Chapter 189 Betrayal ([-]) (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

Shi Liu replied: OK, let's start to act.

In the vast night, many figures suddenly appeared in the anti-military base.

At the entrance of the apartment building at the base, there are two armed anti-military guards standing guard on both sides.

Their job is to keep an eye on all the rebels in this apartment to prevent anyone from going out at night.

At this moment, the two rebels turned their backs to the door of the apartment, perhaps because of the nightfall, they kept walking back and forth, yawning constantly.

A rebel was bored, so he put the AK-47 on his chest, then turned around, took out a pack of cigarettes, and lowered his head to light it.

When the fire was lit up, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although he lowered his head, he still noticed someone in front of him with the rest of the light.

Just as he was about to raise his head and shout, the figure in front of him flew up and kicked him directly on the chin. It was so powerful that he was kicked back again and again!

Then, a fine steel dagger came out of the opponent's hand. The dagger flew in a short rotation, and finally it was accurately inserted into the forehead of the rebel!

The rebel on the other side heard the abnormal sound and turned around subconsciously, but when he turned around, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then his whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

At this moment, Meteor and Bloodletting nodded, and the two of them ran towards the dark night ahead...
Somewhere in the base, Shi Liu and Dao Feng were hiding in the dark night.

In front of the two is the logistics warehouse of the base. The lights are still on in the warehouse at this moment, and many armed rebels are walking back and forth at the door.

"Let Kuangxie and the others take this warehouse later. This warehouse should be the place where the rebel soldiers are most concentrated in the entire base." Shi Liu looked at the warehouse in front of him and said in a low voice.

Dao Feng nodded, and asked again: "Where is the arsenal?"

"Let's leave the arsenal alone for the time being, let the mad scorpions take over the logistics warehouse, and the starbursts are responsible for cleaning up the mobile sentries in the base, and we will cooperate with the sea crocodile to capture the headquarters building. At that time, the entire base will be within our control Even if the anti-military forces from the arsenal and the airport come, it will not help." Shi Liu said.

"Then I'll contact Mad Scorpion now," Dao Feng said, turning on the communication system.

After 2 minutes, the two quietly left here.

Outside the logistics warehouse, dozens of rebels were walking back and forth.

A rebel came to the edge of the warehouse, was about to turn around and walk back, but suddenly found a figure moving on the wall behind the warehouse!

"Someone!" He yelled, and at the same time quickly raised his AK-47 and pointed it at the figure on the wall.

When he yelled, all the rebels around reacted, and immediately ran towards him with AK-47s in their arms.

As soon as the front foot left, no less than ten figures jumped down from the wall on the right side of the warehouse.

Here, all the rebels gathered here.

"Fuck you, who is there?"

A rebel pointed the muzzle of the AK-47 at the wall, and he also specially turned on the infrared scanner under the barrel, but he scanned back and forth nearly three times, but no one was seen.

The breeze blew, rustling the leaves of the trees on the top of the wall.

"Are you really sick? Can you find someone for the labor and management to take a look at?"

"See clearly next time and then BB!"

At the moment, all the rebels walked back cursing with a feeling of being fooled, but the shouting rebel was left. He couldn't help frowning and rubbing the back of his head, muttering to himself: "Fuck you!" Yes, labor and management clearly saw someone just now..."

However, no one saw it. Just as the group of rebels were returning, a figure quietly landed on the roof of the warehouse.

Under the slightly weak light, the man took out a fine steel dagger from the outside of his thigh and held it upside down.

He calculated that the target was the rebel army leading the way here.

Down below, the rebel was still cursing, he was in a bad mood, it was his turn to stand guard tonight, and he was fooled by a **** teammate, so his pace was much faster than other rebels.

When he passed the warehouse gate, he suddenly heard the sound of objects falling to the ground.

He froze for a moment, then turned his head subconsciously.

A flash of light with an endless cold light flashed in his eyes, he only felt a sudden pain in his neck, and then hot liquid overflowed crazily.

At this moment, he could clearly see the opponent's identity. In the dark blue tactical uniform and the helmet with goggles, he was clearly an alliance mercenary!
Before the rebels fell to the ground, the alliance mercenaries who jumped from the warehouse roof had already got up quickly. While the rebels in front were still in a daze, he threw the dagger in his hand at one of them, and the dagger was released from his hand. At this moment, he decisively took out the Desert Eagle with a silencer on the outside of his right leg, and pointed his gun at the group of rebels in front!

One of the rebels fell to the ground suddenly, with a fine steel dagger stuck in his forehead, and blood flowed out at a constant speed.

"Drop! Drop! Drop!—"

Without giving them time to react, the alliance mercenaries pulled the trigger of the Desert Eagle continuously, and bullets that had been suppressed roared out!

"Puff puff--"

The sound of bullets piercing through flesh sounded one after another, and blood mist sprayed out from the chest of each rebel, before they had time to raise their guns, they fell to the ground one by one.

The Desert Eagle in the hands of the alliance mercenaries only had 7 rounds of ammunition, and after one round of shooting, the magazine was empty.

But in front, there were still three rebels who did not fall to the ground. They yelled and raised their guns, aiming.

The alliance mercenary did not reload the pistol, but rolled away to the side.

As soon as he dodged, a group of alliance mercenaries appeared behind the warehouse!
The three rebels almost didn't fire a single bullet, and watched their bodies like a hornet's nest fall down.

At this moment, the logistics warehouse has returned to tranquility. To be honest, apart from the shouts of anti-military forces, there was really no other movement during this process.

The alliance mercenary who had dodged before came from the dark side. He took off his helmet, revealing Kuangscorpion's thin face and his head.

"Send Poison Wolf a message, we have taken down the logistics warehouse, let them hurry up." Mad Scorpion changed the magazine for the Desert Eagle and put it back in the right leg holster, looking at one of the alliance mercenaries and said.

Time flies, and it's midnight in the blink of an eye.

In the city, a hotel.

At this time, several drunken anti-military officers were putting their shoulders on each other, staggered out of the hotel, boarded an anti-military off-road vehicle, and wandered away.

After more than ten minutes, two more people came out.


Ye Meigui raised her head and breathed out the breath of alcohol. Her pretty face was flushed at this moment, which was the effect of alcohol.If it wasn't for the white wolf next to her supporting her, she probably would have climbed down from the fifth floor of the hotel.

The white wolf didn't seem to be fine, his expression was the same as usual, it seemed that he hadn't even had a drop of alcohol in the banquet tonight.

In fact, he did not drink a drop, after all, tonight was different from other nights.

(End of this chapter)

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