Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 169 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 169 Don't Believe I Can't Kill You (Part [-])

The next day, Die Xue and Thunder Dragon appeared in the iron factory.

The two were busy at their respective posts as usual.

The two of them glanced at the gate of the iron factory from time to time, but the substitute who had been patronizing a few days ago hadn't arrived at this moment.

According to the time in the past, he should have arrived early, and had a good deal with the manager and others.

At the same time, on the roof of a certain building not far from the iron factory, two mercenaries were lying on it.

The mercenary on the left is holding a dark green AWM sniper rifle, and the sniper scope is shining brightly under the sunlight, while the mercenary on the right is holding a tactical telescope.

In the supermarket not far from the iron factory, there were people coming and going, and two well-dressed tall beauties were chatting and laughing with each other.

At this time, two young men appeared on the other side of the iron factory, facing the two beauties far away, separated by a street.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was nearly noon when the mines and coffins lying on the commanding heights noticed a change.

A black car stopped 500 meters away from the iron factory, and then the door opened. A young man in a suit and leather shoes got out of the car, looked around and strode away from the car. The direction was the iron factory.

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then, Shuilei sent a message to Shi Liu.

The two young men standing on the other side of the iron factory are Shi Liu and Xue Ying. They were looking left and right boredly, but Shi Liu received the news from the mine.

The message shows: Kane's substitute has arrived.

Shi Liu replied immediately: How did it come about?

Mine: Drive.

Shi Liu: Haha, it's really good, it seems that Mandala and Linghu don't have to run errands anymore~

Turning off the communication system, Blood Eagle looked at Shi Liudao: "Here?"

Shi Liu nodded: "Well, hurry up and talk to Linghu and Mandala, let them go back, I am enough here."

Blood Eagle nodded, and immediately walked towards the two tall beauties outside the opposite supermarket.

After the blood eagle left, Shi Liu took out a silver-white positioning tracker the size of a thumb from his pocket.

This tracker was given to Shi Liu by the head of the group, Fox Hunt, before everyone went to bed last night.

"If Kane's substitute comes by car, you can pretend to be a drunk and put this thing on him, and if you come on foot, let Mandala and Linghu follow you." These are the original words of Foxhunt.

Thinking about pretending to be a drunk, Shi Liu couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

At this time, Kane's substitute had already turned the intersection and walked towards the gate of the iron factory.

Shi Liu immediately contacted Dixue in the iron factory: The target has already entered, remind me when he comes out.

Then, he strode towards a supermarket, and when he came out, Shi Liu already had an extra bottle of white wine in his hand.

He found a more remote place, and then opened no less than 10 cuts in his body with a dagger, and then lay down on the ground and rolled several times in a row.

When he appeared at the intersection with a wine bottle, people passing by cast their eyes on him one after another. Those eyes were completely looking at a psychopath or a drunkard or drunk.


"Haha!... Let Poison Wolf wear this suit from now on!"


On the roof in the distance, the coffin and the mine saw Shi Liu standing stupidly in the middle of the intersection through the binoculars, and they all burst into laughter.

After nearly half an hour, Shi Liu, who was standing in the middle of the intersection, received a message from Lianxue: the target had walked out of the iron factory.

Shi Liu immediately turned off the communication system, immediately picked up the wine bottle, first raised his head and took a sip of the spicy wine, then pretended to be insane, swayed his body and strode towards the opponent.

After Kane's substitute came out of the iron factory, he looked around vigilantly, and his pace was a little faster when he walked than when he came here before.

Gradually, a disheveled and dirty young man appeared in his field of vision holding a wine bottle and shaking.

He frowned slightly, as if he had realized something, and then turned slightly, subconsciously avoiding the drunk who suddenly appeared in front of him.

With his steps, the distance between the two is getting closer.

Shi Liu deliberately swayed his body from side to side. Seeing that Kane's double was about to pass by, he suddenly yelled. While attracting the attention of passers-by, his whole body fell towards Kane's double.

The other party was not stupid, and he was very agile. Seeing that the drunk was about to touch porcelain, his body slightly dodged to the side, letting the drunk's body fly into the air.

But Shi Liu's reaction was not slow, he knew that the double would not be so stupid as to stand still and let him touch him, so all his actions had been predicted by Shi Liu in advance, and when the double turned sideways, Shi Liu Liu's seemingly overwhelmed body stood still in a daze, then shouted "Drink!", raised the wine bottle in his hand without warning, and swung it at the opponent's head without saying a word!
Passers-by were all shocked, this drunk actually wanted to hit someone!
Of course, it is impossible for Shi Liu to really hit the stand-in with a bottle of wine, because his purpose is not to hit the stand-in.

The opponent's agility, instinctive reaction and years of training allowed him to easily dodge Shi Liu's attack, and grabbed Shi Liu's wrist holding the wine bottle.

Shi Liu only felt a sudden pain in his wrist. With his ability at this moment, it was not difficult to break free, but Shi Liu didn't do it.

He yelled "It hurts! It hurts!", and then he stretched out his left hand and slapped the double's body, looking like a madman.

The stand-in frowned. He didn't want to spend any more time with this drunk man. The arm holding Shi Liu's wrist suddenly exerted force, dragging Shi Liu to his face, and then pulled the distance slightly. When Shi Liu's body was still swaying, the stand-in Can't help but say that hitting his face was a roundabout kick!


Shi Liu screamed, with his current body strength, an ordinary roundabout kick could not make him move a bit.But now it is "acting". Since it is acting, it has to follow the routine of director Fox Hunt.

Therefore, Shi Liu endured the humiliation and fell back suddenly, the wine bottle fell to the ground and shattered, and the wine inside also spilled all over the floor, Shi Liu fell on the ground and curled up, yelling indistinctly. "Ah drink! Come drink! Drink..."

"Oh, it's a pity that Poisonous Wolf's acting skills won't make him an actor."

On the roof of the building in the distance, the water thunder spoke to the coffin next to it.

"I agree with that." The coffin observed the double's movements with a telescope and said.

Here, the substitute turned around and left in a hurry after seeing the drunk man fell to the ground, and kept groping his body with both hands.

The blood eagle in the distance could see clearly. After seeing the double start to grope his body, he hurriedly sent a message to Shi Liu who was lying on the ground: Where did you put the location tracker?

Shi Liu replied: Don't worry, he will never notice. When he does, I believe we have reached Kane's residence.

Blood Eagle couldn't help frowning: I didn't joke with you, where did I put it?
Next, no matter what the blood eagle asked, Shi Liu turned a blind eye, just lay on the ground and kept yelling, despite the increasing number of passers-by around.

Blood Eagle pouted helplessly, and immediately called Linghu and Mandala to leave here together.

Three minutes later, Shi Liu, who was lying on the ground, received a message from the mine: the target had left by car, and the head of Fox Hunt told us to go back quickly.

Shi Liu replied: Got it.

Immediately he got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and shouted "What are you looking at!" and squeezed out of the crowd. Just after getting out of the crowd, he found that Lianxue and Leilong had been waiting for a long time.

It was already mid-afternoon when everyone returned to the clinic. When they first arrived at the clinic, they found three girls, Liehu, Anye and Feihu, standing outside angrily, with blossoming red clouds on their pretty faces.Seeing that everyone came back, they all opened their almond eyes angrily, especially when they looked at Poisonous Wolf, the eyes would almost swallow the former alive.

Everyone laughed wryly, what rhythm is this?Could it be that Poisonous Wolf screwed up?

Shi Liu snickered, why the three girls greeted him like this, only he knew the reason...

(End of this chapter)

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