Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 168 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 168 Don't Believe I Can't Kill You (Part [-])

Everyone was shocked, Dao Feng looked at Lei Long: "Why, have you seen him?"

"It's more than just seeing it!" Lei Long said excitedly, "After we separated, Di Xue and I worked in an iron factory in Hurricane City. The job was to move raw materials, and the working place was basically very close to the entrance of the iron factory."

"So, we have a clear view of everything outside. Five or six days up, this person often visits the iron factory, and we can see clearly." Lei Long looked at Li Xue and said.

Lianxue also nodded repeatedly: "We didn't pay much attention to it before, because there are many customers who come and go to the iron factory every day. Unexpectedly, he is the person that the leader of the hunting fox wants to kill."

"Then that's not right." As soon as the bloody words fell, the mercenary Hong Jiao who had been silent next to him took up the conversation, "The leader just said that they have assassinated Kane once. Although it was unsuccessful, Kane It should also stay at home for a period of time, why..."

When everyone was silent, Shi Liu said with a smile: "It must be the two brothers Lei Long and Li Xue who have misjudged."

"Impossible!" Lei Long's eyes widened, this guy was already anxious, seeing Poison Wolf denying him, he immediately retorted.

Compared with him, Lianxue seemed much more sensible. Although he was small, he still stood in front of Thunder Dragon, looked squarely at Shi Liu and said, "Poison wolf, although our eyes are not as good as a sniper's, I dare to risk my life." Guaranteed, we never lost sight of it!"

Subtle changes have taken place in the atmosphere, perhaps due to the long-term separation, plus the fact that the two of Thunder Dragon and Shi Liu did not cooperate much in action, so this debate has turned into a verbal confrontation.

Shi Liu smiled wryly: "I didn't say that the two brothers misunderstood the wrong person. What Brother Hong Jiao said just now was right. Kane, who was assassinated once, must have taken precautions, so I doubt that what you see is probably a double. That's why I said the two brothers were blind."


Lei Long and Dian Xue were taken aback, and the others were also taken aback.

"If I were Kane, the first thing I would do when encountering this kind of assassination," Shi Liu continued: "Find a double, and then release the double in the streets and alleys, so that people will be killed." can see him."

"Actually, this double is just another pair of eyes of Kane himself. These eyes will go to every place in the city to check the abnormal situation during the day, and then return to Kane himself at night to report what he saw during the day. Kane himself can tell from the information that the assassins are determined to give up on him.”

Everyone showed a look of trance, that is to say, Kane already knew that someone would assassinate him, but he himself did not dare to come forward, so he used a substitute as an eyeliner to check the whereabouts of the assassins, so as to make the next plan.

"In this way, didn't Kane's substitute discover the whereabouts of the two brothers Thunder Dragon and Die Xue?" Mandala looked at Shi Liu and asked thoughtfully.

"It's really big and brainless!" Shi Liu scolded angrily, "No matter how powerful Kane's stand-in is, how can he still know the true identities of the two brothers Thunder Dragon and Blood?"

"You!..." Mandala immediately cried out aggrieved. In fact, she already knew that she had asked a very mentally retarded question as soon as she spoke, but she couldn't help it. The last sentence "No, no, I was wrong"...

Shi Liu made a funny face at her, but Shi Liuben didn't want to expose her, because no one present said anything.But who let this girl spoil her good deed this morning... causing Linghu to twist a large bruise on her body, and she still refuses to forgive herself.

"Stand-in..." Although Shi Liu spoke very clearly, Lei Long muttered something in a low voice, and looked back at the portrait on Zhinao again.

"Brother, don't think that the substitute is much different than the real body, the substitute is often more real than the real body!" Shi Liu reminded.

Only then did Lei Long nod heavily, and Shi Liu's reminder finally made him see the light of day.

"Since this is the case, then we only need to track Kane's double to find the location of Kane himself." Hunting Fox looked at Shi Liu.

The latter nodded and said: "However, the observation ability of stand-ins is far superior to that of ordinary people. If we all go, he will see the clues instead. Therefore, we must find one or two brothers to follow up, and finally send us a message. Report the location."

"Leilong, blood," said Shi Liu, looking at the two of them, "You two will continue to work in the iron factory tomorrow. If you find that the substitute has arrived, report to the two team leaders immediately."

Both nodded.

"In this way, the coffin and the water mine will go to the iron factory together tomorrow. The two of you find a commanding height and make sure you can overlook the place 500 meters around the iron factory. If there is any change, you will report immediately. Mandala, Linghu, follow The task is entrusted to the two of you. You dress up as citizens, and the substitute cannot suspect you, but you must adapt to the situation and act carefully on the way. Blood Eagle and I will always follow you to ensure your safety. The others can just stand by and stand by. .”

Shi Liu looked around at everyone and said his own way.

This method is fine in other places, but there is only one thing that makes everyone feel inappropriate, and that is to hand over the tracking task to Mandala and Linghu.

This link is the most important part of the whole plan. If there is any mistake, the whole plan will be ruined.

Such an important link is used on two women, which always makes everyone feel uneasy.

"Can you complete the task?" Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Shi Liu yelled at Mandala.

"Of course!" Mandala stared at him with beautiful eyes.

"Well, what do the two team leaders think?" Shi Liu looked at An Ye and An Ye again. Although he had made his plan out and everyone made up their minds about what to do, the final decision still rests with Hunting Fox and An Ye .

The two women looked at each other and finally nodded.

In the middle of the night, the breeze caressed gently, which inevitably brought a little bit of coolness to this hurricane city.

In a certain forest, a chase under the moon is being staged.

A large group of armed rebels jumped over the bodies of several companions on the ground, desperately chasing the fleeing white-haired youth in front of them.

The white wolf let out a yell, and taking advantage of the bright moonlight, he leapt forward and grabbed a long thick vine, then used his swing force to throw himself above the forest, let go of the vine again, looked for a thick tree trunk, and fell down At the same time, he clasped the trunk with both hands and swung forward, which fully turned his whole body 180°, and then his feet landed on the trunk to stand still.

At this moment, the white wolf's snow-white hair was stained with blood, and the anti-army uniform was also dripping with blood. Apart from the two stab wounds, there were two more wounds on his chest and back.

Just tonight, he got into the base and killed Rose.

But Rose wasn't helpless. The saber left White Wolf with new wounds.

Moreover, it also attracted a large group of rebels behind their backs to pursue them.

The white wolf stood on the tree trunk, he frowned.He wasn't worried about how to deal with the chasing soldiers, the group of rebels was a piece of cake for him.

He was thinking, now that the rebels are arresting him from top to bottom, what should he do?

While thinking, the shouts of the chasing soldiers got closer and closer.

He stopped thinking, his eyes flickered with anger, and when he raised his right hand, the TRG-21 came out of the weapon system and was held in his hand instantly.

Then, push the bomb, pose, adjust the maximum distance, and aim.

The next moment, there was a gunshot from Qingyue in the forest, and the birds flew in fright.

Among the group of chasing soldiers, a rebel opened his eyes, a bullet hole the size of a bean appeared between his eyebrows, his blood flowed out like water, and he fell to the side powerlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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