Chapter 163 Mutation ([-])


The soldier nodded vigorously, and quickly ran out as if relieved.

Kane snorted, twisted his neck, straightened his collar, and suddenly felt a slight pain in his left shoulder, which reminded him of the manor.

In the manor before, he was shot by the white wolf in the left shoulder. If the distance from the manor to here was the distance, he should have bleed to death.

But in that unknown secret passage, there has long been hidden his long-ago research results-life serum agent!

Just a life serum agent can make the bullet hole as big as a thumb heal without a trace.

He sneered, with a smug look on his face, and then strode into the depths of the workshop.

The main building of the manor, the second floor.

"Hunting Fox, leave it to you!"

Dao Feng looked at Hunting Fox. Among the crowd, she was the only one who could resist the attack of that crazy zombie.

"Don't worry." Hunting Fox nodded, and immediately took a look at the pile of flesh. Now the opponent can no longer be called a pile of flesh, it has been completely formed, and the head is growing rapidly!

Then, the rebirth is complete!
Everyone's eyes widened suddenly. The reborn zombie this time seemed to be different from the zombie they had just seen before.

The face of the reborn zombie hasn't changed much, but its body is no longer the human body it was before.

Its right shoulder became extremely huge, it was bloated, and a large sarcoma like an explosion was attached to it, and the sarcoma began to split, splitting into small sarcoids one after another, forming a pile of sarcoma, which was dark green in color, Viscous dark yellow liquid dripped from time to time.

Due to the unique cell disorder function of R virus, all the cells in the human body will converge to a certain place. If there are too many cells, tumors will naturally form.

However, everyone didn't think it was as simple as a sarcoma.

"Go, I'll deal with it!"

Hunting Fox shouted decisively, and as he spoke, a circle of thick black air erupted around his body, and the next moment, the black air quickly spread to the zombie's body, becoming more and more intense.

In the black air, Foxhun gained a movement speed that surpassed her own mercenary ability. A sharp saber appeared in her hand, and she ran towards the zombie.

A band of light produced by the saber flashed across the room, and then, Fox Hunt appeared in the zombie's field of vision with a few afterimages.

Pooh! ——

With one slash, a three-finger long wound was cut on the zombie's body, and the dark yellow viscous liquid flowed down. It roared and stretched out its strange claws to catch the dangling person in front of it, but it was helpless. The opponent's speed is too fast, and it has already exceeded its reaction range.

The black air is getting thicker and thicker, the hunting fox is moving rapidly in the black air, and the dazzling afterimages behind him surround the zombies layer by layer.

In nearly five seconds, Foxhun's figure flashed, and he stood back on the spot like a phantom.

puff! ——

The sound of flesh and blood bursting sounded, and the black air dissipated. When everyone watched, the zombie's whole body was covered in a layer of blood mist.

However, it didn't explode into a pile of minced meat like before!
Instead, he still stood there without moving!

Hunting Fox's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and then she frowned. She couldn't figure out why it was able to explode before, but not this time?

Could it be because of its shape?
Moreover, the layer of blood mist attached to it seems to be a shield!
Therefore, he directly ignored the dark ghost of Foxhunting!

Before everyone could react, the zombie suddenly opened its mouth, and a thick tongue dripping white saliva came out!

On the way, the cross-shaped fissure at the end of the tongue suddenly opened, causing the tongue to split into four appendages that can open and merge!
The inner walls of the four appendages are full of small sharp teeth. If they are caught by it and merged, it is believed that any living thing will be caught into a pulp.

At this moment, its target is the hunting fox standing in place!

Hunting Fox was startled, and while the others shouted "Header, be careful!", he rolled to the side, hoping to avoid the blow.

However, that tongue is like a tracking bullet, wherever the hunting fox rolls, it will extend wherever it rolls!
"Captain, come here!"

Sai Lei shouted, and at the same time, there was an extra high-explosive fragmentation mine in his hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, Hunting Fox guided his tongue towards the mine, and when his body fell to the ground, the mouthparts of his tongue were completely exposed in front of the mine.

"Give you!"

Just when the tongue and mouthparts were exposed, the mine was thrown towards the opponent like a water mine!

The grenade flew out of his hand, and flew into the mouthparts of the tongue without any mistakes!

The next moment, everyone subconsciously fell to the surroundings.

boom! ——

The flames blazed up and disappeared in a flash. When everyone watched, the tongue wobbled and pouted again in the gunpowder smoke!
It shook irritably, and then flew towards the mine!

The mine was unable to dodge, and the opponent's speed had already surpassed his reaction range. The next moment, the mine was hit by his tongue, and his whole body was thrown backwards. There was a big dent, and all the surrounding tiles were broken and fell off, and the mine just fell to the ground under force.

Without giving other people time to react, the zombie stretched out its two strange claws at the same time, and threw out the same sticky silk screen that blocked the door before!
Two nets, one fell on Daofeng's head, and the other fell on Linghu's head.

Accurate, beyond responsive.

This net is not as simple as an ordinary hunting net. Dao Feng, who is in the situation, can feel that the four corners of this net are fixed on the ground, and the middle part is slowly squeezing downwards. All feel pressured.

Suddenly, Dao Feng felt a certain part of his body become lighter. That was his left arm. He looked over subconsciously, and there was a thumb-sized hole in the tactical uniform on his left arm. The edge of the hole was dark yellow, and, this The hole is gradually expanding around!

He immediately looked up, sure enough, the net was dripping down with slime that could corrode everything!

Thinking of this, Dao Feng looked at Linghu who was trapped with him again. That girl was very exposed, except for three important parts that were slightly covered, the rest of the place was gray. How could her delicate and smooth skin be so beautiful? Withstood such a highly toxic corrosive liquid!
He clearly saw that the trapped spirit fox hurriedly dodged a drop of corrosive liquid, and when the corrosive liquid fell to the ground, a plume of green smoke immediately rose from the ground.

But going on like this is not an option at all, this net will eventually be suppressed!Although slow, it is only a matter of time!Even if the corrosive liquid on it doesn't fall off by itself, it will passively attach to the body in the end!

Snapped! ——

Tongue flicked and lashed at Mandala mercilessly.

Just as the torpedo outside was struggling to get up, he saw Datura flying upside down from inside. Like him, he slammed heavily on the wall, and then fell to the ground together with the broken tiles.

In the room, two more nets flew out, and the hunting fox and flying fox who couldn't dodge were caught together.

So far, except for the dead Shi Liu, everyone else has been given to Mu Owo. Although Sai Lei and Datura were not captured by the silk net, they could only lie on the ground and twitch after being hit by the tongue. Nothing can be done.

The zombie froze for a few seconds, then withdrew its four-petaled tongue, lowered its two strange claws, and walked towards the fox.

The purpose is simple, to eat her.

Unexpectedly, Linghu not only attracted men's attention everywhere, but even zombies would be the first to go to her when choosing food.

The zombies approached step by step, and Linghu's anxious eyes were about to shed tears, but she couldn't help it, the corrosive nature of this net made her obediently stay inside and wait for the zombies to eat her delicate and tender body.

Dao Feng took out the Desert Eagle on his thigh, and fired a burst of bullets towards the net, but he smiled wryly after he finished shooting, because he saw that after the bullet hit the screen, only some fragments fell down with a little bit of fishy yellow.

Even bullets can corrode!

 Still the same sentence, a recommendation ticket~


(End of this chapter)

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