Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 171 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 171 Don't Believe I Can't Kill You (Part [-])

"It's right here, you can't go wrong." Lei Long looked around and said in a low voice.

"Hey, it's really big enough." Shuilei on the side laughed and said, "Look at this, it must be at least half the size of the base."

He added: "However, this camouflage work is too incomplete. Do you still sweep the floor at night?"

Lei Long looked at the sweepers at the gate of the factory, and said, "Besides, there is no rubbish on the ground at all. God knows what they are doing."

While the two were chatting, they both received a message from Hunting Fox: Don't dawdle, act quickly.

Lei Long turned off the communication system, took out the fine steel dagger on his lap and held it upside down, and glanced at Shuilei: "Let's go, let's get to work."

Shuilei also drew out his dagger: "Let's go."

The breeze blows, and the dark clouds in the sky blow away a little, revealing half a bright moon.

There were five sweepers near the door, and they were all working without raising their heads.

At this time, a worker raised his head slightly and wiped the sweat with his hands.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

In his field of vision, it seemed that there were two people!
Two people in dark blue tactical uniforms!


There was the sound of a knife stabbing flesh, blood spattered, and a worker in front of him fell to the ground with his hands on his neck.

He was about to shout, but his mouth was covered by a hand wearing a tactical glove, and then he only felt a pain in his neck, and his whole body lost his intuition.

The remaining three workers finally saw each other clearly: Alliance mercenaries!

Then, they threw away the brooms in their hands and ran away in panic.

Lei Long snorted coldly, caught up with one of them in two or three steps, locked the opponent's neck with his powerful left arm, and plunged the dagger in his right hand into the back of the opponent's neck involuntarily.

Looking aside, the mine has already knocked a worker to the ground and wiped his neck.

Looking ahead again, the last one has already run a certain distance, but he has not run beyond the flying distance of the dagger!

Thunder Dragon and Shuilei raised their sabers almost at the same time, ready to throw the saber to end the opponent's life.

Suddenly, a bullet hole the size of a bean appeared on the back of the worker's head, thick blood flowed out, the worker's whole body twitched suddenly, and immediately fell to the ground.

The two put away their knives and looked back. On the top of a tall building not far away, Blood Eagle held AWM and gave them a thumbs up.

"Depend on."

Shuilei scolded angrily, and immediately opened the communication system to contact everyone: Captain, you can enter.

Five minutes later, a large group of alliance mercenaries entered the chemical plant under the bright moon.

At this moment, the chemical plant is running, and the workers who work all night are busy in their respective workshops. All this seems so smooth and reasonable.

According to the display on the brain this afternoon, Kane's office is located under the workshop on the southeast side of the chemical plant. There are five workshops in this place, and the workshop in the middle has a passage leading to the underground factory.

Shi Liu and the others came for this passage.

Unknowingly, everyone walked smoothly from the entrance of the chemical plant to the southwest side of the chemical plant. They passed by many workshops on the way, but the workers inside were all working with their heads down, without noticing their whereabouts at all.

However, when Shi Liu and the others were about to reach their destination, the workers in the various workshops finally took action.

They opened the machines in front of each other, took out the AK-47 that had been prepared, and ran out of the workshop almost at the same time.

Their target is the group of alliance mercenaries who have gone deep into the chemical plant!

As the crowd walked, Shi Liu, who was at the front, suddenly waved his hand and called to stop.

"What's wrong?" Mandala frowned slightly behind her.

"Don't you think our trip went smoothly?" Shi Liu frowned.

Everyone was taken aback, hearing Shi Liu's words, could it be that Kane has already noticed the whereabouts of everyone?

Fuck, that's really going deep into a tiger's den!

"Clang clang clang clang!—"

"Clang clang clang!—"

Just as everyone was thinking, the unique muzzle flame of the firearm lit up in the darkness in the distance, and the surrounding area was enveloped by the powerful gunshots of AK-47, and countless bullets roared towards them!

Everyone hid in a panic.

Shi Liu pulled the mandala behind him, and the two rolled together to a workshop. Countless bullets hit the two people's rolling tracks, and the ground was also shot with green smoke.

Only then did everyone realize that Kane knew all about their whereabouts!
I was able to come here without hindrance before because the workers in all the workshops of this factory are soldiers arranged by Kane!

The reason why they let everyone here is because they want to catch a turtle now!
The gunshots continued, and there were more and more gunshots. Shi Liu slightly raised his head and took a look. Almost all the soldiers from the factory were gathered here.

Shi Liu didn't expect that they still didn't arrive before Kane found the tracker. If so, Kane could only see his own body at this moment.

However, they were still a step late.

"F***ing girl." Shi Liu cursed, a thought flashed in his mind, and the Black Tiger M4 broke out from the weapon system and came into Shi Liu's hands.

At this moment, the entire chemical plant was covered by deafening gunfire, and the muzzle flames seemed to illuminate the entire plant. Countless bullets flew past each other, and many soldiers fell in a pool of blood, struggling.

Deep underground in the chemical plant, in an office, Kane sat on a chair, staring at a 3D virtual screen in front of his face with a sneer.

On the screen was a bird's-eye view of the entire chemical plant. On one side were alliance mercenaries with less than 200 people, and on the other side were nearly [-] guard soldiers arranged by him.

"Hmph, are you stubborn?" Kane snorted coldly, and immediately, he contacted the other party: General Heller, the prey has been caged, let your people come and collect it.

At the same time, a few hundred meters away from the chemical plant, there was a tall building on top.

White Wolf gripped the tactical binoculars fastened to his eyes, and in the camera lens was the battle in the entire chemical plant.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, the tactical binoculars disappeared out of his hands, but the TGR-21 came through the air and came into the hands of White Wolf.

"Clang clang clang!—"



In the chemical plant, Shi Liu and the others relied on the surrounding workshops to repel another attack from the enemy.

At this time, there was a mechanical roar from nowhere.

Shi Liu was taken aback, and subconsciously probed outside the factory.

Then, the turret of the "Destroyer" tank appeared in his vision!

Shi Liu was startled.

The "Destroyer" chariot is a heavy armored chariot unique to the rebels!

In other words, now not only Kane's personal guards are coming, but the surrounding anti-army forces are also called by Kane!
Moreover, it was not the rebel soldiers, but the "Destroyer" chariot!
(End of this chapter)

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