Chapter 183

"If such perverted clothing is brought back to the Anti-Army Technology Headquarters, it will be mass-produced and distributed to armies around the world. Then our future plans will be greatly hindered." White Wolf said thoughtfully.

Shi Liu chuckled: "There are two sets here? One is for the rebels, and the other is for our own research and development."

"Independent research and development?" Bai Lang looked a little surprised, "Are there other technicians in the team?"

Shi Liu nodded: "Of course, as long as our production speed is faster than that of the rebels, the deadline for future operations will be greatly advanced."

White Wolf smiled wryly: "Do you think that with our current level of technology, we can do the same thing before the anti-military mass production? Don't forget, how they developed the biochemical weapon in the first place."

Shi Liu was silent for a long time, then frowned and said: "I believe in the strength of the green mirror..."

In the vast night, two figures quickly walked out of the "sub-paradise" villa area.

After a long time, an obese figure appeared in the back garden of Villa No. 24.

Diaz covered his brows and looked into the distance. After seeing the two figures walking out of the villa area, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead again.

Time flies, and the next day will come in a blink of an eye.

In the urban area, in a certain hotel.

"Hmm... If you have the same body, it will take some time..." In the room, Green Mirror looked at the dark gray invisibility suit with three bullet holes in Shi Liu's hand, and pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said.

"...can you tell me the specific time." Shi Liu said.

The green mirror was silent for a long time, and said after a long time: "First of all, I need to figure out the internal structure, core components and synthetic materials of this stealth suit, and also need a laboratory that will not be disturbed."

"Then, how long will it take to have a laboratory?" Foxhunting's voice sounded, she walked into the room, stood beside Shi Liu and said.

"...The soonest, two months!" Lu Jing said solemnly.

two months...

sixty days.

Immediately, Shi Liu and Liehu frowned slightly.

"I know that two months may be a long time for the team, but for me, that is already my limit." Green Mirror said with a frown.

"Okay." Shi Liu sighed lightly, and immediately passed the invisibility suit in his hand to the green mirror, and said: "Well, you should understand it briefly first, as for the laboratory..."

Shi Liu thought for a while, and finally said decisively: "There will be three days later!"

After hearing this, Hunting Fox couldn't help trembling slightly. She took La Shiliu's hand, and when the latter turned his head, she said, "Don't forget the deadline Ye Meigui gave us."

After hearing this, Lu Jing also realized that the time limit given by Ye Meigui was only ten days.

But Shi Liu said that he will get a laboratory for him in three days. In this way, it means that Green Mirror will start working in this city?
Shi Liu looked squarely at Hunting Fox: "Of course I know the deadline, but compared to anti-military technology, we can't afford to waste time, not even a single day."

Looking at the green mirror again: "Green mirror, in three days, you can take this invisibility suit and go to the laboratory to work with peace of mind. As for Ye Meigui, I will tell her that the green mirror team member unfortunately died while capturing Diaz." .”

The two remained silent for a long time, and Fox Hunting said, "That's fine, but are you sure you can find a laboratory within three days?"

"Yes," Shi Liu nodded without hesitation, "There is an industrial factory less than one kilometer to the east of the subparadise villa area, and the white wolf and I saw no less than ten laboratories last night!"

He added: "As long as that factory is taken down, all problems will be solved."

"Okay," Fox Hunter nodded slightly: "Yesterday, the Mad Scorpion Mercenary Group agreed to cooperate with us, and it will come in handy tomorrow."

"En." Shi Liu nodded.

At the same time, Hurricane City in the southern wasteland of Asia.

In the cremation plant of the military headquarters in Hurricane City, several rebels were using machines to send large pieces of corpses of their comrades to the huge cremation furnace in front of them.

In addition to these anti-military corpses, there are also a large number of corpses of private guards.

These corpses were exactly the rebel soldiers and Kane's personal guards that Shi Liu and others killed in the assassination of Kane in the chemical plant four days ago.

It's just that the military hasn't started to dispose of these bodies until now.

This machine has a total of five conveyor belts, and two rebels at the end of each conveyor belt are responsible for moving the corpse upwards.

"1, 2, 3, good!"

At the end of the second conveyor belt, two rebels were struggling to throw a corpse, and then clapped their hands, ready to bend down and drag another corpse onto it.

But as soon as the two lowered their heads, they were taken aback.

"Isn't this Kane? Damn it." One of the rebels looked at the corpse in a suit and said.

"Haha, it's true." His companion also laughed and said, "The body of the big boss should be dealt with aftermath. Why is it mixed up here?"

The rebels on the other conveyor belts immediately put down their work after hearing this, and surrounded them one after another.

Everyone was pointing around the corpse, expressing their opinions one after another, and the corpse discussed by everyone was Kane who was shot dead by Shi Liuyi in the chemical plant!

Due to days of wind and sun, Kane's body has begun to rot and stink at this moment, so when the body covering him was turned over, there was a lingering rotten smell, so that everyone wanted to lean over to have a closer look When seeing the face of this big boss, he waved his hands repeatedly because of the stench.

"Damn it, the other corpses have no smell, but this one smells so damn dead!" A rebel scolded, covering his nose and frowning.

"Fuck, what nonsense, hurry up!" Another rebel cursed, saying that he had already grabbed the two arms of Kane's body.

His companion also bowed cursingly, and dragged the corpse's legs.

The other rebels saw that they were bored, so they all turned around and returned to their respective jobs.

Just as the two rebels lifted the corpse off the ground, they suddenly felt the incomparably heavy corpse in their hands, as if a nearly ton of iron had slammed on it.

"Nimma, what the hell is going on!" The rebel who raised his arms couldn't help yelling, and at the same time, he could no longer hold the arms of the heavy corpse, and subconsciously let go of his hands.

The rebel who raised his legs saw that something was wrong, and imitated the former and let go of his hands. Kane's body fell to the ground immediately, and the ground shook slightly, and the other corpses on the ground were directly crushed and deformed!Even pressed directly into patties!


The two rebels all stared wide-eyed, a little dazed for a while, what kind of rhythm is this?Gravity increased dramatically?
The rebels who were working on several other conveyor belts also felt the sudden tremor of the ground, and immediately frowned slightly, looking this way one after another.

But it doesn't matter, even the two rebels who lifted Kane's body and put it down just now were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground!
Kane's rotten and smelly corpse started to move violently!

(End of this chapter)

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