Chapter 166 Outland ([-])

"Moreover, this will of unknown origin seems to be activated only at your most critical moment, and it won't show up easily on weekdays." Lu Jing smiled wryly.

"It is undeniable." Shi Liu nodded in agreement, "But I really want to know what kind of spiritual will this is, and the most important thing is why it can erase my original will and thus control me."

"This problem is a bit troublesome. As far as I know, neither the instruments left over from the alliance nor the latest products of the anti-army have yet reached the ability to detect the will of the human body." Green Mirror frowned and said: "However, there are There might be a technology for this somewhere."

"Where is it?" Shi Liu asked immediately, and everyone also focused their eyes on Lu Jing.

Green mirror crossed his arms: "The continent we are in now is the early Eurasian continent, but the technology in Asia is not very developed, and it just took advantage of the world's largest continent, so the alliance and the current anti-military The headquarters is built here. In fact, Europe is the most technologically advanced and complete place!"


After hearing this, everyone felt unnatural. Hearing what Green Mirror meant, he wanted everyone to mobilize people to go to Europe.

"I've only been to that place once," Green Mirror said reminiscently: "At that time, the forces of the anti-army were still relatively weak, and many people didn't even know what the word "anti-army" was, but now it is also ruled by the anti-army. "

Then he added: "However, I heard from a few friends there that many local people are dissatisfied with the anti-military rule or leadership, and have started small-scale resistance."

Having said that, everyone understood the essence of the green mirror.

"Brother Lujing, I didn't expect to see you for so long, your ambition has grown again, ah." Shi Liu sat on the bed and laughed.

How could he fail to understand that the green mirror is a pun, not only analyzing his current physical condition, but also expressing the current state of the world, or where everyone will go in the future.

Lu Jing also laughed: "I'm just talking briefly. How to do it, of course, has to be decided by the team leader."

As he spoke, he looked at Hunting Fox.

Hunting Fox thought about it, and said: "Green Mirror is right. In this Hurricane City, all we can do is sneak attack the rebels from time to time and mess with them secretly, but we can't do anything big."

"Besides, we have been fighting alone. Since the alliance was destroyed, no team or mercenary group has come to join us." Hunting Fox raised his snow-white chin slightly, "Just imagine why the rebels can destroy the alliance. In addition to powerful biological and chemical weapons, there is the most important point, that is unity."

"If we go on like this, we will never be able to build the ideal country, because we are a force, and we will never be able to deal with the rebels all over the world alone." Hunting Fox turned his head and looked around: "So, we need one, or A group of reliable allies."

"Head, what do you mean, go to Europe to develop power? Set the starting point in Europe?" Shuilei asked thoughtfully.

Hunting Fox nodded: "That's right, now we can't passively wait for others to join us, but we need to take the initiative to seek refuge with others."

He added: "And, on the shore of Lake Baikal, there is another treasure."

As soon as these words came out, everyone raised their eyebrows.

"Treasure?" Shuilei asked.

Hunting Fox nodded: "The treasure that mercenaries all over the world want - Pandora's Treasure."

Shi Liu's heart twitched slightly, isn't it Pandora's Box?How did it become a treasure...

"Pandora's Treasure, it is said that hundreds of millions of years ago, a large-scale interstellar war started in the solar system. During the war, a starship fell, and it landed on the shore of Lake Baikal. Later scholars called it Pandora's Treasure." Fox Hunting Explained: "Although I don't know what is sealed in that starship, but in the past few hundred years, countless people in the world have wanted to go in and find out, which caused a wave of follow-up in the world at that time. If there is an idea, there will be action , archaeologists, special forces, and even people who make a living by robbing tombs all flocked to it.”

"But every time someone goes to explore, the result is that the world evaporates and loses contact." Hunting Fox said quietly: "At that time, the governments of various countries sent rescue teams and kept in touch with satellites in space, but when the rescue teams entered the target area, They lost contact with the satellite again."

He added: "The more this is the case, the more it can inspire people to explore. Now, the shore of Lake Baikal has become a place of contention, and there are many dangers hidden around the seemingly calm lakeside. The Eagles have been lurking by the lake for nearly a month."

"So, if we are going to Europe, it is necessary to go to Lake Baikal." Hunting Fox smiled sweetly.

Everyone nodded. The meaning of Fox Hunting was obvious. There were two things to do right now: go to Lake Baikal and settle down in Europe.

"and many more."

Shi Liu, who had been silent all this time, said something, and everyone looked at him.

"Before doing these two things, I'm afraid we need to finish one thing ahead of time." Shi Liuhuan looked at the crowd and said.

"What else do you want to do?" Dao Feng folded his arms and smiled.

"Kill Kane!" Shi Liu said in a deep voice.

Everyone was taken aback after hearing this.

"Are you really planning to let him go? Don't forget how the previous assassination failed." Dao Feng frowned.

"I made the mistake in the previous assassination. Although I failed, Kane will definitely think that we dare not provoke him again and relax our vigilance in the days to come, and we will kill him when he let down his vigilance!" Shi Liu looked at blade.

Dao Feng was speechless for a while after being refuted, and after a long silence, he said: "Fox Hunting, what do you think?" Although he is now a member of Fox Hunting by name, he was the head of the mercenary group after all. He always likes to consult cadres at the same level for their opinions.

"Yes." Hunting Fox said without hesitation: "Since Poison Wolf proposed, then he has his reasons." Said, Mei Mou looked at Shi Liu.

Shi Liu nodded knowingly, and said: "Do you still remember that zombie? It didn't appear out of thin air. He was originally Kane's father, but Kane was busy running for his life at the time, so he cruelly injected his father with a virus solution. It caused his father to become a zombie capable of multiplying flesh and blood, thereby preventing us from chasing him."

Then, he took out a syringe from the weapon system and handed it to Green Mirror.

"It's this syringe." Shi Liu said.

Lu Jing took the syringe, and now there was only a thin layer of coagulated paste inside, which was light green in color.

"R virus..." Lu Jing nodded and said, "That's right, an R virus with the ability to multiply bones and blood!"

"The ability to proliferate bone and blood, I first saw it on Matt in the world of will. But now the R virus actually has this ability, how can Kane possess this virus?" Shi Liuhuan looked at everyone road.

After a long silence, Feihu first said: "You mean, Kane is developing biochemical viruses on his own?"

Everyone was surprised, self-developed biochemical virus?Fuck, does Kane want to follow the example of the rebels?
"80% possibility!" Shi Liu said in a deep voice: "Moreover, judging from his father's degree of mutation, the virus is very successful. If I were Kane, then the next step is to mass-produce biochemical weapons and overthrow the rebels." Become an emperor yourself!"

"However, that guy Kane does not have all the technical achievements of the anti-army. He is now in the exploration period. The R virus is only one aspect. Regarding the virus samples such as the Z virus and the T virus, I believe he has not extracted enough quantities."

"With such reckless research and development, the experimental zombies are likely to collapse midway. At that time, there will be a new round of biohazard!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded meaningfully.

"So, that's why you want to kill him." Dao Feng said as if trying to understand something.

Shi Liu nodded: "The world has already experienced a biochemical crisis. If there is a second biochemical crisis, imagine that our future world will only have zombies."

"I agree with this very much." Green Mirror nodded and said: "Although the anti-military forces overthrew the alliance with biological and chemical weapons, they did not see the impact of biological and chemical weapons on the earth's environment. At present, the environment in many areas is on the verge of collapse. However, the high-level anti-military leaders turned a blind eye, if the second biochemical crisis broke out, it would undoubtedly mean the end of the world!"

 On Monday, I urgently need recommendation tickets, brothers, hit hard! ~

(End of this chapter)

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