Chapter 187
The night was still dark, and an anti-military transport plane was flying in the night sky.

On the surface, an off-road convoy is driving at high speed in a remote path. If you look carefully, you will find that the speed of this convoy is no less than that of the transport plane in the sky.

Naturally, there were Shi Liubailang and others in the transport plane, while the convoy on the surface contained Mad Scorpion, Starburst, Sea Crocodile, and their respective mercenary groups.

According to the previous plan, since the transport plane has advantages both in terms of distance and speed, the first to arrive at the base must be the Fox Hunter Mercenary Group. Therefore, Shi Liu decided to let the Fox Hunter Mercenary Group who arrived at the base first Before the other three mercenary regiments arrived, they had to figure out the deployment of troops in the entire base, and they could not attack until the mad scorpions arrived.

At noon the next day, a transport plane landed steadily at the airport of an anti-military base.

Ye Meigui got the news as early as last night that the White Wolf's team had completed the task.

Therefore, they took a team of rebels and waited at the airport early.

The transport plane landed, the tail deck opened and hung down until it was connected to the ground, and the white wolf was the first to get out of it.

After that, Shi Liu, Liehu and others followed suit.

Ye Meigui stood quietly in the distance, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, from the moment White Wolf took the lead off the plane until the deck of the transport plane was put away, Diaz was not seen among these people.

However, she saw the dark gray outfit in the white wolf's hand.

Immediately, a slight smile appeared beside her pink lips.

White Wolf led Shi Liu and the others to walk in front of Ye Meigui. The former held his clothes with his left hand and raised his right hand to salute.

Ye Meigui returned the salute, and immediately turned to look at an adjutant: "Arrangement for this afternoon?"

"No arrangement." The adjutant nodded and said.

Ye Meigui nodded lightly, and looked at the white wolf again: "Go, go to my office and Xiaoxu."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the exit of the airport. The white wolf turned his head and nodded at the crowd, and led them to follow.

In the office, there were only Ye Meigui and Bai Lang.

"Very good, although Diaz was not caught, but..." Ye Meigui picked up the dark gray invisibility suit on the table, "This suit is far more valuable than Diaz."

"What are you going to do with this outfit?" White Wolf leaned on Ye Meigui's desk, crossing his arms and said.

Ye Meigui looked at the invisibility suit repeatedly, and said: "Of course it was sent to our technology headquarters. Now I finally understand why my father chose Diaz to cooperate. This is really a rare good thing. Just think about it." Let’s see, in the future, if our troops have the same body, wouldn’t their combat effectiveness be unprecedented? Moreover, with our current technology, we can mass-produce them within a year.”

He said again: "It's not too late, let someone take it to the technology headquarters tonight. Sigh, now my father won't blame me anymore, right?"

White Wolf nodded and remained silent for a long time before he asked, "Did anything happen to the base while I was away?"

Ye Meigui put down the invisibility suit when she heard the words, put her hands together and held her chin: "It's nothing...yes! Although our base is as rare as usual, a big event happened in the southern wilderness of Asia."

Southern Wilderness?
White Wolf's heart tightened, and he immediately asked, "What's the big deal?"

"A few days before I went up, a monster appeared in the base of the Southern Wilderness. I heard from the soldiers that it was a monster that was infected with the G virus and mutated. Its predecessor seemed to be a local rich man named... Kane "Ye Meigui said as if recalling.

White Wolf's brain suddenly thumped.


Isn't the fucking Kane dead long ago?

How could he be infected with the G virus and turn into a monster?

A series of questions emerged one after another, but White Wolf pretended to be alarmist on the surface, and said again: "A monster infected with the G virus? Didn't the local defenders take corresponding measures?"

"Accepted, but the entire base was slaughtered by that monster." Ye Meigui smiled bitterly: "Just yesterday at noon, the Air Force Headquarters conducted a round of bombing on the slaughtered base, and the monster must have been bombing It's gone in ashes."

"Cover bombing?" White Wolf murmured softly, "The madmen at the Air Force Headquarters are really bold, aren't they afraid of disturbing the sleeping biological weapons?"

"Of course not," Ye Meigui spread his hands, "Since it's a cover bombing, all its data have been calculated precisely, it's impossible for them not to think about biochemical weapons, so we don't need to worry about it."

White Wolf nodded: "I hope so."

It was night, and the white wolf took care of the trivial matters that Ye Meigui arranged for him one by one, and then went back to the residence.

After entering the apartment, Bai Lang didn't go back to his own room, but went into Shi Liu's room.

Pushing open the door, Bai Lang stepped in and said, "The clothes are already on the way."

At this moment, there are Shi Liu, Hong Jiao and Dao Feng in the room, seeing the white wolf walk in, Hong Jiao got up and opened the door.

"How's it going?" Seeing that it was the white wolf, Dao Feng immediately asked.

White Wolf naturally understood what Dao Feng was asking, and immediately shook his head: "There is no progress. Although Ye Meigui didn't discuss the base with me, I got another piece of news from her."

"what news?"

"Kane is not dead." White Wolf said as he pulled a chair and sat down.

"What?" Shi Liu, who had been lying on the bed without speaking, suddenly sat up straight.

Kane is not dead. This news is not insignificant to Shi Liu and others. If Kane is really alive and keeps his memory, he will definitely report the betrayal of the white wolf to the local rebels. At that time, even if White Wolf was in the remotest corners of the earth, the rebels would definitely kill him!

Enemies can last a day, but traitors can't last a day.

"Yes, he is not dead." White Wolf nodded.

Shi Liu immediately frowned: "How is it possible? I fired the gun myself. Even if he pretended to be dead, if he didn't get medical treatment afterwards, he would be killed by bleeding alone!"

"Not only did he not die, but he turned into a monster." White Wolf smiled wryly.

"Turned into a monster?" Shi Liu finally showed a look of surprise.

"I heard Ye Meigui said that he is a monster that neutralized the G virus." White Wolf said.

"But, how could a dead person become a monster by himself?" Hong Jiao couldn't help but said.

Everyone was silent, and Shi Liu's voice sounded after a long time: "Maybe, I really failed to kill Kane at that time... Do you still remember that in the manor, Kane injected some kind of reagent into his father to kill him?" The thing about father turning into a monster?"

The white wolf smiled wryly and said, "Of course I remember, what the hell, speaking of which, you boy still left two frank scars on Lao Zi."

"You mean..." Dao Feng looked at Shi Liu thoughtfully, "During the chemical plant, Kane saw that his life was dying, but he was unwilling, so he injected himself with the G virus reagent?"

"Right." Shi Liuyi slapped his hands and said, "Maybe his desire for life is so strong that he turned himself into a zombie, and he doesn't want to end his life."

Looking at the white wolf again: "And then?"

White Wolf roughly talked about his relationship with Ye Meigui this afternoon.

"What I am worried about now is the current situation in the Southern Wilderness area. Don't forget, if the zombies under the anti-army base wake up, it will be a brand new biohazard! However, such a biohazard is no longer It is aimed at any force on the earth, but a real biochemical crisis that concerns the survival of all mankind!" White Wolf added.

(End of this chapter)

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