Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 172 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 172 I Can't Kill You If You Don't Believe ([-])

"Quick! Disperse!"

Shi Liu shouted, the crowd is too crowded at this moment, if the anti-army "Destroyer" chariot hits with a shell, the casualties will be infinitely increased!
Just as Shi Liu finished speaking, a cannonball with endless flames flew quickly from the darkness!
boom! ——

The flames shot up into the sky, followed by the sound of walls collapsing. Countless broken bricks and tiles flew around, and then landed one after another. Liuhe Mandala could also feel the shock wave generated by the air wave of the shell.

boom! ——

Without giving everyone time to react, another shell came one after another!

After two shells passed, three "Destroyer" chariots drove in one after another from the gate of the chemical plant, followed by a large number of rebel soldiers.


The anti-army soldiers hid behind the "Destroyer" chariot and opened fire. The machine guns of the chariot even spit out flames, and the bullets all over the sky were like heavy rain. make any outrageous actions.

Shi Liu poked his head out slightly, and a few stray bullets roared in front of him, forcing him to quickly turn his head and hide in a safe area.

"Didn't the hunting fox and the flying fox have supernatural powers?" Mandala pushed the stone six times and said, "Let them go, blow up these damn tanks first!"

Shi Liu frowned: "Are you stupid? The two of them don't have the ability to cross such a line of fire!"

"You!..." Mandala stared angrily: "Then what do you say, there is no retreat now, and there is no way out, and those chariots will run over sooner or later, what do you say!"

Shi Liu pondered, letting countless bullets whizz by before his eyes, he was thinking.

Then, he said: "If we have to go out, we can only go out and fight them, and then ask a few brothers to blow up the wall behind. In that case, there is still a possibility of getting out."

He added: "That's it. I'll contact the leader and the others later."

boom! ——

Shi Liugang was about to open the communication system to contact Feihu, but there was a loud noise from behind, accompanied by the sound of a wall collapsing.

Shi Liu was taken aback, and Mandala beside him was also taken aback.

What the hell is going on here?

There were no shells flying in front of me just now, why...

Could it be that Fox Hunt called other mercenary groups or teams around to come for reinforcements?

Everything is unknown at this moment.

At this moment, not only Shi Liu and Mandala, but almost the entire fox hunter mercenary group looked at the gap that was blasted open.

Even the attacking rebels were a little puzzled. They thought it was because the chariot was too fun to fight and accidentally blew up a gap in the wall?
In that case, wouldn't this group of alliance mercenaries be given a chance to escape!
At this moment, the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated from the blasted place, and gradually, a tall figure became clearer.

Shi Liu stared at him immediately, the tall figure had white hair, and a bloody anti-army uniform was still so conspicuous!
"White wolf!" Shi Liu recognized the other party at a glance, and the white hair fluttering in the wind alone could confirm the other party's identity 100%!

Shi Liugang was about to pick up the Black Tiger M4 and shoot at the white wolf, but suddenly saw the other party move faster than himself.

The white wolf standing outside the gap suddenly had a two-meter-long, green-yellow object in his hands. Shi Liu could see clearly that it was the special heavy equipment of the rebels—the RPG-7 rocket thruster.

This kind of thruster, with its own propulsion ability, can push the rocket to a moving speed of 188 m/s. Under this kind of push, the powerful original rocket will show a good lethality!
At the moment, the white wolf has already used this "weapon" on his right shoulder, and the exposed rocket head looks very ferocious at this moment.

"Poisonous wolf, make room!"

The white wolf carrying the RPG-7 suddenly shouted.

When Shi Liu saw that the white wolf was carrying the rocket, he wanted to pull Mandala aside, but when he heard this, he froze in place.

White Wolf asked himself to give him a place?
According to this, the target of the rocket in his hand was not himself, Datura, or other alliance mercenaries.

Could it be that his target is the group of rebels in front?

Impossible... How could the white wolf attack his own people?
If I had to explain it, it would be that the white wolf rebelled?

Before he had time to think about it, Mandala at the side pulled Shi Liu to the ground, and at this moment, White Wolf let out a smirk.


The powerful recoil pushed the white wolf a full three meters away, and a rocket with endless flames flashing on its tail flew out at the speed of light, but its target was a "destroyer" chariot ahead that was spraying flames!
The speed of 188 m/s made this group of rebels completely unresponsive, and the same was true for the heavy tanks. The rebels, together with the group of Kane's private guards, only felt the glare of the flash for a moment, followed by What happened was a huge explosion!

boom! ——

The dazzling flames erupted in an instant, and a huge explosion happened mercilessly on the front of the "Destroyer" chariot in the middle. The surrounding rebels were also bombarded with flesh and blood amidst the flames and gunpowder smoke. The "Destroyer" chariot was suddenly forced to stop on the spot, and ruthless fire burned all over the body in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Shi Liufang came to his senses, and he smiled wryly in his heart. Could it be that this white wolf really betrayed the rebels, and now he came here specially to save everyone?
Otherwise, how could he be so cruel to his own people.

Not only Shi Liu, but other team members also saw Bai Lang's actions just now.

"Fuck, this guy said he changed his face really quickly. A few days ago, he was still chasing our ass." Sai Lei, who was hiding behind the workshop in the west, looked at the white wolf at the gap in the distance and said with a wry smile.

Dao Feng also nodded in agreement: "Sure enough, people's hearts are unpredictable. Regardless of whether he had a conflict with the anti-army or not, just because of what he did just now, the anti-army military cannot easily spare him."

"So, whether it's now or in the future," Shuilei said, "he has no choice but to join us."

At this moment, the rebels are somewhat confused. The casualties caused by the rocket bomb just now were very heavy. They lost a tank and countless soldiers. If a few more rocket bombs like this appeared out of thin air, It is estimated that the anti-military forces in this chemical plant will be forced to retreat.

There are nearly 500 anti-military soldiers in the chemical plant at this moment, and many of them are sharp-eyed, who can recognize at a glance that the source of the rocket is the white wolf standing in the gap in the distance!

For a time, the rebels had a new impression of White Wolf: he is a traitor!

Then, the remaining two chariots turned around and set their targets on the white wolf!


Bullets rained down again, but this time the target was not the alliance mercenaries, but the white wolf standing there alone!

(End of this chapter)

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