Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 167 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 167 Don't Believe I Can't Kill You ([-])

"So, Kane must die!" Shi Liu took Hu stubble, "At present, his father has been killed by me, as long as Kane is killed, his subordinates will automatically put down their work."

Hunting Fox turned to look at Feihu: "Call all the brothers outside tonight, and then discuss the overall plan with An Ye."

Feihu nodded.

"By the way," Shi Liuxiang remembered something, and immediately looked at the green mirror: "That night, under the control of my will, I swallowed a green sphere, and then the zombie's bone and blood proliferation ability disappeared instantly. This is..."

"That's the nucleic acid of the R virus," Green Mirror said immediately, and he pushed his glasses: "Because the R virus belongs to the viroid series, its nucleic acid is relatively large and can be easily detected by the naked eye. Nucleic acid is the core part of bone and blood proliferation." , just like the human heart, as long as the nucleic acid in the poisoned organism is found and destroyed, the bone and blood will naturally collapse without the core."

He added: "The method of extermination is very simple. It is best to use bullets. The high temperature generated by the bullet head can melt it very well. But it is okay to swallow it like you, because the R virus itself is very fragile and fragile. Even the gastric juice of the human body can't bear it, it is an active invasive virus, not passive invasive."

Shi Liu nodded again and again, he didn't understand what Lu Jing said before, only the following few key points made him feel relieved.

Moreover, even if the facts do not match what Green Mirror said, Shi Liu is confident that nothing will go wrong.

He firmly believed that that strong will would not harm himself.

Since this will chose Shi Liu as the host, I believe that no will will do anything that would harm the host.

"Hey, if there's nothing else, I suggest you go quickly..." Mandala looked at Shi Liu and said, while pointing outside with his slender fingers.

Shi Liu was taken aback for a moment, and just remembered that Linghu was still outside, and immediately got out of bed, and ran out without saying a word.

At the same time, Hurricane City in the Southern Wasteland, a rebel base located on the edge of the forest.

In the main building of the base, in an office on the fourth floor.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a hasty knock on the door, and after a "come in", the door was opened, and a rebel officer quickly entered.

The officer's shoulder badge is a silver-white diamond, which is considered a senior officer in the base.But opposite him, the white-haired old man sitting on the black swivel chair behind the desk has two striking gold stars on his epaulettes.

This white-haired old man is only in his fifties this year, but he has already reached the rank of general, which is why he has gray hair when he is only in his fifties.

His name is Ross, he is the highest officer of the base, and he is also the person who controls and decides all the military commands of the base.A long time ago, he worked for the high-level anti-army on the front line. Now that the alliance has been destroyed and the anti-army has ascended the throne, he has been assigned to work here from the front line.

The office was deserted, and Rose was the only one. At this time, he was wearing a pair of plain glasses to read. When he saw the other party come in, he put down the book and said, "What's the matter, Pig, I have something to convey to the lower levels. Why did you come by yourself?"

The young officer named Big ignored the old general's words, which made Ross slightly frown. Big quickly stepped forward to Ross's side, and told Ross something in his ear.

Although I couldn't hear what Big said, what I could see was Rose's old face, which was getting more and more angry.

Pig hurried the last few words, and then quickly stood at attention.


The last few words shocked Ross like thunder, so that his voice was several times louder than usual.

Pig said nothing, but nodded slightly.

A look of helplessness appeared on Rose's face. He was silent for a long time, and then he waved his back to Big and said, "In that case, when he comes back, everything will be done according to the military law."

"Yes." Big nodded slightly, and then walked out of the office quickly.

Hmph, white wolf, white wolf, I can't save you even if you kill yourself!Ross looked at the rebels who were training in the base, thinking so.

In the afternoon, a white-haired young man with wounds appeared near the base.

The white wolf hid in the thick grass outside the base, and he had no intention of entering the base at all.

Because he knew that as long as he stepped into the base, countless guns would be pointed at him, and then he would be beaten into a sieve without any explanation.

This point has been doomed since Kane disappeared.

Because, before leaving, General Ross's original words were: If there is any accident in Kane during these five days, then you have to accept the sanctions of military law.

The anti-army military treats people who are missing or where their whereabouts are unknown.

Therefore, White Wolf is now at a loss. What awaits him is to choose between the rebels and the alliance mercenaries.

However, he still decided to enter the base and do one thing.

Kill Ross!
Ross, Ross, if you don't let me live, of course I will let you die!

White Wolf thought so, and at the same time, a perfect assassination plan had appeared in his mind.

It was night and the sky was full of stars.

A lot of people gathered in a certain clinic in Hurricane City, but upon closer inspection, it was Dark Ye, Coffin, Steel Fang and other mercenaries scattered outside. They received orders from the head of the group, Fox Hunt, to rush to the hospital immediately. to here.

The room was extremely lively, and everyone sat around a round table. On the table were the meals that Shi Liu and Linghu went out to buy tonight, plus a few boxes of beer.

After the meal, everyone entered the largest room of the clinic to rest together.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

Liehu stood among the crowd, looked around and smiled slightly.

Everyone put down the hot topics they were talking about, and cast their eyes on Hunting Fox.

"The purpose of our gathering today is very simple, to kill a person." Hunting Fox's words were short and straightforward.

Except for those who were present this morning, An Ye Gang Ya and the others who just came tonight were taken aback for a moment, and immediately frowned. Gang Ya couldn't help but said: "Captain Fox Hunter, kill a person... ...Is it a bit of a fuss..."

The others also nodded one after another, thinking that it was just killing one person, as long as an ordinary mercenary could do it, let alone all the elite mercenaries here, wouldn't it be enough to just send a brother there?There's no need to be so grand...

An Ye has been sitting beside Shi Liu in silence. Although she also came with Gang Ya and the others, she still kept her composure when talking about Fox Hunt. After all, she didn't believe that Fox Hunt would be so boring as to kill him. One person mobilizes the crowd like this, perhaps Fox Hunt is joking, or her target is a big shot.

Hunting Fox smiled slightly, and said: "I understand you, but the person I want to kill is really tricky, and I need the help of all brothers."

"This man's name is Kane, and he's a local snake in Hurricane City..." Fox Hunting began to tell the latecomers, together with what happened to assassinate him that night.

After finishing speaking, Gang Ya and the others showed signs of comprehension.

"Kane is a friend I made when I was the head of the blade mercenary group. This person is very powerful and has vicious methods. As far as I know, he owns many properties in the Southern Wilderness, so I want to kill him. He needs to find his current location first." Dao Feng stood up, looked around the faces of everyone and said solemnly.

As he said that, he took out a wrist intelligence brain from the weapon system, and the intelligence brain displayed a picture, which was Kane's head portrait.

Everyone immediately gathered around, especially the latecomers. They really wanted to see what this person who could make the alliance mercenaries so hard work looked like.

After watching it for a few seconds, a small man suddenly shouted: "Thunder Dragon, do you still remember the man who brought some soldiers in when we were working this morning!"

Everyone heard the sound and looked, and the one who spoke was bleeding.

The big mercenary Thunder Dragon next to him raised his head and thought about it, then carefully looked at the picture on the smart brain, then patted the table and said: "That's right! It's him!"

 Still the same sentence, recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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