Chapter 164 Mutation (VIII)

Even bullets can corrode!

Just how terrifying is this zombie in front of him.

Could it be that you just want to watch Linghu being eaten by it?And then eat everyone here?

Thinking of this, Dao Feng threw away the Desert Eagle, shook his head and sighed softly.

As the zombies moved forward slowly, Shi Liu who was lying on the ground was gradually revealed.

Dao Feng glanced at it inadvertently, and his face immediately changed drastically.

On Shi Liu's bloody chest, there was a faint light blue light!
That is……

"Dark Matter Cannon No. [-] is damaged, please repair the main god system immediately...Dark Matter Cannon No. [-]..."

"The cosmic dark energy converter No. [-] and No. [-] are damaged, please repair the Lord God system immediately... Cosmic dark energy conversion..."

"The core of war is slightly damaged, please repair the main god system immediately...The core of war is affected..."


In a daze, Shi Liu vaguely heard the above conversation.

The dialogue is brief, but every sentence is repeated at least three times.

"Enter self-repair state, time: Earth time 30 seconds, a dangerous source is detected nearby."

"Hazard source analysis: distance 43 meters, height 1.83 meters, overall rectangular width 0.94 meters, earth mass 87.6kg, current status: facing away, ready to attack."

"The attribute of the source of danger: body organs are used as offensive weapons, methods: tongue, forelimbs, attack distance: 9.2 meters, 4.6 meters."

"Request to attack."

"Current damage: 400+, can attack."

A series of brainwave-like data flashed across Shi Liu's brain, and then Shi Liu slowly got up from the ground!

This scene was clearly seen by Dao Feng, his eyes widened, staring closely at Shi Liu who got up, but when he saw Shi Liu's face at this moment, his face couldn't help twitching.

At this moment, Shi Liu's entire face was nearly half damaged, but what was exposed after the damage was not the flesh and blood tissue that should be human, or the white bones.

Instead, a brand new mechanical face!


That's right, that's the face only a robot can have!On the silver mechanical face, several distinct jet-black lines wandered across it. From these lines, the blade could even vaguely see the flickering blue electric fire!
On that half of the mechanical face, there was a parallelogram-like light blue eye. At this moment, because of Shi Liu's turning around, a thick light blue air flow drifted downstream from the light blue mechanical eye!Form a light blue light belt!

But that half of his face was still Shi Liu's face!

However, now this human face is gradually melting, being replaced by that mechanical face!

Not only Dao Feng, but others also saw the changes in Shi Liu at this moment.

The one who reacted the most was Flying Fox.

She recalled the alien head, and, "Sybots."

Could it be that Shi Liu is really a Cyborg star...

The zombie stopped suddenly, as if it heard something.

Then, it turned around sluggishly.

As soon as he turned around, an iron fist came oncoming!

puff! ——

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and half of the zombie's head was crushed by an iron fist, exposing the terrifying brain tissue inside.

At this moment, Shi Liu's chest was still covered in blood and flesh, but if he looked closely, he could vaguely see a silver part running at high speed, like a gear on a machine, but now most of this gear is hidden there. In the rotten meat, it is impossible to see what is inside.

Moreover, Shi Liu's entire head has become a complete mechanical head!It's as if he put on a mask mischievously, because his whole body has not changed, only the head has become a mechanical head.

However, this is not a mask at all, but a real mechanical head!

Shi Liu's hands are no longer human hands wearing tactical gloves, they are silver, hard, simple and domineering, these are his hands at this moment!
Half of the zombie's head was shattered by a punch, but it didn't really die. Besides, it couldn't die at all with the proliferation of bones and blood.

Immediately, it repeated its old trick, opened its mouth wide, and that tongue came out again!

The target is Shi Liu's mechanical head!
It used this tongue to subdue so many people before, but now it doesn't believe it can't subdue the robot in front of it!

Shi Liu's two sapphire-like mechanical eyes flickered slightly, and a blue light burst out instantly!

He put the tongue on the right side of his body to stab the hole, then wrapped the tongue with his right arm and clamped it under his armpit, grasped the middle of the tongue with his left hand, and pulled back with both arms!
puff! ——

The zombie spit out its entire tongue like vomiting!Countless rotten flesh and black blood were brought out, and the entire lower gum was spit out together.This is not what it spit out willingly, but was dragged out by Shi Liu forcefully!

Shi Liu threw away the tongue that was several meters long, and his whole body was already stained with saliva and black blood, but he was still unmoved by it.The burst of blue light retracted, the two mechanical eyes returned to normal, and he strode towards the zombie.

"Sixth Stone..."

When he passed in front of everyone, everyone's eyes widened.

This is still Shi Liu... This is... a robot...

Look at the way he walks, it's...

Shi Liu stepped forward, but the zombie showed signs of fear, and it slowly backed away, even though its half-shattered head and tongue that had been pulled out had grown wildly through bone and blood proliferation.

The next moment, it lifted its two strange claws, and two huge silk screens spewed out, and after falling to the sky, they were attracted by the gravity of the earth, and fell towards Shi Liuyi together!
call! --call!

The two nets pinned Shi Liu accurately, forcing him to stop due to physical resistance.

Everyone couldn't help trembling, wondering if the severe corrosion on this web could threaten Mechanic Stone Six at this time.

I saw that the two light blue rays of light shot out from Shi Liu's eyes were sweeping back and forth on the screen like a cutting machine at this moment. After the two back and forth, the whole screen trembled slightly, and immediately turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground. !

Then, Shi Liu swooped forward, dragging afterimages behind him, everyone felt blurred before their eyes, and when they looked again, the zombie was directly torn into pieces by Shi Liu!
"So fast..."

In the net, the hunting fox squinted his beautiful eyes and muttered, just now Shi Liu rushed over and tore the zombies into pieces, the time it took for this process, the hunting fox just blinked his eyes.

This speed is no less than her dark ghost ability.

Here, Shi Liu stood among the flesh and blood, he looked down, as if he was looking for something.

When the flesh and blood gathered on the ground, he fixed his gaze on a green slime that was beating rapidly.

The slime is spherical in shape as a whole, and it moves much faster than the surrounding minced meat.

"The target has been determined, low-level genetic engineering: bone and blood proliferation."

"Target volume: 0.72m², shape: liquid, sphere, earth moving speed: 0.64m/s, danger level: no attack, low defense."

A string of data flashed in Shi Liu's mind, and then he grabbed the green sphere that was jumping fast, and swallowed it directly.

When everyone was puzzled, they noticed that the minced meat that was gathering in one place on the ground stopped abruptly.

 There are endless trivia every Saturday, and today there is only one chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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