Chapter 180 Happy Cooperation

Upon hearing this, Shi Liu turned his head to look at the white wolf.

The latter nodded knowingly.

Seeing the two nodding to each other, the manager seemed to realize something for a moment, and immediately rolled out of bed in fright, trying to open the door and escape while Shi Liu looked back.


Three minutes later, the two walked out of the room one after the other.

Bai Lang was still in the same attire, but Shi Liu was in a suit and leather shoes.

"Tsk tsk," Bai Lang looked at Shi Liu angrily, "To be honest, this skin is far worse than your military uniform."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." Shi Liu said solemnly, he didn't want to make any jokes at this critical moment.

Then, the two found the elevator in the corridor and headed towards the fourth floor.


On a certain street behind the Youyi Bar, a circle of fine air waves protruding outward suddenly appeared on the ground, followed by a white-haired young man in a suit and leather shoes slightly bent his knees and landed. Taking the youth as the origin, the ground under his feet happened The slightest crack.

Then, the same is true for the place less than five meters away from him.

"The manager's message has been sent to Diaz. Youyi Bar is a favorite of Diaz. He will never sit idly by because of time." The white wolf in a suit looked at Shi Liu and smiled.

"Let's go." Shi Liu nodded.

In the vast night, the two of them galloped through the streets.

Youyi Bar, on the first floor.

A manager in a suit and leather shoes picked up a snow-white handkerchief and wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, then strode quickly towards the reception desk.

"Bess, let Liya and Mickey wait for me in the suite later." The manager shouted to a waiter standing on the edge of the reception desk.

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. Before he could take two steps, the waiter's hurried voice sounded behind him: "What a coincidence, Manager Dolby, Liya and Mickey have been taken to the second floor by Manager Hans. Now It hasn't come down yet."

The manager was startled when he heard the words, and then became angry, and immediately strode towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

He came to the corridor on the second floor in two or three steps, and strode towards Hans' suite.

"Malle Gobi, I really don't want to live anymore, a woman who dares to engage in labor and management..." The manager scolded as he walked, his face was already extremely ugly, he walked to the outside of the suite in three steps at a time, raised his leg and kicked open the door, Accompanied by a loud roar: "Hans! What the hell are you..."

Before the words were finished, people were already confused.

The room was in a mess, except for the clothes all over the floor, thick blood slowly dripped from the bed to the floor, and it was still ticking at this moment.

The naked Hans shrank in a pool of blood like a shrimp. His eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and he covered his stomach with his hands. There was a big blood hole in that place, and that was where the blood in the room came from.

The manager backed away uncontrollably.

At the corner, the manager's two former lovers - Liya and Mickey, at this moment, one had his head cut off, the other had his neck wiped, and the two bodies were thrown at the corner.

The manager stared at the scene in the room obsessively, his mind went blank at the moment.

It took him a long time to react.

At this moment, he had a very strong consciousness in his brain.

Hurry up and contact Boss Diaz!

dark night
Villa No. 24 in the "sub-paradise" villa area.

A fat bald man in white and blue pajamas sat on a six-figure sofa. His fat body leaned forward, his arms resting on his lap, and his thumbs kept rubbing his temples.

On the table in front of the fat man was a brain. On the screen of the brain was a bird's-eye view of the entire "sub-paradise" villa area.

At this moment, in the bird's-eye view on the brain screen, two people in suits and leather shoes are walking quickly towards the No. 24 villa area.

Besides him in the room, there were six big black men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses standing behind the sofa. The MP5 submachine guns in their hands made them look unfriendly.

This fat man is Diaz. He was sleeping with two young girls in his arms before, but Hans, the manager of Youyi Bar, sent him nearly ten messages in a row.

Message content: Boss, there are anti-military forces attacking Youyi Bar tonight!It's just me and Warren escaping, what are we going to do?
Diaz couldn't sleep at that time, and he replied decisively: Don't conflict with them, you two come to my villa quickly.

At this moment, Diaz's mood was like the turbulent waves. How could the Youyi Bar, which he had worked so hard to manage for many years, be attacked by the rebels for no reason?
Could it be that if the anti-army and himself are not soft, they are directly hard steel?
"Ding dong."

When the doorbell rang, Diaz waved his hand, and immediately a big man with a gun stepped forward to open the door.

Just then, Diaz received another message.

I opened it with a mood that was about to explode, but it was sent by the manager Warren.

Diaz was dumbfounded.

Since the doorbell rang, it meant that Warren and Hans had arrived, so why did he send a message?Why don't you just come in and say no?
However, Diaz opened it out of vigilance.

The message shows: Boss, Hans and Bette were killed!

Diaz's eyes widened.

For a moment, he seemed to want to understand something.

The Warren and Hans outside the door are fake!

"Don't open the door!"

Diaz shouted, but his words were never as fast as his actions. Just as Diaz spoke, the big black man had already opened the door.

The door opened, and in the vast night, two young men in suits and leather shoes appeared at the door.

A thought flashed in his mind, the Black Tiger M4 came through the weapon system and landed firmly in Shi Liu's hands.

Similarly, White Wolf has an extra MK18 in his hand.


Diaz's roar sounded again.

"Wipe, wipe, wipe!—"

"Diudiu! Diudiu!—"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole villa was filled with clear and powerful gunshots.

However, it is not the sound of the MP5 submachine gun.

After a burst of gunshots, Diaz sat down behind the sofa and the black men had blood holes all over their bodies.

At this moment, their left hand rests on the body of the MP5 submachine gun, and their right hand grips the handle of the gun tightly. Even the index finger has been inserted into the trigger cover. In this posture, they can shoot at any time.

It's just that they are slow.

In less than a second, the bodies of several big men swayed, and they fell to the ground with blood flowing.

At this moment, Diaz's fat face was covered with fine sweat, and he stared at the two young men in front of him with wide eyes.

really!Sure enough, it wasn't Warren and Hans!

"You...what do you want to do..." Diaz's obese body began to tremble. Although this business tycoon is well-informed and has done many cruel things in the past, he still doesn't feel comfortable facing this kind of incident. Consciously get scared.

Shi Liu didn't say anything, just smiled and walked forward slowly, while Bai Lang kicked the door back and followed.

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(End of this chapter)

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