Chapter 179 Basic Routine

"White Wolf's words reminded me that things are probably not that simple." Shi Liuning said with eyebrows.

Everyone looked puzzled, Ye Meigui explained the mission so clearly, so why doubt it?

"This matter can only be viewed from two aspects. First, Ye Meigui really trusts White Wolf, so he entrusts this task to him. Second, Ye Meigui has already doubted us. She wants to pass this This mission is to clarify who we are," Shi Liu said.

"You mean," Dao Feng said thoughtfully, "Ye Meigui wants to follow us after we leave, to see if we have followed her orders?"

Shi Liu nodded undeniably: "Yes, if Ye Meigui really trusts us, then we will gather alliance mercenaries step by step, but if she doubts us, then we will wait until we arrive at the mission location and clean up the eyeliner around us first! "

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, Shi Liu's meaning was very clear, everything should be done later.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, night fell again.

At the base airport, a helicopter with its propellers slowly turning was parked in the middle, as if it was waiting for something.

At the entrance of the airport, a large group of anti-military soldiers gathered.

"The helicopter will take you to the designated place. Diaz usually hides in the villas along the coast. You should pay more attention then." Ye Meigui stood opposite the crowd and said calmly.

"If there is no problem, let's go." After a pause, Ye Meigui said very simply.

White Wolf nodded, then looked back at Shi Liu and the others lined up in a row, and said "Let's go!"

Then, everyone entered the airport to board the plane one by one.

Three minutes later, the helicopter cabin door was closed, the propellers turned rapidly, and the helicopter began to lift off slowly. When it reached a certain height, it drove everyone towards the vast night at high speed.

Two days, a snap of the fingers.

What made everyone feel relieved was that Ye Meigui didn't suspect them.

It was morning, and the sea breeze from the Atlantic Ocean caressed the coast, bringing a little coolness to the people running along the coastline.

It has to be said that the breath brought by the temperate sea-like climate is cooler and more comfortable than other places.

In the city less than 500 meters away from the coastline, among the bustling crowd, it is not difficult to see Shi Liu and others in casual clothes smoking in the parking lot outside a shopping mall.

Looking carefully, it was Shi Liu, Xueying and Shuilei.

"The leader told me that it is a team of four, and the captain is called Xiongbing." Shi Liu put his hands in his pockets, smoked a cigarette and said to Xueying and Shuilei.

"Four people?" Shuilei spit out a few smoke rings, frowned and said, "Only four people in a team?"

"There must be more than four," Xue Ying said with a wry smile, "these four are probably here to test the waters, maybe even the captain can't be himself."

"That's right." As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Liu nodded immediately and said, "This army team is an early local team in Europe. It originally belonged to the Mad Scorpion Mercenary Group. After the rebels occupied Europe, they have been active in this area. I contacted him through the entire channel of the alliance. Naturally, he would not show up so easily, so today these four are just here to test the waters. If we don't talk smoothly, maybe this crazy scorpion mercenary group will ignore us .”

While talking, Shi Liu had a clear glimpse of four men in casual clothes and sunglasses hurrying to the crowd at the exit of the shopping mall on the west side of the three of them. One of them was looking around, as if looking for something .


Shi Liu said something in a low voice, then put his thumb and index finger into his mouth, and whistled loudly, attracting the attention of passers-by.

The four men with sunglasses in the middle of the crowd naturally also heard the whistle, they all looked towards Shi Liu, stared at Shi Liu and the three for a full 2 ​​minutes, and then one of them whispered something to the other three , and then the four of them strode towards Shi Liu and the others together.

"Are you sure it's them?" Looking at the four men in dark glasses who were striding towards the three of them, Shuilei asked in a low voice, dubiously. He was afraid that Shi Liu might have mistaken him.

"Nonsense," Shi Liu said in a low voice after taking his last puff of cigarette, throwing the cigarette butt on the ground, "I didn't see that no one around us paid any attention to us, but they came here intentionally?"

Soon, the four men in dark glasses walked quickly to Shi Liusan and the others.

"Brother, living in this city is really frustrating. You have to be on guard against the army from morning till night."

When the four were about to face each other, Shi Liu looked at one of them who looked like the captain and smiled.

After the other party heard this, they were all taken aback.

"Poisonous wolf?" One of them asked in a low voice, this person is the captain of this four-member team, Xiong Bing.

Shi Liu nodded, "Exactly, but this doesn't seem to be the place to talk, come with me."

With that said, he led Blood Eagle and Sai Lei to turn and leave.

Xiong Bing and the three team members looked at each other, and followed without saying a word.

Last night, a mercenary group of fox hunters found their mad scorpion mercenary group through the full communication channel. After talking with the head of the other party, mad scorpion, they decided to meet this morning.

However, the leader of the Fox Hunter Mercenary Group did not show up, but asked Shi Liusan and others to go to meet him.

Similarly, the Mad Scorpion Mercenary Group also dispatched a relatively capable team under their command - the Xiongbing team.

Finally, they followed Shi Liu to a cafe.

After entering the cafe, Shi Liu stopped the other three people and said to Xiong Bing: "Our head is on the second floor, she is a beautiful woman, you can see her when you go up."

Xiong Bing immediately became alert: "Why did you only let me go up by myself?"

Shi Liu shrugged: "Because our leader is also up there alone, it's better not to bring these three brothers with you. Of course, the three of us will not go up to disturb you."

Xiong Bing hesitated to speak, and after a cold snort, he strode towards the second floor.

"Come, sit." Seeing Xiongbing walking towards the second floor, Shi Liu said politely to the other three mercenaries.

The second floor was very deserted. At a table in the corner, Foxhun in casual clothes sat quietly on the side facing the stairs. When footsteps sounded on the stairs, Foxhun greeted the waiter and ordered two cups of coffee.

Then, Xiongbing quickly walked up the stairs.

Foxhunting snapped his fingers at him and smiled sweetly.

Xiong Bing heard the sound and looked over. He was first attracted by the beauty of the other party, then he coughed twice and strode over here.

Downstairs, Shi Liu pulled Xueying and Shuilei and said in a low voice: "I'm going to work with White Wolf, you play by ear."

Seeing the two nodding, Shi Liu turned around and walked out of the cafe. The third-level mercenary ran at full speed towards the villa area around the coastline.

(End of this chapter)

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