Chapter 176 Night Rose
Five days later, in a dense forest somewhere in Europe.

"Don't worry, although my deeds have already spread in the Southern Wilderness, they still won't reach here."

In the woods, White Wolf sat under a big tree, looking impatiently at the team members in front of him and said.

At this moment, Shi Liu, Coffin, Blood Eagle and other men of the Fox Hunter Mercenary Corps are quickly taking off their alliance uniforms and changing into anti-army uniforms on the ground.

Under a big tree next to it, lay more than a dozen naked corpses of rebels.

Just last night, Bai Lang and Shi Liu lurked to a rebel base far away from the woods, secretly massacred fifteen rebels, and stripped off their military uniforms.

Then, this morning, everyone came here to change their clothes.

"By the way, what does Ye Meigui look like?" Shuilei hurriedly put on the anti-army uniform jacket on himself, and asked casually.

"You'll know when you see it." White Wolf said angrily.

As for Hunting Fox, Mandala and the others, they found a more secluded place. After all, girls can't change clothes like men.

After 3 minutes, everyone changed their clothes and put on an AK-47.

At a glance, it was clearly a group of rebels.

"En." The white wolf looked around at the crowd and nodded in satisfaction.

Then, several girls also came here in anti-military uniforms.

Seeing that everyone has finished changing their outfits, the white wolf looked around them and said in a deep voice, "We will set off when everyone is here."

Then, led by the white wolf, everyone walked towards the anti-military base.

Several black "Pioneer" chariots were parked at the entrance of the anti-army base. Many anti-army soldiers leaned out of the chariots and chatted with the anti-army soldiers standing guard at the entrance.

Suddenly, one of the rebels raised his finger forward, and the rebels around him were taken aback for a moment, and then followed the former's gesture to look over.

It was a group of anti-military forces.

The group of rebels stationed at the gate all frowned. Last night, a team did leave the base and did not return overnight.

However, there seems to be no such white-haired soldier in that team, right?

The rebels were curious, and all of them stepped forward, and even a few rebels jumped off the "Pioneer" chariot and joined in the fun.

"Hey! Guys, you seem to have been out for a long time!" A white rebel stepped forward and yelled.

"We went to carry out the mission last night and didn't finish it until this morning. What's the matter, is there a problem?" The white wolf in the front shouted as he walked, showing no intention of stopping.

"Dude, we don't seem to know each other." A black rebel who looked very unfriendly stared at the white wolf with bull's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"The base is so big, you, a little soldier, still want to know all of them?" White Wolf asked without answering, then he quickly stepped forward to the black rebels, compared the epaulet on his left shoulder, and then pointed his finger He repeatedly poked the black man's chest: "Boy, maybe you have never seen me before, because I am an officer invited by Captain Ye Meigui! Understand!"

Panic immediately appeared in the eyes of the black rebels, and he took two steps back to distance himself from the white wolf. He was just a small tank maintenance soldier, but the opponent's epaulettes were actually the rank of second lieutenant!

Moreover, he actually came from Captain Ye Meigui!

"Now, do you have any questions?"

The white wolf looked around at the rebels and said in a cold voice.

"There is no doubt, Captain, please come in!" A very interesting rebel immediately stood up straight and gave a military salute and shouted, and then dodged to the side to make way.

White Wolf snorted, said "Go!", and led the crowd towards the base with big strides.

After entering the base, White Wolf led everyone all the way to the headquarters building of the base. Everyone knew that they were about to meet the Captain "Night Rose" that White Wolf was talking about.

Everyone else is looking forward to it, especially the mine coffin Blood Eagle and the others. The word "Night Rose" is immediately known to be a female officer. Of course, a group of men can't wait to see what this "Night Rose" is. It's He Rongyan.

As for Hunting Fox, Linghu, Dark Night, Mandala and the others, they thought more about how to disguise themselves better. As for the appearance of "Night Rose", they didn't even think about it.

Shi Liu didn't pay much attention to the appearance of "Ye Meigui". I didn't know how many times I watched it in the game before, but I didn't know that there was a gap between her in real life and the game...

After passing through various base locations such as the soldier training ground, wrestling field, and air combat simulation hall, everyone finally saw the base headquarters building.

The headquarters building of the anti-army base is almost the same as the headquarters building of the previous alliance mercenary base. The nearly 50-story headquarters building is in charge of the daily affairs and military operations of the entire base. There are anti-army generals from all over the world gathered here, " "Night Rose" is one of them.

During dinner last night, White Wolf said to everyone: When he first joined the anti-army, he was assigned to a team with Ye Meigui, a female soldier of the same period, and the two had cooperated many times. He and his own abilities were outstanding, and were assigned to the Southern Wilderness by the anti-army headquarters, while Ye Meigui was transferred to the European battlefield because of his excellence. When the anti-army launched the biochemical crisis, the two were transferred to the African battlefield together, and cooperated again .

After the anti-army won a global victory, White Wolf was transferred back to the Southern Wilderness, and Night Rose also returned to Europe.Speaking of which, there is still a little friendship between the two.

However, this time the white wolf openly came to Ye Meigui, but he didn't inform the latter in advance.

If the white wolf had told her in advance, then everyone would not have encountered the group of rebels blocking the way when they entered the base, and Ye Meigui would even go to meet the white wolf in person.

Just like that, Bai Lang led Shi Liu and the others straight into the headquarters building, and the rebels who came in and out all cast curious glances at them.

Walking up the stairs to the fifth floor of the building, Bai Lang told everyone to wait here while he walked quickly to one of the offices.

Push the door, and the white wolf enters.

"White wolf!!"

Everyone waited outside as promised, and less than five seconds after White Wolf entered the office, an excited voice resounded through the entire corridor from the office.

"Come on, sit down..."

"Then you don't notify me in advance, so I can pick you up..."

Then, everyone could hardly hear the white wolf's voice, and only the voice of "Night Rose" sounded in the entire corridor...

More than ten minutes later, White Wolf appeared at the door of the office. He stretched out half of his body, beckoned to everyone, and then dodged in again.

Everyone nodded when they saw it, and then walked into the office one by one.

In less than a minute, everyone entered the office.

 Thanks to book friend 1013872907 for the monthly pass! !

(End of this chapter)

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