Chapter 165 Outland ([-])

Looking at the shredded meat on the ground that was quickly gathering in one place, but now stopped abruptly, everyone became contemplative.

This is the bone and blood proliferation ability of zombies, why did it stop suddenly?

Could it be because Shi Liu swallowed the green sphere?

No matter what, the zombies without the ability to proliferate were finally completely wiped out by Shi Liu, who turned into a machine.

"The source of danger has been eliminated, and there is no source of danger within 1000 meters around."

"Dark Matter Cannon One has been repaired."

"Cosmic Dark Energy Converter No. [-] and No. [-] have been repaired."

"The core of war has ordered."

"Divine Body No. [-] has no abnormalities at present, and requests to resume the trial state."

"Allowed, resume the trial state after 30 seconds."

A string of data flashed away again, Mechanical Stone Six turned his head, and then walked towards the people trapped in the net.

He first came to Linghu, and the silver-white mechanical arm grabbed the severely corroded silk screen, then grabbed it and threw it away.

In this way, Shi Liu helped the team members out of trouble one by one.

After the silk screen on the head of the last trapped team member—Flying Fox was thrown away, Shi Liu was stunned for a moment, and then his light blue mechanical eyes suddenly became colorless, and his whole body was affected. Falling backward under control...

"Sixth Stone!"

Everyone rushed forward immediately, and when they squatted down to look at it, Shi Liu's silver-white mechanical face began to fade at an alarming speed!Instead, it was Shi Liu's handsome face with sharp edges and corners!
The piece of rotten flesh on the chest, as the light blue light gradually faded away, was healed and intact!

His mechanical hands also returned to their original appearance when a blue light rose!
This... is really unbelievable.

The speed of Shi Liu's wound healing was actually a bit faster than the proliferation of that zombie's flesh and blood...

Soon, all the wounds on Shi Liu's body healed, and he seemed to be asleep now, but there were still large blood stains on the tactical uniform.

Mandala and Linghu laughed through their tears, and everyone else heaved a sigh of relief.

"Take him and get out of here."

Hunting Fox got up and said softly, no matter what, Shi Liu's life was stable. Moreover, almost all the soldiers inside and outside the manor were wiped out in the battle just now, so he didn't have any scruples for a while.

Shuilei stepped forward to carry Shi Liu on his back, and everyone left the room.

It was already midnight, under the bright moon, a group of alliance mercenaries hurried out of the manor, and then disappeared into the surrounding forest.

This scene was clearly seen by the white wolf on a certain mountain in the distance.

At this moment, his left arm and right shoulder are each wrapped with two eye-catching white gauzes, and there is a bright red piece in the middle of the gauzes.

When he saw Shi Liu on the back of the mine through the telescope, he couldn't help frowning.

Judging from the large blood stains on Shi Liu's body, he seemed to have been seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Bai Lang took down the binoculars, frowned and pondered.

After he was injured and escaped, only Kane, Shi Liu, and the female mercenary were left on the second floor, and Kane was shot in the left shoulder by himself.

Could it be that after he left, Kane fought against Shi Liu and the female mercenary alone?And beat Shi Liu into what he is now?

It's impossible!

It is difficult to compete with Shi Liuyi with his own strength, let alone Kane who is injured!That trash can't even dodge the most basic bullet trajectory!

Then, in that manor, there must be Kane's reserve weapons, or some powerful person, to embarrass Shi Liuluo so much.If not, it would be easier for Shi Liu to kill Kane than to crush an ant.

"Hmm..." The white wolf pondered for a while, then turned and left.

The next day, in a small clinic in Hurricane City.


A burst of severe pain passed through Shi Liu's brain like an electric current, and he couldn't help moaning.

Gradually regaining consciousness, he felt softness from his entire back and below, and he realized that he was lying on a bed at the moment.

Then, the eyelids raised, but drooped tiredly.After trying several times, I slowly opened my eyes.

What appeared in the field of vision was the snow-white ceiling, tilting his head, a faint fragrance wafted into his nostrils, and a delicate white female arm was right in front of his face.

Continuing to look up, he saw Linghu's pretty face. Since she was wearing revealing clothes, he could see the round gully under the pair of beautiful peaks from the angle of Shi Liu. Since the latter was sitting on the bed and was far away from Shi Liu. Liu's head is delicate and close, so the snow white under the skirt is unreservedly presented, but Shi Liu is secretly sighing in his heart, it's so close to...

At this moment, Shi Liu caught a glimpse of many people around here, those same people, Blood Eagle, Flying Fox, Hunting Fox, etc., and there were more green mirrors.

They were focusing on discussing a certain issue right now, so Shi Liu woke up quietly, and no one seemed to notice.

Therefore, Shi Liu continued to close his eyes, but dishonestly moved his head closer to the edge of Linghu's thigh...

The fragrance of the girl gradually strengthened, this is a picture of getting closer, but seeing the scenery under the skirt just one step closer, Mandala's laughter sounded in time.

"Sister Linghu, you seem to have been peeped by someone."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, and Shi Liu was also taken aback.

Then, Dao Dao's eyes all focused on Shi Liu.

Linghu seemed to realize something, she quickly glanced at Shi Liu who was the closest to her, immediately jumped up with a scream, slapped Shi Liu on the face involuntarily, then took a few steps back and tightly pulled down the hem of the skirt with her small hands , the blush on her pretty face had spread to her ears.

Although her little hands were tender, they were integrated with the power of a third-level mercenary after all, so a crisp slap sounded in the whole room, and Shi Liu also grinned from the slap.


There was an unbearable burst of laughter, which naturally came from Shuilei and the others.Shi Liu on the bed couldn't help but gritted his teeth, thinking about mandala, mandala... Isn't labor and management just thinking about...fuck...

In order to alleviate the sudden embarrassment, Shi Liumeng sat up, then looked left and right pretending to be flustered, and said: "Go! It is an immortal body, it is very difficult to deal with!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words came out, Linghu next to him slapped him in the face again, and then slammed the door out angrily.

There was a burning pain and a faint fragrance on his face, Shi Liu gave Datura over there a hard look, but the latter raised his snow-white chin triumphantly, turned his head to one side and did not meet his gaze.

"Do you feel better?"

Hunting Fox's face turned positive, and his beautiful eyes were full of deep love.

Shi Liu looked at her and nodded, and said, "It's much better, thanks to you guys who stopped that zombie in time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to become a mechanical body."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, Feihu's beautiful eyes widened slightly: "You still have memories after transforming?..."

Shi Liu smiled wryly: "Of course, I remember it very clearly. After helping you remove the broken net, I fell down, right?"

Feihu nodded repeatedly.

"So, when you are in a mechanical body, is your body still controlled by your own consciousness?" Lv Jing, who hadn't seen him for a long time, put on a white coat and a pair of plain glasses today, looking like a Like a doctor in charge.

Shi Liu shook his head slightly: "Although I retain the current memory, there is always a will stronger than my own governing me. Everything I did that night was controlled by that powerful will."

"That's right." Green Mirror pushed up the glasses: "This shows that there are currently two wills coexisting in Poisonous Wolf's body, one is his own will, and the other is a will of unknown origin."

(End of this chapter)

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