Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 173 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 173 I Don't Believe You Can't Kill You (Part [-])


The bullets all over the sky were like a torrential rain, all heading towards one place - the gap in the wall where the white wolf was!

Everyone looked there. Such firepower is not something that ordinary people can easily escape.

However, when everyone's eyes converged on that place, the white wolf had already disappeared there, leaving the sky full of barrages to fall on the surrounding walls.

"With his skill, dodging these bullets is like playing." Shi Liu laughed.

"It seems that they really want to join us..." Mandala also nodded and muttered.

Shi Liu nodded in agreement: "It must be that the rebels thought that Kane was dead, so they wanted to punish the white wolf. Therefore, the white wolf did not hesitate to fall out with the rebels and came to join us."

As soon as he finished speaking, the white wolf turned around from behind another wall, lowered his head to avoid the barrage of bullets and ran towards Shi Liu.

Looking at the white wolf running from afar, Shi Liu didn't raise his gun to face him. He knew that now the white wolf was no longer an enemy, but a rare teammate.

When he was about to get close, the white wolf rolled on the ground, the rolling distance was quite far, when he stood on the ground, he was already beside Shi Liu.

"You came at the right time. We are all here now, and none of us is missing." Shi Liu smiled.

White Wolf looked at him and Mandala, then looked around, and said with a smile: "In the past, none of you would be able to run away, but now it's different, the rebels want me to die, so naturally I can't let them live !"

He added: "It seems that Kane has already known your whereabouts in advance. Your assassination this time cannot be regarded as a success, but I know the passage to Kane's residence, but this requires a condition in exchange."

"What conditions." Shi Liu said, he already knew that Bai Lang couldn't do business at a loss.

Moreover, this condition, [-]% has a great relationship with his future ownership.

"I will lead you to kill Kane, but you also have to take me in and let me become one of you in the future. Is there a problem?" White Wolf narrowed his eyes.

Shi Liugang wanted to agree, but hesitated for a while.

Naturally, he really wanted Bai Lang to join the Fox Hunter Mercenary Group. After all, a fierce general like Bai Lang was really rare, but Shi Liu was not the head of the group, and the final decision was not in his hands.

Moreover, even if Hunting Fox agrees, there is no guarantee that the rest of the team will have their own ghosts.

So, he hesitated.

Seeing Shi Liu hesitate, Bai Lang smiled calmly: "Don't make trouble, I know that although you are brave in the team, you are not in charge, but the girl with powerful abilities, right?"

Shi Liu nodded undeniably.

"Well, I'll take you to kill Kane first, and we'll talk about the rest later." White Wolf said simply.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mandala next to Shi Liu tugged Shi Liu.

White Wolf could see clearly, and said with a smile: "Poison Wolf, this girl can't trust me."

Shi Liu looked at Mandala: "Stay here and hold the rebels here with the regiment leader. I will go with the white wolf."

"But..." Mandala immediately became anxious. After all, she is a woman, and her thoughts are always much more careful than men.

Before she could finish speaking, Shi Liu interrupted her: "Don't worry, I trust White Wolf."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the white wolf again: "Let's go."

Then, the two of them disappeared into the dark night, one behind the other.

As soon as the two left, Mandala contacted Hunting Fox: Hurry up and get Shi Liu back, that white wolf might break us up under the guise of joining us!

Fox Hunter replied: I have seen them all, let them go, I believe in White Wolf.

Mandala was depressed for a while, and then she took out a Type 89 assault rifle and followed.

The rest of the people stayed here and continued to deal with the anti-army ahead.

Underneath the chemical plant, in a certain secret passage.

An alliance mercenary and a white-haired anti-military soldier walked one after the other in the passage made up of stairs. Every time they reached a corner, the two pointed their guns vigilantly around to maintain a posture that they could shoot at any time.

"Your boss thinks Kane is dead, so he wants to accuse you, doesn't he?" Shi Liu asked casually while walking.

White Wolf walked in front. He kept sweeping the MK18 back and forth in front of him. He didn't turn his head when he heard Shi Liu's words. Kill Ross, who is my boss, and now almost all the rebels are arresting me, so I thought of you."

He sneered again: "All this is thanks to Kane. If it weren't for him, you and I should have fought for 300 rounds now."

Shi Liu also laughed in response: "I agree with that."

Suddenly, the two stopped talking, and the walking steps also stopped suddenly.

On the other two sides of the passage, both of them heard abnormal noises.

A noise that is unique to humans.

Immediately, the two of them leaned against the handrail of the stairs almost subconsciously, and pointed the gun in their hands at the stairs, maintaining a posture that they could shoot at any time.

"Drop! Throw! Throw!"

"Du Diu Diu Diu Diu Diu!"

This staircase leads to the ground of the underground factory, so when the two saw the group of patrols, they chose to shoot without hesitation.

Both of their guns were equipped with silencers, so there was not much movement in the passage. Before the group of patrolling soldiers could react, they all fell to the ground spraying blood from their heads.

After scanning the surroundings again, after confirming that there were no follow-up enemies, the white wolf made a gesture, and the two quickly walked down the stairs, stepping on the corpses all over the ground and continuing to move forward.

In an office in the underground factory, Kane sat quietly on a chair. He could clearly see everything that happened on the ground or underground through high-powered surveillance.


Kane pinched his chin and pondered. Just two hours ago, the substitute Walker just took a plane and left for Lake Baikal to investigate the treasure of "Pandora".

As soon as Walker left, Kane regretted it. If someone called in, there would be no second substitute to die for Kane.

But now it's not only Shi Liu who is coming in, but also the white wolf who protected him before!
It seems that White Wolf is determined to join the alliance mercenaries this time.

Although Kane's personal guards are all over the underground factory, and they all obey his orders, what Kane is worried about is that even if the entire guards come, they will not be able to stop these two bottles of gods.

"It seems that this is the only way..." Kane murmured in a voice he could only hear. Then, he picked up the intact M4A1 on the table, which seemed to have never fired a single bullet, and then He stood up and strode outside.

In the passage, soldiers kept coming to block the two, but none of them played any blocking role. Almost as soon as they arrived at the designated place, they were headshot by Bai Lang and Shi Liu to death one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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