Chapter 182 Stealth Suit

When the floor was split, Shi Liu predicted the enemy's next attack through his own consciousness.

He rolled over and stood on the ground, with his swords crossed on top.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, sparks flew from the intersection of Shi Liu's swords, and this invisible attack was once again blocked by him.

The white wolf over there seemed to be struggling. After all, he only had a military ax in his hand, and he could only dodge passively when dealing with invisible enemies.

When Shi Liu blocked the attack, he also silently activated the control of the mysterious soul.

However, there was no yellow box in the room, and even Diaz's box disappeared without a trace.

Shi Liu was startled, which meant that Diaz had fled the villa.

Moreover, the invisible enemies in the room are not affected by the mysterious soul's control.

Now, the trouble is a bit big.

The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

Going on like this is not an option, and no one can guarantee that there will be more such invisible people, or a group of them.

At that time, even if Shi Liu and Bai Lang wanted to leave the villa, it was quite difficult.

Facing this invisible enemy, Shi Liu couldn't help recalling a pattern in the FireWire game.

Ghost mode!

The ghost in the game is a character in which the lurker wears an invisibility suit and can only attack the defender with melee weapons.

So, are these invisible enemies in the villa somewhat similar to the ghosts in the game?
In the game, the most effective way to deal with ghosts, besides turning on G, is to throw smoke bombs to make them appear passively!

Thinking of this, Shi Liu quickly ran towards the marble coffee table in front of him. On the way, there were several sword winds coming towards him, but he cleverly dodged them with his body skills.

As soon as he stepped on the coffee table, an idea flashed in his mind, and an alliance smoke bomb came through the air from the weapon system.

Handing over the saber in his left hand to his right, Shi Liu flipped back while holding the smoke bomb.

During the somersault, he bit open the ring of the smoke bomb with his teeth, and when his body fell to the ground, the smoke bomb was also thrown to the ground.


The smoke bomb fell to the ground under force, and a wisp of faint white smoke quickly lifted into the air from it.

Soon, the area around the marble coffee table was shrouded in thick smoke.

Seeing Shi Liu throwing the smoke bomb, Bai Lang knew that he was intentionally dealing with invisible enemies, so he subconsciously ran towards the thick smoke.

At this moment, the two stood back to back in the smoke again.

Then, in the thick smog, in front of the two of them, there was a figure attacking with a knife!

Humph, it really works!

Shi Liu thought to himself, then turned his head slightly and said: "Now I have to let go."

"Of course." The white wolf smiled without looking back.

In the thick smoke, the figure with the knife was still moving forward.

They thought they were in an invisible state.

As everyone knows, their enemies have already seen them clearly.

Shi Liu yelled violently, and took the initiative to meet the figure holding the knife!

The other party took the initiative to attack, and immediately raised his hand and slashed down with a knife!

Shi Liu snorted coldly, and quickly raised the saber in his left hand, blocking the opponent's blow amidst the sound of metal clashing.

Then, straighten out your right saber and stab at the opponent's abdomen!

The other party reacted quickly, he seemed to know that the other party could see him, and immediately rolled his whole body to one side and withdrew from the battle field, Shi Liu stabbed in the air.

Over there, the white wolf dodged the opponent's horizontal chop with a short body, swung the military ax in his hand, and slashed hard at the opponent's ribs!
The enemy swung the knife in the air, but he quickly rolled in the direction of swinging the knife with the force of the swing, and the white wolf didn't hit anything with the axe.

After Shi Liu pierced the air with his saber, he immediately threw away the saber in his right hand. A thought flashed in his mind, and the Desert Eagle broke through the air from the weapon system and held it in Shi Liu's right hand.

He knew that since the enemy already knew that he could see him, the latter would definitely draw out his gun when he retracted his knife!
Sure enough, the figure in the smoke quickly took out a pistol from his coat!
However, he is slow!

"Boring! Boring! Boring!—"

Shi Liu pulled the trigger continuously, and three bullets roared out. The target was the figure who just raised the gun in front of him!

"Puff puff!"

The sound of bullets piercing through flesh sounded, and the figure trembled three times in a row. Even if it stood there in a daze for less than three seconds, it fell powerlessly to the ground.

Here, the enemy that White Wolf faces is also drawing a gun!
Just when he took out his gun, Bai Lang threw out the military ax in his hand with lightning speed!
At this moment, the enemy has just raised his gun. It takes a short time to aim, and it also requires mental concentration, so that he will not be affected by other factors.

Therefore, White Wolf's throw of the ax was accurate!
A blow to the head!
The figure just trembled all over, and before the bullets in his hands could be fired, he fell to the ground with the military ax on his head.

At this moment, the two invisible enemies finally fell to the ground and died.

Shi Liu turned his head and looked at Bai Lang, and the two walked towards the corpse that had been shot three times.

At this moment, it was no longer the virtual figure that fell on the ground, but a person wearing a strange costume.

This dress is dark gray, looks like armor, but is actually soft. On the chest, there are three bullet holes the size of pea grains, and the unstoppable flow of blood is thanks to Bai Shiliu.

Crouching down, Shi Liu looked at the helmet on the corpse's head.

There are two large round holes on the face of the helmet, which is where the enemy needs to see clearly. Under the round holes is a palm-long devil's mouth. The whole face looks like that devil.

However, this is not a demon, but an invisibility suit.

I just never thought that Diaz actually owns such a high-tech product.

For a while, Shi Liu and Bai Lang understood why the anti-army would cooperate with Diaz instead of others.

The reason for this must have a lot to do with the invisibility suit.

"In order to deal with them, Diaz ran away." Bai Lang looked at Shi Liu and said, this time the mission was to bring Diaz back, but now it seems that this mission was a failure.

Shi Liu looked at the corpse on the ground and chuckled: "I think this invisibility suit costs the same as Diaz's. As long as you take the invisibility suit back, Diaz will be worthless."

"What do you mean?" White Wolf asked thoughtfully.

"Although you let Diaz run away, as long as you bring such a good thing back, I believe that Ye Meigui will not only not blame you, but she will also thank you." Shi Liu smiled.

White Wolf smiled bitterly: "You mean, Ye Meigui already knew that Diaz possessed this kind of invisibility suit, but in order not to make us feel pressured, he told a white lie, on the surface to arrest Diaz, but actually But take back this stealth suit for the rebels to study?"

"That's right," Shi Liu nodded, "There are such good things for the battlefield, and the rebels will naturally not turn a blind eye."

(End of this chapter)

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