Chapter 177 Night Rose
Shi Liu followed behind everyone, so he was also the last one to enter the office.

As soon as he entered the office, a faint scent of a woman immediately hit his nostrils. Shi Liu admitted that this is definitely not some kind of noble perfume, or some kind of flower and herbal fragrance, but a real, real feminine fragrance!

Looking around, the office is [-] to [-] square meters in size, facing the door is a long coffee table, surrounded by a few sofas, and inside is a desk, except for a large piece of messy documents on the desk, There is also a small flag hanging on a plastic pole. The background color of the flag is blood red, and a dark yellow eagle head is engraved on it, which is the symbol of the anti-military forces.

Ye Meigui was sitting on the large chair behind the desk. Shi Liu couldn't control his eyes and looked over fiercely. She looked only 20 years old at most, and she had a pretty face no less than that of Hunting Fox and the others. She was white and smooth. , without any dust, absolutely natural beauty.

She wore a fish head hat on her head, and her wavy hair radiated from the bottom of the hat. At this moment, her whole body was leaning lazily on the chair, her arms were crossed on her chest, her pink lips were slightly closed, and her pair of Meimou looked lazily at a rebel entering her office.

Bai Lang sat on the sofa behind the coffee table, watching Shi Liu and the others file in with a blank expression.

Seeing that there was no one else behind Shi Liu, Bai Lang coughed twice, looked at Ye Meigui and said calmly, "That's it, I failed to complete the task assigned to me by General Ross. According to our military law, General Ross should have shot me , but he couldn't bear it and drove me and my team members out together. In desperation, I thought of you."

Ye Meigui, who was sitting on the chair, listened carefully, and had to say that girls are very charming when they are focused, especially a beauty like Ye Meigui.

After the white wolf finished speaking, Ye Meigui took a breath, and immediately looked at Shi Liu and the others, and when she let her frosty eyes sweep over Hunting Fox and the others, she couldn't help chuckling and said, "White wolf, you really know how to choose. The older sisters are all prettier than me."

As soon as the words fell, Fox Hunter and the others couldn't help but glance at Ye Meigui. The most sensitive topic for women is when others discuss their appearance. Quietly withdrew his gaze, but there was obviously a bit more jealousy in that gaze.

White Wolf smiled wryly: "Okay, let's get down to business. We have to live with you for a while, don't you mind?"

Ye Meigui looked at the white wolf again, and smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes were bent into crescent moons: "You and I have been separated for such a long time, today you took the initiative to come to me, I have no reason to refuse, I can stay as long as I want , I have the final say here."

The last sentence "here I have the final say" was so unsafe in the ears of Shi Liu and the others. May I ask, Ye Meigui is just a little captain, and his power is not strong enough to control a base, right?

After seeing the white wolf, he readily agreed: "Okay, I'll settle the brothers down first, and I'll come back to you later."

Ye Meigui nodded lightly: "Go, find the soldier who manages the accommodation, and say it's my order."

White Wolf didn't talk nonsense, got up and walked out of the office, and everyone naturally followed.

After the white wolf left, the sweet smile on Ye Meigui's pretty face was fleeting, and her complexion became serious, as if she was thinking about something.

After leaving the headquarters building, Bai Lang led everyone all the way to the base dormitory.

On the way, White Wolf revealed to everyone: "If you want to take this base as your heel, you must subdue Ye Meigui. Although she is just a captain, she has the absolute right to speak in this base. As long as you take her down, the entire base will be destroyed." It's within reach."

Shi Liu asked as he walked, "Why does Ye Meigui have the absolute right to speak?"

The white wolf looked around casually, and said casually: "Her father, Edward, is one of the five giants of the anti-army headquarters, what do you think?"

Everyone suddenly realized that Dao Feng frowned and said: "So, if we take down Ye Meigui, wouldn't it mean fighting with the entire rebel army? Fuck you, the daughter of the five giants of the rebel army."

"So, before we act, we must grow our power in secret," White Wolf said solemnly, "to the point where we can fight against the rebels in Europe! At that time, no one can stop us!"

"Damn it, I can fight against the rebels in Europe!" Sai Lei was a little surprised, "How long will it take!"

"It's not long." Hunting Fox said coldly, "There are not only rebels in Europe, but also alliance mercenaries!"

What Hunting Fox said was immediately approved by White Wolf: "You are right, so in the following time, the first thing you need to do is to secretly gather the scattered alliance mercenaries, but this is very long, wait It can never be done in the base, so you need to leave the base and search for it in various places.”

He added: "This is the job I'm going to do next. Leave it to me from Ye Meigui, and make sure you have time to leave the base every day to call in alliance mercenaries."

During the conversation, the base dormitory had arrived, and the white wolf said a few words to the gatekeepers before letting everyone into the apartment.

The Anti-Army Apartment is a house for four people, Shi Liu, White Wolf, Dao Feng, and Blood Eagle live in one house, coffin, steel teeth, sea mines, and green mirror live in one house, and Thunder Dragon, Red Jiao, Meteor, and Bloody Blood live in one house.

In the end, there were five girls left, Hunting Fox, Linghu, Feihu, Dark Night and Mandala. Since there were only four beds in an apartment, there was one more person. Shi Liu and Dao Feng simply moved a bed for them. , after barely stuffing it in, the apartment changed from four people to five people.

After the arrangement was completed, it was already noon, and the white wolf gathered everyone and said: "We will live here from now on, now you go to have some food, I will go to Ye Meigui, and ask her to give you the privilege of freely entering and leaving the base every day. "

With that said, the man ran out of the apartment and ran towards the base headquarters building again.

Everyone had no choice but to leave the apartment together, looking for a cafeteria in this anti-military base.

In Ye Meigui's office, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in."

Ye Meigui's unique voice came out, and the white wolf paused slightly, before finally opening the door.

Opening the door and looking inside, Ye Meigui was still staring at the reports on the table. When she heard that someone had come in, she looked up and saw that it was the white wolf. She immediately put down the report in her hand. Replaced by that sweet smile.

White Wolf closed the door with his backhand. He walked slowly to the place where he had sat before and sat down again. As soon as he sat down, Ye Meigui's voice sounded: "We haven't contacted for nearly three years, right?"

The white wolf forced a smile: "Yes, time waits for no one, it always steals our years inadvertently."

"When we were in Africa, we only communicated through communication." The white wolf said quietly: "You don't know, how much I wanted to see you at that time, but things were always unsatisfactory. We never met, but unexpectedly, This meeting was actually at the time when I was at my worst."

There was a complex look in Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes. She wanted to say something, but it was always hard to say it, as if she had been separated from White Wolf for too long, and she didn't know how to communicate and express it.

In the end, it was Bai Lang who said: "Based on looks, do you think my subordinates are reliable?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, a trace of vigilance flashed in Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes.

A trace of unease flashed in her heart, she was very curious why the white wolf would suddenly ask such a question.

However, that was just a fleeting look, Ye Meigui made a helpless expression: "My eyes are not so sharp, but I always feel that person..."

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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