as the tentacles was opening unscrupulously.

At such a distance, even if Mandala's Pluto-level mercenaries were at full speed, they would not be able to dodge this blow.

Pooh! ——

The sound of flesh and blood being broken, just as the beautiful eyes of the mandala closed, the three tentacles were cut off from the middle, followed by a figure rushing in from the outside.

The zombie froze for a moment, it seemed to be greatly surprised by the sight in front of it, followed it and raised its strange claws, and patted the figure that entered with one paw.

But the figure's speed was too fast, so it ignored its blow at all. The next moment, endless black air surrounded the zombie's entire body, and the figure of Hunting Fox appeared in the zombie's vision.

It roared angrily, and just as it was about to jump forward to throw that somewhat thin beauty, it felt its whole body stiffen.

Then, it exploded into blood mist!
The ghost king-level dark phantom indeed has such strength.

No matter how strong the zombie in front of him is, it is impossible for him to be stronger than the Dark Phantom.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the fox hunting and killed the zombies in seconds, but when they saw Shi Liu's situation, they all sighed.

At this moment, Shi Liu is almost the same as a dead person...

With such an injury, even the strongest Dragon King would have no chance of surviving.

Not to mention, Shi Liu, a mercenary who has not yet entered the Hades class.

Everyone walked forward slowly and surrounded Shi Liu.

The room was quiet, the only movement was the beauty's weeping.

Daofeng, Xueying and Shuilei all lowered their heads in silence, unable to see their faces.

At this time, the gunfire on the first floor gradually weakened, indicating that the battle was drawing to a close.

Then there was a grenade explosion, signaling the end of the fight.In less than a few seconds, hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs, and the flying fox rushed here in three steps at a time.

When she saw Shi Liu like this, she was not as sad as Linghu, Hunting Fox and Mandala.

She stood there blankly, and said expressionlessly: "Poisonous wolf, he won't die so easily..."

No one knew that when everyone was sad, the pieces of meat and bones all over the ground were quietly gathering in one place.

And Mandala is also immersed in great grief at this moment, so that she has long forgotten what Shi Liu said to her before, "This zombie can proliferate with flesh and blood".

"Crack! ~Crack!..."

When the girls were sad, the sound of lumps of flesh condensing gradually sounded, which was noticed by Daofeng and the others.

"I think we should leave." Dao Feng looked at the lumps of meat gathering in one place on the ground and said in a low voice.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately followed Dao Feng's gaze.

Sure enough, a pile of meat is rapidly condensing, growing and forming!

"This is..." Mandala stared at the pile of flesh with tears in her beautiful eyes, and suddenly recalled what Shi Liu had said to her before, "This zombie is immortal, and it has the ability to multiply bones and blood!"

Bone and blood proliferation?

Everyone frowned after hearing this.

Hunting Fox murmured: "Bone and blood... Proliferation, Green Mirror mentioned to me, is a simple cell regeneration function, the cells in the damaged part of the owner's body will combine with the outside world to reproduce the same cells again. Organ or tissue!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Doesn't it mean that this zombie is almost invincible?
Then, Poisonous Wolf must have suffered this loss!
Just as everyone was thinking, the pair of meat had completely condensed!Then, the mass of flesh began to deform rapidly, and the direction of the deformation was a person!

Looking at this undead body, Hunting Fox has already thought of a way. She is going to kill the zombie again when it is reborn, and then take Shi Liu and leave here to find the green mirror.

At the same time, a private factory in Hurricane City.

The lights in the workshop were like daytime, and there were all kinds of machinery inside, but all of these machinery were brand new, as if they had just been shipped.

There are many people in the workshop, but they are not workers, but a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms.

At this time, a young man strode into the workshop.


The group of soldiers immediately went up to him and greeted him respectfully.

This young man was Kane who had just escaped from his father's manor.At this moment, he didn't look like a fugitive at all. What should he do? Facing the greetings from the soldiers, he still nodded in an orderly manner without any worries.

"How is it going?" Kane walked to the depths of the workshop and asked an accompanying soldier behind him.

"According to your instructions, everything went well. All the R virus samples have been extracted, and the normal production sequence has now entered." The soldier walked sideways.

"Yeah." Kane nodded in satisfaction, and said, "What about Pandora's Treasure?"

The soldier was a little nervous after hearing this: "There was progress yesterday, but I lost contact tonight..."

"What!" Kane stopped immediately and glared at the soldier: "What are you all doing! Such a small matter can't be done easily!"

The soldier lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

"Hurry up and contact Finny. You tell him that I will go to the shore of Lake Baikal in ten days and ask him to prepare the treasure quickly." Kane roared.

 Beg for a few more tickets shamelessly~

(End of this chapter)

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