Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 170 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 170 Don't Believe I Can't Kill You ([-])

Seeing Shi Liu and the others come back, the three girls were so angry that water dripped from their pretty faces.

Everyone laughed wryly, is this the rhythm?If Poisonous Wolf successfully installed the positioning tracker on the stand-in body, they should be staring at Zhinao at this moment...why...

Xue Ying was about to say something, but Shi Liu repeatedly waved his hands and held back.

Then, Shi Liu beckoned, signaling everyone to enter the house quickly.

Everyone didn't know why, but Shi Liu urged him so hard that they all went in with bewildered faces.


As soon as they entered the room, the screams of Linghu and Mandala rose to the sky, followed by a few curses and punches and kicks.

Then, Mandala and Linghu also rushed out of the house with blushing faces.


"Poisonous wolf, there's nothing wrong with it!..."

"Awesome fuck..."

After the two women came out, a group of elders laughed unbearably in the room.

"What are you laughing at! Fuck..." In the room, Shi Liu cursed with a wry smile.

At this moment, everyone was looking at the smart brain screen and laughing.

Blood Eagle smiled wryly, and looked at Shi Liu: "No wonder you didn't tell me, you put the tracker here, 666..."

Shi Liu also smiled wryly: "That stand-in is very skilled, so I have no choice but to..."

The tracker is wirelessly connected to the brain. If the tracker is placed on a person's body, for example, on the chest, the screen of the brain will display all the scenery in front of the person's chest.

Also, all units of volume are ignored.

At this moment, what is displayed on the smart brain screen is: the position of the avatar's crotch...

Although the front is blocked by trousers, at such a short distance, even the material of trousers can be penetrated by the powerful vision of the tracker.

However, there was something shaking on the screen from time to time.

Before Mandala and Linghu saw this thing, they beat up Shi Liu indiscriminately, and then rushed out. I believe that the previous three people, Hunting Fox, Feihu and Anye, must be because of this reason...

And everyone also paid attention to this thing, so they couldn't stop laughing...

That's a man's crotch... Of course a woman should avoid it when she sees it...

"Cough cough..." Shi Liu coughed twice, and then said in a serious manner: "It's okay, it's okay, this is all helpless, take a good look at the road ahead of him."

The state of everyone's laughter finally stabilized, but when their eyes focused on the brain screen again, they still couldn't help laughing...

It was night, covered with dark clouds, and the moon was mercilessly covered.

In a certain street in Hurricane City, a group of alliance mercenaries are gathering here.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen anti-military corpses outside the street.

"Have you all remembered your occupations?"

Hunting Fox looked around at the crowd and asked in a cold voice. The pitch-black alliance tactical uniform almost became her invisibility cloak in the vast darkness, only her snow-white pretty face was faintly visible.

Everyone nodded almost simultaneously.

"Okay, let's go."

Hunting Fox said very simply.

Immediately, the mercenaries started their operations in threes and threes in Hurricane City, which was shrouded in darkness.

A rooftop in Hurricane City.

A white-haired rebel was standing on the roof of the building, and the breeze was blowing, blowing his white hair.

He had a panoramic view of the entire street scene of Hurricane City.

When the alliance mercenaries running in the street appeared in the tactical binoculars, the white wolf couldn't help chuckling.

Putting down the tactical binoculars, White Wolf muttered to himself: "It seems that you will have one more team member from now on."

Then, an idea flashed in his mind, the telescope disappeared from his hand, and a handful of grass-green TGR-21 appeared in his hand.

At midnight, in a large chemical plant in Hurricane City.

Even in the middle of the night, the chemical plant still does not stop working.

Although the chemical plant looks calm, it is actually deep underground, and there is an underground factory that is bigger than the surface!
However, the work carried out in this underground factory is different from the surface factory.

In a certain office, Kane was sitting quietly on a chair, listening to a whispered report from a person in front of him.

If you look closely, this person looks exactly like Kane!
Even, some parts are more delicate than Kane!

At this moment, the two of them looked like they just jumped out of the same mother's womb.

"...But, according to the manager of the iron factory, Paul doesn't seem very interested in this matter."

The substitute Kane nodded respectfully.

"Hmph," Kane himself snorted coldly in his seat, "whether he is interested or not is up to him! The G virus is already under development, and I will let him know what it means to be prosperous if you follow the path, and perish if you go against it! "

He added: "The matter of the iron factory will come here first. I believe that guy Paul will not be so stupid. Besides, Walker, you are going to the shore of Lake Baikal tomorrow."

"Lake Baikal?" The substitute known as Walker was a little surprised: "That place is currently planned by the anti-military forces as the European region, boss, you know, anyone in our Asian region cannot enter the border of any other continent without a passport. "

Kane smiled confidently: "You don't need to worry about this, and someone will come to meet you when the time comes."

Walker wanted to say something more, but his boss made it so clear, he naturally couldn't say more, and said, "Then, what does the boss want me to do in that place?"

"There is a treasure on the shore of Lake Baikal." Kane tapped the table in front of him in an orderly manner with his fingers: "It is said that more than [-] years ago, there was an interstellar war in the solar system, and one of the starships fell on Earth. On the shore of Lake Baikal, scholars of later generations call it: Pandora's treasure."

He added: "Although I don't know what is hidden in the starship, this treasure has become the focus of the world, and Lake Baikal has therefore become a place of contention. As far as I know, there are many unknown forces in the world gathered Therefore, this time I asked you not to target Pandora's treasure, but to let you observe how many forces and which forces are around."

Walker nodded thoughtfully: "Then, try to win over the forces that are willing to approach us as much as possible, and prepare for the future biochemical crisis."

"Yeah." Kane nodded appreciatively.

"So, when are you leaving?" Walker asked.

"Now." Kane said very simply.

Walker was taken aback: "Now?"

"Yes, now," Kane said solemnly, "because you were followed by someone on the way back."

Walker was shocked: "Stalking? How come!"

Kane snorted coldly, "Pull open the crotch to see for yourself."

Walker was taken aback by Kane, and he did what Kane said. Sure enough, there was a thumb-sized circular tracker attached to his body above his ass!
"Ah!..." Walker panicked immediately, his hand holding the tracker trembling.

At this time, he thought of the drunk man he met when he came out of the iron factory this morning!
In an instant, he understood everything.

Just about to say something, Kane blocked him back: "I believe that the alliance mercenaries will come to the chemical plant later, so you should leave now, otherwise there will be a fight later, and you will have no chance to retreat .”

"But..." Walker explained.

"Stop it!" Kane snarled: "I still think I haven't made enough mistakes! I still don't believe that I don't have the strength to destroy those alliance mercenaries!"

Walker lowered his head slightly and remained silent...

At one o'clock in the morning, the chemical plant still did not shut down.

At the gate, several workers were carrying a large iron box into the factory.

In a certain street in the distance, two alliance mercenaries poked their heads slightly.

 My buddy got married yesterday, I haven't updated it after a busy day, brothers and sisters, forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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