Chapter 181 Happy Cooperation

"Don't be nervous, we're here today, just to ask you to go." Shi Liu walked forward slowly, sat down on the sofa and said coldly, this action caused Diaz next to him to move again.

White Wolf also followed and sat next to Shi Liu.

"Walk? Go...where?..." Diaz looked at Shi Liu and Bai Lang with both eyes, and said out of breath.

Although he asked so, as for where to go, Diaz had already guessed seven or eight points in his heart.

After all, Ye Meigui sent someone to find him a long time ago.

It's just that Ye Meigui didn't take this matter too seriously at that time, so that her father, Admiral Edward, one of the five giants of the anti-military force, delayed the improvement of naval combat power until now.

But now, that Ye Meigui still doesn't give up. Could it be that that fucking bitch has taken a fancy to her?

Diaz groaned inwardly.

There was nothing he could do with the two on the sofa.

"Naturally it's a good place, don't worry, it's just a walk, there is no other purpose." White Wolf leaned forward, letting Diaz look at him and said.

"But... but at least let me know who you are." Diaz wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in a low voice.

"Rebel against the army." Without waiting for Shi Liu to speak, Bai Lang replied bluntly.

Diaz shuddered.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

"Brothers, you may not know..." Diaz put on an innocent air: "The most indispensable thing in this area is rich people. I, Diaz, can only be regarded as a speck of dust in this area. , uh... With the skills of the two brothers, it is not a trivial matter to invite those big men..."

After the words were finished, Shi Liu and Bai Lang didn't move at all, they didn't even blink.

Diaz suddenly felt a sense of self-inflicted boredom.

"Of course we know this," White Wolf said, breaking the silence, "but we are soldiers, and soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. We will find whoever the superior orders us to find, let alone you Diaz, even if we are asked to find A beggar, we have to carry him back."

He added: "I say this, can you understand?"

Diaz lowered his eyes slightly and nodded again and again: "Understood, understood..."

"Then, please." Shi Liu stood up and made a "please" gesture.

Diaz got up slowly. Suddenly, he fixed his eyes on Shi Liu fiercely, and then showed a sneer.

Shi Liu noticed his abnormality, he was downcast just now, why did he become energetic all of a sudden?
Could it be...

At this time, the sound of the wind that was exclusively caused by the blade suddenly came from behind Shi Liu.

not good!

Shi Liu was startled, his immediate reaction was: Someone is sneaking up!

Then, in a lightning reaction, he took a long left step and fell onto his side.


A sharp gust of saber wind was generated at the place where Shi Liu stayed. If the latter hadn't dodged in time, he might have been injured by the saber wind.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to avoid the knife wind, Shi Liu quickly scanned the entire hall, but apart from himself, Bai Lang and Diaz, he never found a fourth person.

That's weird.

The generation of knife wind is due to the extreme waving of the blade in a short period of time, and the blade stirs the surrounding airflow.

For this phenomenon, without someone's insinuation, it is impossible for a lone knife to move by itself.

Moreover, there was no knife in the entire hall.

There is only one possibility to explain this phenomenon.

Invisible Knifeman!
The white wolf on the side couldn't help frowning slightly when Shi Liu suddenly made such a big move, thinking what the hell was going on?
However, he soon realized why Shi Liu did this.

Judging by his actions, it was obvious that he was deliberately avoiding something, so this meant that there were unknown enemies in the hall!
Here, as soon as Shi Liu stood firmly on his feet, he felt a sharp knife blowing from his side!
His whole body rolled to the side, exposing the marble coffee table behind him, and just as he dodged, the marble coffee table shook suddenly, and countless debris burst out from where he had stayed, forming a half-meter-long crack.

Shi Liu rolled and stood on the ground, thoughts flashed in his mind, two sabers broke through the air from the weapon system, and were held in Shi Liu's two hands respectively.

Here, Diaz twisted his fat body, and he ran towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

The white wolf snorted, thoughts flashed in his mind, and instantly there were two military axes in his hands. He stepped onto the marble coffee table, predicted the next step that Diaz would take upstairs, and then threw the military ax in his left hand towards the stairs ahead. out!

The white wolf's prediction was accurate, and the final drop of the military ax was exactly the step that Diaz was going to step on!
The next moment, the military ax will strike Diaz's left leg accurately.

At that time, even if Diaz wanted to run, he didn't have the strength to act.


The sound of metal collisions sounded instantly, and it slightly shook people's eardrums.The military ax thrown by the white wolf flew in a spin and flew to a place less than three meters away from the stairs, as if it had touched a glass wall, and seemed to be intercepted by something, and finally fell powerlessly on the ground. land.

Diaz, who was running up the stairs, glanced this way, showing a hint of joy of escape, and then climbed up the stairs in three steps and two steps, and disappeared on the second floor.

The white wolf on the coffee table was startled suddenly.

At this moment, he finally understood why Shi Liu made two evasive movements in a row.

Then, the white wolf also sensed the existence of danger around him.

The next moment, as if the white wolf had sensed something, he leaned back violently, and a sharp wind of saber passed by!

If he hadn't reacted quickly, the wind of the knife would have cut off his handsome face.

Then, he used this posture to backflip and jump off the coffee table. When his legs left the coffee table, another blade of wind slid across the original position of his legs!
Here, Shi Liu relied on his ears and consciousness to fight against the invisible man for less than two rounds before he was forced back again and again by the sharp wind of the knife.

Both of them retreated step by step, and finally stood back to back.

Handing each other's backs to each other made them feel a little more at ease.

"It's amazing," White Wolf tilted his right military ax in front of his chest, looking around the 180° scenery in front of him with handsome eyes, and said, "Why can't I see them."

"We have reached the limit of luck," Shi Liu said with his saber in his left hand slanted in front of his chest, pointing at the ground with his right hand, looking around the 180-degree scenery in front of him with handsome eyes, and said with a wry smile, "If they use guns, we can..."

Before the words fell, the two of them tacitly rolled in opposite directions!


Then there was the sound of a knife slashing the floor, where the two of them had stayed, the precious floor was mercilessly cut with two scars on the left and right!
It seems that there is more than one invisible enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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