Chapter 185 The Return

In the vast night, two alliance mercenaries hid at the back wall of a certain community. The back wall was not high, and with a little tiptoe, they could clearly see the industrial factory behind.

It was almost midnight, and there was silence around the factory, including inside.

"I hope this factory won't be like the chemical factory in Asia." Gang Ya raised his head slightly, looking around the silent factory and whispered.

"...Are you afraid that a second Kane will emerge from this factory?" Hong Jiao asked thoughtfully.

Gang Ya nodded slightly: "Don't forget, we almost couldn't get out of the chemical factory incident last time. Don't look at the calmness of this factory on the surface, who knows how many dangers are hidden inside."

"Even if there is a second Kane, there are poisonous wolves behind us, right?" Hong Jiao laughed.

Steel teeth remained silent, he took out the tactical binoculars from the weapon system, and began to carefully observe the situation around the factory gate.

After a long time, Gangya murmured: "Is this factory a little too quiet..."

After seeing this, Hongjiao snorted angrily, and immediately turned on the mercenary system to look at the time, and said: "There are still 3 minutes until the action, hurry up, don't forget what Poison Wolf said, take this in 10 minutes!" The factory, we are the first shot."

Gang Ya nodded, and immediately put away the binoculars. With a flash of thought in his mind, an AA12 appeared in his hand, and a fine steel dagger was also inserted into his left leg.

The Red Flood Dragon was also equipped, and the two stood quietly behind the wall, waiting for the system to prompt the action to begin.

Three minutes later, two figures climbed over the wall from the back of the community and ran towards the factory in front.

Time flies, and the next day comes in the blink of an eye.

In the city, in a certain hotel.

Shi Liu stood in front of the bed, with his hands behind his back, staring at the scenery outside the window.

At this time, a message was displayed on the communication system.

Open it, the message comes from Hongjiao: Poison Wolf, we have already succeeded, and the handling is very neat. It seems that you are worrying too much. There is no danger inside or outside this factory, and it does not belong to the place set up by the local rebels. .

Shi Liu replied: Okay, the green mirror is already on the way, just wait a little longer.

Hong Jiao replied: All right.

Last night, Shi Liu asked Hongjiao, Gangya, Coffin, Blood Eagle, and Daofeng to take down the factory, and he expected that the five of them would have to finish it this morning at the earliest. It really took one night to take down a factory.

Now, it can be regarded as fulfilling the promise to Green Mirror that day: to find a suitable laboratory for Green Mirror within three days.

Therefore, Shi Liu handed the invisibility suit to Lu Jing this morning, and asked him to rush to the mission location last night.

In this way, everyone can gather all the alliance mercenaries around, and then take another set of invisibility suits, and return to Ye Meigui with the white wolf.

At this moment, there is only Shi Liuyi in the hotel, Hongjiao and the others are in the factory, and Hunting Fox and the others meet up with another mercenary group—the Starburst mercenary group in an abandoned building in the city.

Therefore, after hearing that Hongjiao and the others took over the factory, Shi Liu left the hotel immediately and headed towards the abandoned buildings in the city.

On the second floor of the abandoned building, Hunting Fox and the others were talking with members of the Starburst Mercenary Corps.

After seeing Shi Liu coming up from the first floor, everyone present looked at him.

Shi Liu went upstairs and took a look around the second floor. Besides Hunting Fox and the others, there were also a group of people in casual clothes standing opposite the former.

"Brothers, the Scorpion Mercenary Group and the Sea Crocodile Mercenary Group have already joined us. This area is short of your Starburst Mercenary Group. The rebels have invaded our homeland, causing us to wander the streets all day long. , Let’s unite together and start rebuilding the alliance from Europe, wouldn’t it be better.” Shi Liu strode forward, looked at a captain-like man among the strangers and said with a smile.

The man first looked Shi Liu up and down, and then looked at the opposite hunting fox with vigilant eyes: "Who is he?"

Before Hunting Fox could answer, Shi Liu stood in front of the former one step ahead, still smiling: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether Captain Starburst is willing to join us or not."

The other party snorted coldly, and said: "You have also seen the current anti-military forces. Isn't it a bit unrealistic to want to overthrow it just by us remaining alliance mercenaries?"

The people behind him also nodded, and then, the atmosphere on the second floor changed subtly, one side was full of enthusiasm, and the other side was cold for thousands of years.

Shi Liu sneered: "Brother, if you do this, you will be a little bit arrogant. When the alliance existed, the anti-military forces were like rats crossing the street. Winning by luck, in my opinion, if the alliance mercenaries from all over the world are united, overthrowing the rebels will be as easy as picking something out of a pocket. I think the head of Starburst must also think the same way, but there is no mercenary group in the whole of Europe Just stand up and lead."

After a few words, the other party was speechless, he hesitated to speak, and finally gritted his teeth: "Just wait and see, our leader will not cooperate with you madmen so easily!"

And said: "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he led the people behind him and walked downstairs without looking back.

After they left, Hunting Fox couldn't help looking at Shi Liu: "You are too impatient, I have initially gained their trust, and it is only a matter of time before I convince them."

Shi Liu looked back at Hunting Fox and smiled, "You are too impatient. Believe me, Xingburst will find us in person at the latest tonight. So, call both Mad Scorpion and Sea Crocodile tonight, lest Xingburst change his mind."

Everyone was puzzled, just now the mercenaries of the Starburst Mercenary Corps spoke so clearly, why is Shi Liu still indifferent?

However, although they were puzzled, everyone didn't say anything more.

Since Shi Liu said this, he naturally had his reasons.

"How is Green Mirror's laboratory?" After a long silence, Hunting Fox looked at Shi Liu and asked. Hearing that Gang Ya, Hong Jiao and others went to that factory last night, Hunting Fox was naturally very concerned about its progress.

"Their work efficiency is very high. They went there last night and took down the factory this morning." Shi Liu said, "I have asked Green Mirror to bring the invisibility suit there, maybe he is already researching the invisibility suit now gone."

Fox Hunt nodded.

Then, everyone left the abandoned building together and went back to the hotel.

It is night, full of stars, and the moon is like a silver plate.

Everyone had just finished dinner when someone knocked on the door of the private room of the hotel from outside.

In the room, everyone looked towards the door, Shi Liu stood up and opened the door, looking back and whispering: "80% are starbursts."

As he said that, the door was opened by him, and there were three people standing outside.

(End of this chapter)

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