Chapter 188 Betrayal ([-])

"Since it alarmed the Air Force Headquarters, it is enough to show the strength of Kane after he turned into a monster," White Wolf said, looking around at the three of them. "I heard from Ye Rose that it completely slaughtered that base."

Hong Jiao showed surprise: "The whole base? Damn, what a thick body does that have to withstand the counter-attack from the entire base?"

"It's not difficult for the G virus to mutate the infected into invulnerability. It's just a matter of time." Bai Lang nodded and said, and then explained the five layers of the G virus to the two of them in detail.

After the two of them heard this, Shi Liu said, "Being able to slaughter a base proves that Kane has at least reached the G-2 form."

"That's right," White Wolf nodded undeniably: "As the amount of killing and blood sucking increases, the growth rate of its mutant will increase significantly. If this round of bombing fails to end its life, then the surviving one will No matter what, it will evolve to the G-3 form."

He added: "And when it evolves into the G-3 form, it will inevitably alarm the biological and chemical weapons underground in the base. At that time, it will be difficult to handle."

Dao Feng smiled wryly: "Could it be that the bombers of the Anti-Army Air Force have only this bit of lethality?"

White Wolf shook his head slightly: "It's not that the bomber's lethality is low, but that the G virus is too powerful."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now." Shi Liu waved his big hand to change the subject: "For serious business, Kuang Xie and the others will arrive tomorrow afternoon. Kuang Xie and others have a large number of people. If they stay in this city more, they will definitely be exposed. His whereabouts, I mean, hurry up and find out the deployment of troops at this base in the spare time, so that Kuangxie and others can prepare for battle."

All three nodded, and Shi Liu looked at Bai Lang again: "You always know the patrol schedule in this base, right?"

"That's no problem," White Wolf replied, "You don't mean to kill the patrol team and let our people replace them to investigate the deployment of troops at the base? Then let the mad scorpions take down the base in one fell swoop?"

Shi Liu shook his head and smiled lightly: "You're being serious, after all, this is Ye Meigui's base, so it would be impolite to see blood rashly."

"Then what are you going to do? Walk around the base at night in front of the patrol team? I forgot to tell you that no unrelated soldiers are allowed to wander around the base at night in the anti-military base." White Wolf smiled wryly.

"See you tomorrow night." Shi Liu smiled and snapped his fingers, pretending to be mysterious.

It's night without words, and the next day comes in a blink of an eye.

Shi Liu and the others didn't have any arrangements, because the arrangements were all for tonight, so none of them got up at this moment.Get a good day's rest for nighttime action.

White Wolf was still stuck in the headquarters building of the base and outside Ye Meigui's office, but only when he put his hand on the doorknob did he realize that the door was locked at some point.

He gave a wry smile, and immediately looked around. The offices on the entire floor had basically started the day's work, but there was still no sign of Rose that night.

"I'm late!"

At this time, Ye Meigui's voice sounded in the corridor, followed by a burst of irregular high-heeled shoes trampling.

Following the sound, the white wolf saw Ye Meigui running towards here just now, and her dress today was different from before: a small black beret was slanted on her hair, adorning her delicate pretty face. Even more exquisite, she was wearing a tight black military uniform. Although the military uniform outlined Ye Rose's moving curves, at the same time, its length only reached the root of her thighs, so those delicate long legs were unreservedly presented in the air until Those red-soled high-heeled shoes that made a "stomping" sound on the ground.For the first time ever, she was carrying a small gray bag studded with two-thirds of blue diamonds. At this moment, Ye Meigui didn't look like a captain of the base at all. She was clearly the young lady who was going to a certain banquet.

The white wolf couldn't help squinting his handsome eyes when he saw it, his eyes stayed on those long legs for nearly three seconds, and then he reprimanded softly, "It's not a good habit to be late."

Ye Meigui strode up to the white wolf's chest, although she was almost a head shorter than the white wolf, she still raised her snow-white chin and snorted coldly: "If you hadn't spent hours choosing clothes, you would have seen me so beautiful? "

The white wolf smiled wryly, but what she said was true. Seeing her take out the key from the bag and open the door, the white wolf said, "I don't know, what day is today?"

With that said, the door had opened, the two walked in quickly, and Ye Meigui walked towards her desk: "Of course it's my sister's birthday."

White Wolf let out a long "oh", but felt a slight pain in his heart.

Since today is Ye Meigui's birthday, this girl must play until late at night before giving up, but tonight Shi Liu and the others...

Four alliance mercenary regiments besieged a rebel base, which was simply a ploy to get something out of the bag, but if Ye Meigui returned to the base and saw that it was not the former subordinates who occupied the base, but the number one enemy of the rebels—the alliance mercenaries, What would she think?
Perhaps at that time, her status in her heart would become worse than that of a dog...

While thinking, Ye Meigui had already thrown the bag on the table, and said: "If it weren't for the daily trivial matters in the base, I really want to spend this precious day happily. Therefore, the time for carnival has been dragged to Are you free tonight?"

"Ah..." The white wolf just woke up from his thoughts, and immediately he hesitated: "I..."

"What's wrong with you today? Indecision is not your style." Ye Meigui said with a slightly changed face. She walked from behind the desk and stopped less than a punch away from the white wolf. At such a distance, the white wolf You can even smell the faint fragrance from the girl's body in front of you.

"There are not many people here tonight, just a few old subordinates and friends, that's all," Ye Meigui blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "So you must go, promise me, okay?"

The last two words, Ye Meigui almost uttered the white wolf's face, and Youlan, a woman's unique exhalation, unconsciously passed into the white wolf's nose, and the latter nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes immediately turned into crescents, but this sweet smile also touched a deep string in White Wolf's heart.

So, he secretly made a decision in his heart.

It is night, and the twilight is thickening.

On the roof of the apartment building, Blood Eagle is holding a telescope overlooking the entire base.

The lens of the telescope was aimed at the exit of the base. Not long after, an anti-military off-road locomotive passed the inspection and drove out of the base.

Seeing this scene, Xue Ying immediately contacted Shi Liu in the apartment: Ye Meigui and Bai Lang had already left the base.

(End of this chapter)

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