Chapter 186 The Return

Outside the door stood three tall men in casual clothes.

One of them was dressed in denim, with short, vigorous hair, and his eyes revealed a hint of fierceness, while the other two youths stood behind the former one by one.

Shi Liu glanced over, thinking that the guy in front of him was probably Xingbo himself, so he squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Brother, these days, rebels are everywhere."

There was a knowing smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, and immediately said in a low voice: "Brother Poison Wolf has good eyesight."

Shi Liuchao stepped back and stepped aside, nodded and smiled: "Come on, come in and talk."

All three nodded, and then Xingburst took the lead to file in.

"Crazy Scorpion? You're here too?" As soon as he entered the room, Starburst saw Kuang Scorpion sitting on the sofa facing the door for the first time. He casually glanced at the former, and was surprised again: "Sure enough. A gathering of heroes, sea crocodile, you are indispensable for any occasion."

Crazy Scorpion and Sea Crocodile stood up with a smile, and the two of them got up and punched Xingburst on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Xingburst."

"I have to say, you two are fast enough. Before that, I always thought I was No.1 in this operation." Xingburst smiled wryly.

"No.1 is not you, Poisonous Wolf hasn't spoken yet." Mad Scorpion gave Starburst a look and said with a smile.

Looking back at Starburst, Shi Liu had already walked in front of him, nodded and said: "In this way, our combat effectiveness has been raised to another level. Now we have a total of four mercenary regiments. If the command and tactics are in place, we can win one It’s easy to counter military bases.”

All the people present nodded, and the sea crocodile looked at Shi Liu squarely: "So, have you chosen your target?"

"Of course," Shi Liu said firmly, "After tonight, this brother will take us to the target location."

As he spoke, he nodded his chin towards the white wolf who was sitting on the bed.

The three mercenary regiment leaders all looked in the direction Shi Liu was pointing at, but all of them changed color immediately.

Before the three of them got angry, Bai Lang smiled and blocked the former's words: "Don't look at me like this, I have to say, your sniper ability is not inferior to mine."

This time it was Shi Liufa's turn to be confused: "Why, do you know each other?"

"It's more than acquaintance." The white wolf smiled bitterly, and immediately pointed to his left leg: "Back then, the mad scorpion shot me down. If it weren't for the special terrain at that time, I might have left my life in Africa."

"Aren't you..." Hai Crocodile couldn't help but said, a voice in his heart kept shouting: Why is the white wolf here!He is a member of the rebel army!
But before he finished speaking, White Wolf said in time: "The rebels won't let me live, so naturally I can't let them have a good time."

This sentence entered the ears, and the sea crocodile and the others just showed a look of trance.

"Before the anti-army launched the biochemical crisis, I was ordered to go to the North African battlefield, and I ran into these three brothers." Bai Lang looked at Shi Liu again and said.

Shi Liufang nodded again and again.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Kuang Xie's eyes wandered between Shi Liu and Bai Lang, "Look at this, you are planning to cooperate internally and externally to take down the anti-military base."

"That's right," Shi Liu nodded, "Now our target doesn't know the identity of the white wolf at the moment, so let the white wolf support in the base, and within a long time, the base will be destroyed."

"The idea is very good," Bai Lang frowned, "I hope there will be no mistakes along the way, Ye Meigui's scheming is not as shallow as the sea."

Speaking of Ye Meigui, it was the first time that Kuangxie, Sea Crocodile, and Starburst had heard of this name. Although they had heard about it, they also vaguely knew that Ye Meigui should be the leader of the target base.

"It depends on you, White Wolf." Shi Liu smiled wryly, "In my opinion, no matter how scheming Ye Meigui is, as long as you are willing to show your true colors, I think any woman will be fine."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room burst into laughter.

After hearing this, the white wolf was taken aback, then scratched his head speechlessly, frowned and said, "Can you be a bit promising, kid? Am I that kind of person?"

"Don't think I'm joking," Shi Liu said with a serious face, "I mean, take Ye Meigui down at all costs. After all, among so many people, you are the only one who can get close to Ye Meigui."

The white wolf snorted angrily and stopped talking.

"Currently, there should be no other mercenary groups in this area. Then, since they are all here, we will head back tomorrow morning." Shi Liuhuan looked at the crowd and said solemnly.

At the same time, in the southern wilderness of Asia, a certain anti-military base.

The base has become a sea of ​​blood, and the rich blood even rises a centimeter above the ground. At this moment, this place is no longer a base, but a hell.

A huge figure with protruding arms is walking in this hell.

The whole base is quiet, only Kane walks alone. It walks slowly. Every time it takes a step, the residual limbs and meat in the blood will be taken up. These are all the residual limbs of the rebels. There is currently no One survived, which was naturally caused by Kane.

At this moment, its two arms had already grown into shape, and the two protruding eyeballs gave him more vision besides his eyes. After killing a base, it had already evolved into a G-2 form.

At this time, there was a low whistling sound resounding in the sky.

Its whole body was taken aback for a moment, then it raised its head and looked towards the sky.

Finally, in its eyeballs, and in the eyeballs on both arms, the images of several anti-army bombers gradually became clear and enlarged.

Then, there was a piercing sound of bombs being dropped.

boom! ——

The entire base lit up with the unique orange light of gunpowder, followed by an earth-shattering explosion!
The huge explosion produced flames like sea waves, and several silver-white bombers roared out of the flames, flew up into the sky again, and disappeared into the vast sky in the blink of an eye.

This is a round of bombing from the anti-air force headquarters. The mutant Kane turned into has been rampant in this base for nearly three days, so that only itself is left in this base. All of Kane's whereabouts as early as three days ago Before that, it was monitored by the anti-military space agency.

But why did the bombing take place three days later? The Anti-Army Air Force Headquarters went through a rigorous discussion. The content was to calculate whether the bombing would affect the various biological and chemical weapons that were sleeping below the base.

After the alliance was destroyed, all the biological and chemical weapons of the anti-army, army, navy and air force were transported back to the headquarters laboratory, but due to the large number, more biological and chemical weapons were too late to be transported back within the specified time, so they were sealed in the underground venues of each base. Because they have been underground for a long time, most of the biological and chemical weapons are in a dormant state at the moment.

If there are external factors affecting them, they will spring up on the ground like mushrooms after a rain. At that time, the chips in the biochemical weapons have already been scrapped due to long-term inactivity, and no one can control them anymore. They will become a group of real, Free bioweapons!

However, after three days of calculation and planning, the Anti-Army Air Force Headquarters finally came to a relatively ideal conclusion: the ground tremors caused by this bombing and the explosion flames could not have any impact on the biological and chemical weapons underground.

Therefore, the Air Force Headquarters issued the final order, bomb!
At this moment, the flames gradually dissipated and the gunpowder smoke rose into the sky. Kane's original location became a black and fragmented area. The ground was blown out of loess mud, and the surrounding buildings were also razed to the ground.

Kane, who was originally standing in place, has disappeared without a trace at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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