Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 174 Don’t Believe You Can’t Kill You

Chapter 174

In the underground factory, all the soldiers stationed here received a message from Kane at this moment.

Then, they left various positions they had held and gathered towards Kane's office one after another.

Five minutes later, a large group of soldiers appeared at the door of Kane's office. They formed three human walls. The hideous muzzle of AK-5 protruded from the human wall, and its target was the end of the passage ahead.

This underground factory is roughly in the shape of the word "Tian". The surroundings of the word "Tian" are all factories or laboratories for the development of biochemicals, while the inside of the word "Tian" is surrounded by a circle of offices and the location of the guards.

Kane's office is located at the middle intersection on the right side of the word "Tian", so if you want to see where his office is, you have to turn a corner to see everything in front of you clearly.

The reason why the office was set up in this place, Kane also spent some brains, but now it finally came in handy.

However, Kane didn't expect to use this group of soldiers to stop Shi Liu and Bai Lang. He knew that such people could not stop Shi Liu and Bai Lang at all. It's a god if people can stop it.

Therefore, after Kane arranged the soldiers, he took the elevator leading to the ground in the office alone, planning to use these soldiers to be the bottom, and he took the opportunity to reach the ground.

For Kane, as long as he doesn't meet Shi Liu and Bai Lang, no one can catch him.

He is a man of action, and he boldly does what he thinks of.

At this moment, Shi Liu and Bai Lang were hiding on the other side of the corner, and they rushed out in no hurry.

"You're right, that guy Kane has already boarded the elevator."

Shi Liu's mysterious soul control ability is activated, and no one in the entire underground factory can escape his eyes.

At this moment, besides the group of soldiers who were still guarding the door of the office, Shi Liu also saw a yellow box rising towards the ground at a constant speed.

This yellow box is Kane.

"If Kane reaches the ground, Fox Hunter and the others who are fighting against the rebels may not be able to notice it," White Wolf said in a low voice, "So, one of us must go back the same way and find Kane on the ground. It ended up with him."

Shi Liu frowned: "Isn't it better to be together?"

White Wolf shook his head again and again: "You don't know how thoughtful that guy is. If he hadn't heard the gunshots, he would have guessed that we were catching up. At that time, he would take the elevator back to this office again."

Shi Liu showed a look of comprehension, and at the same time said his following text: "So, someone must hold back the group of soldiers in front of him, so that Kane thinks that we have already fought with his guards, so that we can reach the ground with confidence."

The white wolf nodded again and again: "It's not too late, I'm here to hold them back, you hurry back by the same way!"

Shi Liu frowned: "Fuck, what are you talking about, you know the road here better than me, don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

As he said that, he picked up the Black Tiger M4 and was about to rush out to fight with the soldiers, but he was dragged back by the white wolf: "Listen to me, if I go back to the ground alone, what will Hunting Fox and the others think if they see it? Don’t forget, I’ve just joined you, so it’s inevitable that Fox Hunting and the others will have some thoughts about me, but it’s different when you go to the ground, it will reduce a lot of misunderstandings, and you also have time to kill Kane, don’t you?”

How could Shi Liu not understand what he meant, and was about to explain, but was interrupted by the white wolf: "Don't tell me you kid forgot the way to come, hurry up, there is not much time."

He laughed again: "Or are you afraid that I can't deal with these soldiers alone?"

Looking at his confident smile, Shi Liu felt a little helpless. Under the repeated urging of the white wolf, Shi Liu followed the same path and galloped away in three steps at a time.

At this moment, the members of the entire fox hunter mercenary group are fighting hard against the rebels on the ground.

No one noticed that just to the east of the place where the white wolf exploded, an iron plate was slowly lifted, revealing a human head.

Kane poked his head out and looked around, the battle ahead came into view, he sneered.

Then, he directly lifted the iron plate, and then quickly crawled out of the dark passage, and ran towards the gap blasted by the white wolf.

While running, he secretly rejoiced that Shi Liu and Bai Lang were played around by him, and that there were so many alliance mercenaries in front of him, but none of them found him.

But just after he ran less than ten steps, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head, and then warm liquid quickly overflowed.

Kane then fell to the ground with his eyes open, with a bullet hole the size of a bean in the back of his head.

The shot came too suddenly, and even Kane himself couldn't tell where the bullet came from in this deafening area.

Perhaps, one of the bullets in the sky?
Or, Shi Liu saw through his tricks?

The dead Kane no longer had the extra thought to think so much.

At this moment, in the darkness in the distance, Shi Liu wiped off the large beads of sweat that appeared on his forehead due to the non-stop running, and struck the ground with a sniper rifle, gasping for breath.

Running all the way from the underground factory to the ground, Shi Liu almost never stopped during the whole process. Being able to catch up with the speed of the elevator, it is natural to see how fast Shi Liu was at that time.

In the underground factory, the white wolf retreated to the ground at a constant speed while shooting at the back.

Just about to turn around and climb the No. 14 flight of stairs, a beautiful mercenary in a blue tight tactical uniform suddenly appeared around the corner.

Both of them startled each other, and after they settled down, the beautiful mercenary looked at the white wolf and asked, "Why are you alone? Where is Shi Liu?"

The white wolf glanced at the snow-white pretty face of the other party, and recognized that it was Mandala who had fought with him before, and said in a deep voice: "Shi Liu is already on the ground, hurry up with me!"

"How do I know if what you said is true!"

Mandala immediately stared at her beautiful eyes. She didn't have too much expectation for the rebel in front of her. While speaking, the silver M500 appeared in her hand, but the gun was aimed at the white wolf.

White Wolf wasn't too surprised, he seemed to have expected all the actions of this girl in front of him, and immediately smiled wryly: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you..."

As he said that, the white wolf twisted the opponent's jade hand holding the pistol at a speed faster than the mandala's reaction. The mandala suffered from pain, and the palm loosened subconsciously. The M500 immediately pulled down, but the white wolf took it over, and then It suddenly struck on the jade neck of Mandala, the powerful strike, coupled with the landing point of the white wolf, the mandala's delicate body shook, and it was about to fall to the side.

The white wolf stretched out his arm to support him, sighed and said, "Women are troublesome, rely on..."

As he spoke, he held the mandala on his right shoulder, and the TFR-21 detached from his right hand and returned to the weapon system. Bailang picked up the silver-white M500 and started climbing the stairs with the mandala on his back. From time to time, clear up the soldiers who are catching up.

On the ground, Shi Liu has recovered his strength, and he sent a message through the whole channel: Kane has been killed by me, everyone should leave the battle quickly.

 The second change, by the way, please ask for a recommendation ticket. Today is Monday, and I urgently need a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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