Chapter 184

The rebels who were on several conveyor belts around felt the tremor of the ground, and they were all taken aback immediately, and looked over here one after another.

Then, everyone was dumbfounded.

What kind of rhythm is this?
At this moment, Kane's whole body has begun to swell slowly, so that the blood-stained suit on his body is completely burst, like a balloon that is already full of air but still inflating.There is always the danger of an explosion.

"What are you doing in a daze! Run!"

I don't know who yelled, and all the rebels reacted, rushing out of the cremation plant like an antelope that saw a lion.


The rebels just ran out of the cremation plant for a few steps, when there was an inhuman roar that sounded like a beast.

Everyone was taken aback, this roar was no stranger to them.

On the contrary, it was somewhat familiar.

The biochemical weapon used by the rebels when they attacked the alliance!
That's right, absolutely right!
However, even if Kane came back from the dead, how could he roar like this...

Could it be...
Thinking of this, all the rebels broke out in a cold sweat.

Then, they all turned around and looked towards the cremation plant.

I saw Kane, who had been resurrected from the dead, strode out of the cremation plant!
However, at this moment, he was different from the one lying in the pile of corpses before.

When he was in the pile of corpses before, Kane's entire body was about to swell and explode, but at this moment it returned to a normal human form. The difference is that Kane's left shoulder at this moment has become extremely huge!
It's like, the area where two coffee tables are put together!

Moreover, on that left shoulder, there is another eye that is gradually surging out of the flesh and blood!

G virus!

When the rebels saw Kane at this moment, they immediately recalled the virus in their minds.

Among the biological and chemical weapons used by the anti-army offensive alliance, 70% of the mutants came from the G virus. This virus has made great contributions to today's anti-army. As for the other variants - T-52 , Lickers, etc., are all species produced by the fusion of T viruses, which are still slightly inferior to the widely used G viruses.

When the Anti-Army Science and Technology Headquarters studied the G virus, it was proposed that the G virus can make the infected person have five layers of form.

The first layer of the G virus is like Kane at the moment. A large number of cells of the infected person will surge to the left shoulder, so that the left shoulder will become extremely huge, and an eye that can obtain vision will be attached, and its fist will become claws.

The shape of the second layer is not much different from that of the first layer. The right shoulder of the infected person begins to become huge. Similarly, an eye that can obtain vision appears.

In the third layer of form, the two giant claws of the infected person have mutated into shape, they start to rise, and two new arms will grow under the armpit, the head of the infected person will shrink inward, and the new head produced by the virus will Gradually instead, a flesh thorn will appear on the chest.

In the fourth layer form, the head of the infected person has completely sunk into the body, the eyes on the legs have begun to increase, and the thorn on the chest has turned into a mouth. Due to its weight gain, it has to walk on all fours. It has become a completely bottom reptile, which makes it exceptionally agile.

In the last layer of form, the infected person has become a giant meat mountain that cannot move and is covered with tentacles. The attack power of this meat mountain has begun to become stronger. Correspondingly, its defense power is stronger than its own attack power.

The above were summarized by the Anti-Army Science and Technology Headquarters into five different variants: G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, and G-5. Of course, when they attacked the alliance, the anti-army Only G-1, which is the most primitive form of the G virus, is used. Today, the G virus variants of the anti-military forces are sealed up in major ice-covered mountains, anti-military technology headquarters, or placed on the seabed.

And the G virus samples, reagents, or the source of the virus were all sealed up in the Anti-Army Technology Headquarters by the anti-army high-level because the war was over.

But, how did Kane get the G virus?

You must know that the Anti-Army Technology Headquarters is not a place where anyone can enter if they want, even a local bully like Kane is no exception.

So, why was he able to come back from the dead and be infected with the G virus?

At this moment, Kane's hair has turned burnt yellow, and his eyes that were originally ashen ashes are now scarlet. He dragged his huge left shoulder and walked slowly towards the rebels.


In a daze, someone yelled and took out the AK-47 in response.

Immediately, all the rebels present also imitated the former and pulled out their guns.

They organized a firepower network in an orderly manner, and their target was Kane, who was walking a little shaky ahead!

Someone gave an order, and then, uniform gunshots rang out in an orderly manner, and the bullets all over the sky roared towards the mutated Kane in front of him!

"Puff puff puff!—"

The sound of bullets piercing through flesh echoed, and when the rebels watched, all the bullets whistling out shot into Kane's body. The powerful impact made the latter's whole body tremble, and the thick blood that had turned black also shot into Kane's body. The number of holes increases and the overflow continues.

However, these bullets did not stop Kane's pace.

It roared while shaking its body again and again, and immediately its incomparably huge left arm was hammered down on the ground in front of it, and the sharp claws of the left arm suddenly hit the ground. The cracks in the ground began to rush towards the direction of the rebels along the claws!

The rebels were all shocked. The speed at which the crack in front of them opened was no less than the full speed of the "Pioneer" chariot!

Before they could react, the crack in the ground had spread to the feet of the rebels!
Then, there was a powerful explosion!
Crushed stones danced everywhere, flesh and blood flew everywhere!
Before the group of rebels could even scream, they were crushed by the cracked ground!

When the dust settled, some flesh and blood of the rebels also fell.

At this moment, Kane just raised the huge left arm, and the five sharp claws made a movement of closing and opening.

At this time, an alarm that could be heard from any corner sounded in the anti-military base where the cremation factory was located.

Kane was indifferent to this, perhaps it could no longer hear the meaning of this sound.

Time passed quickly, and night fell in a blink of an eye.

Europe, along the Atlantic coast, in a certain city.

"Isn't it a bit too much for us to break into other people's factories like this..."

"Hey, these cities are all local rebels. When the rebels invaded our city, did you ever feel that you were too much?"

"Makes sense..."

 There are a lot of things these days, and the update will not be too stable. Brothers, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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