Chapter 175
Five minutes later, the hail of bullets still spread all over the audience, and the offensive of the rebels slowed down. This battle lasted for nearly half an hour. Anyone should slow down and take a break.

The members of the Fox Hunter Mercenary Corps were also uncomfortable being dragged. Seeing that the offensive on the other side had slowed down, they moved closer to Shi Liu one after another.

Not only for 3 minutes, but everyone gathered together.

Looking around at the crowd, only the coffin was shot twice. Since he was the largest among the crowd, he attracted more firepower. However, under the action of Green Mirror's two life serums, he was still able to fight vigorously.

The others were not injured at all.

However, it could be seen that after fighting for half an hour, everyone had a look of exhaustion on their faces.

"Kane's body?"

Hunting Fox's originally snow-white pretty face was covered with black and gray at this moment, and this rebound made her a little more charming. When she heard that Shi Liu had killed Kane, she stood up and asked first.

Shi Liu raised his finger to the front, where lay a corpse surrounded by blood, it was Kane who had been shot in the head by himself before.

Everyone looked around with their fingers, revealing a hint of joy of victory. After all, the task was finally completed.

Then, with the mandala on his back, the white wolf also ran out quickly from the place where Shi Liu stayed before, which was another passage from the underground factory to the ground.

Seeing the white wolf coming out suddenly with the mandala on their shoulders, everyone became subconsciously vigilant.

Shi Liu glanced at the fainted Mandala, then at the white wolf, and immediately understood something.

Regardless of everyone's vigilance, the white wolf strode forward, put down the mandala, looked around everyone and smiled wryly: "Why? Don't you welcome new friends?"

Faced with Bai Lang's words, everyone turned to Hunting Fox. Among so many people, she had the absolute right to make the decision.

"Although you were always chasing us before, you are doing us a favor now. Of course, you are welcome to those who are willing to help us." Hunting Fox smiled. She knew that the White Wolf was really desperate at this moment. However, the white wolf has no choice but to join them. Moreover, the white wolf is a rare warrior. The current fox hunter mercenary group can be said to be like a tiger with wings added.

"Thank you for taking me in." The white wolf said very simply, and immediately looked back: "I think we need to leave here."

"Lead the way." Foxhun made a "please" gesture.

Then, the white wolf ran in front, and everyone followed closely behind, gradually disappearing into the vast night...

Time flies and the next day comes in the blink of an eye.

It was noon, and it was still the small clinic. At this moment, everyone had just finished eating, and they all gathered around the table with leftovers for a rest.

"...If you have to go, then don't even think about Hurricane City Airport. We just made such a big commotion in Hurricane City. Going to the airport is like throwing yourself into a trap." White Wolf looked around the crowd and said, "However, Nanhuang City With so many cities in our area, we don't have to just hang around in this hurricane city."

"I agree with White Wolf." Dark Ye looked around at everyone and nodded, "Through what happened last night, the entire Hurricane City must have entered a first-level alert state. If you want to go to the airport, you might as well go to a few cities around."

Everyone nodded thoughtfully. After killing Kane last night, everyone followed the white wolf to escape from the chemical plant and rushed back here overnight. The topic of today's lunch is naturally the next step—— Go to Europe.

"As for the cities, I think Longlin City in the north is better." Bai Lang said slowly, "The scale of that city is relatively small, and its management is much more lax than that of big cities like Hurricane City, why not go there and have a look. "

White Wolf's words immediately got everyone's approval, and Hunting Fox said: "You know the rebel army best here, I listen to you."

In the afternoon of that day, everyone set off together to go to Longlin City that White Wolf mentioned.

At midnight, the sky was covered with dark clouds, gradually covering up the bright moon.

At the Longlin City Airport, several passenger planes looked up to the night sky amidst rumbling sounds, and several anti-military helicopters slowly landed.

Outside the airport, a large group of alliance mercenaries appeared.

What White Wolf said was indeed true. The management of this city is indeed much more lax than that of Hurricane City.

Putting it down, everyone leaned against the airport wall, holding guns and groping towards the airport entrance.

At this moment, there are only three anti-military guards in the sentry room at the entrance of the airport.

In the room, the three rebels were putting down their guns, looking left and right in boredom, whispering to each other from time to time, and laughing.

In the darkness in the distance, a thought flashed in Shi Liu's mind, AWM broke through from the weapon system and appeared in his hand.

The rebels in the room seemed to have told a joke, and the three laughed from ear to ear. Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering suddenly sounded, and the laughter of the rebel closest to the glass stopped abruptly, and his temples began to swell. Bleeding, and then, he collapsed on the ground with his eyes wide open.

The remaining two were taken aback, and subconsciously looked over, they were all taken aback, they saw the bullet hole in the temple of the fallen rebel army!
There are enemies!
One of the rebels looked around. As soon as he grabbed the AK-47 leaning on the table with his right hand, he felt a sudden pain between his eyebrows, and then a warm liquid overflowed. His whole body went limp uncontrollably. Lying on the table in front of him, blood dripped onto the table, and then dripped down on the ground.

In the end, the anti-army just panicked. He didn't know what was going on, so he killed two of them in one breath. Would it be his turn to be the next one?

Then, he lowered himself subconsciously, trying to avoid the sniper bullets outside, but just as he bent down, a bullet pierced through the air and shot hard into his left temple.

His whole body froze for a second, and fell uncontrollably the next moment.

Then, several figures holding sniper rifles hurried past the sentry room and rushed towards the airport.

At this moment, there are 7 passenger planes, 13 fighter jets, 9 helicopters and 3 transport planes parked at the airport, but these planes are not gathered together, but are clearly differentiated, and each has its own parking place.

Among them, there are the most anti-military soldiers around passenger planes and fighter jets, while there are not so many guards around transport planes and helicopters.

At the moment, a group of anti-military soldiers is patrolling back and forth around 9 helicopters.

There are a total of 12 rebels, and they have relatively good equipment-ACR assault rifles.

One of the rebels was looking left and right boredly. When he looked up at the sky, he suddenly found a flash bomb flying down here, and he couldn't help shouting, "There are enemies!"

As soon as the words fell, his entire field of vision turned white. Not only him, but also the surrounding rebels felt the same way. The maximum effective radius of the alliance flash bomb is 25 meters.

At the moment, this group of rebels pulled the triggers of their ACR assault rifles. Even if they couldn't see anything, they still pointed their guns outwards, and then fired back and forth.

However, they fell to the ground one by one.

The rebels who fell to the ground all had a bean-sized bullet hole on their heads, from which endless blood gushed out wildly.

Within the effective time of the flash bomb, the group of rebels fell to the ground, and the gunfire gradually disappeared. When the last rebel collapsed, there was no movement in this area.

Then, a group of alliance mercenaries came running from the darkness in the distance.

Five minutes later, the two helicopters turned their propellers together, slowly lifted off amidst the whistling wind, and headed towards the vast night sky at high speed...

(End of this chapter)

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