Chapter 190 Betrayal ([-])

"How is it, do you feel better?"

The white wolf supported Ye Meigui, approached her slightly and asked.

In the hotel before, Ye Meigui might have been overly excited. On the wine table, she was drinking two lieutenants and a second lieutenant by herself. In the end, the white wolf guarded her and vomited for nearly 10 minutes.

At this moment, those officers all left one after another, leaving only Ye Meigui, who was drunk, and White Wolf, who was still [-]% awake.

Ye Meigui narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, she nodded her head and said "Yes", and then breathed out heavily the smell of alcohol, and her whole delicate body collapsed towards the white wolf as if she had no bones.

White Wolf hurriedly supported her, but felt that Ye Meigui didn't suffer from alcoholism at all, but fell on him intentionally.

"This's so good..." Ye Meigui's somewhat confused beautiful eyes turned into crescents, she leaned hard on the white wolf, and murmured.

There was no way, the white wolf didn't say a word, he just hugged Ye Meigui and walked towards the anti-military off-road vehicle in front of him.

Open the car door, put her on the co-pilot first, make sure that she is seated firmly, and then the white wolf quickly stepped into the driver's seat.Unexpectedly, as soon as the car door was closed, Ye Meigui's limp body fell into his arms again.

Then, she took the two arms of the white wolf and put them on her back, and moved her whole body closer to the white wolf's arms, not allowing a gap between them.

Of course, the only remaining gap is their respective clothes.

Staring at Ye Meigui in his arms, feeling the constant warmth and softness of her body, a weak string in White Wolf's heart was touched.

Just now, Shi Liu sent him a message, saying that the task had been completed, and asked the white wolf to deal with Ye Meigui on the spot and hurry back.

However, White Wolf was somewhat dissatisfied with Shi Liu's order.

Quite dissatisfied.

He gently straightened Ye Meigui, whose beautiful eyes were still blurred.

"I have to tell you something." The white wolf looked at her and said solemnly.

Ye Meigui didn't say a word, but a sweet smile appeared on her pink lips, and then she closed her beautiful eyes slightly, as if waiting for something.

Obviously, she thought that the white wolf was attracted to her.

If according to her mind, if the white wolf is tempted by her, then tonight, she can make herself completely the white wolf's woman.

However, she was wrong.

The white wolf held her shoulders with both hands and shook them lightly. Ye Meigui opened her beautiful eyes in puzzlement, but found that the expression of the white wolf in front of her remained unchanged.

It was completely different from what she had imagined.

Looking at the puzzled Ye Meigui, the white wolf said in a deep voice, "You can't go back tonight."

Ye Meigui was taken aback for a moment, then covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Even if I drink too much and can't drive this car, don't I still have you, or..."

But before she finished speaking, Bai Lang interrupted her in a sharp tone: "Don't think I'm joking with you, remember my subordinates?"

The smile on Ye Meigui's mouth was fleeting, and her beautiful eyes flickered a few times.

For a moment, a large number of images flashed through her mind.

"Your subordinates..." Ye Meigui shook her head expressionlessly: "Isn't your subordinates sleeping... This has nothing to do with whether we can go back..."

Although she heard some meaning from Bai Lang's words, she was still unwilling to accept the reality. She didn't believe that the man in front of her would use her and her feelings for him.

"You still refuse to accept the reality!" White Wolf said with anger: "To tell you the truth, as early as in Asia, I had already betrayed the rebels and joined the alliance mercenary groups scattered all over the place!"

Then, he told Ye Meigui everything he had done since he helped Shi Liu assassinate Kane until now.

"They won't let me live, so naturally I can't let them live!" White Wolf concluded with this.

After finishing speaking, Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes gradually filled with tears.

At this moment, she doesn't have the aura of a captain of the base, she is simply a little girl who just realized that she is being used by others.

She shook her head again and again, bringing two lines of tears down her delicate face.

Suddenly, the white wolf in front of her moved.

An exclamation sounded from the co-pilot position of the off-road vehicle, but the exclamation was only yelled halfway, and then it seemed that something blocked Ye Meigui's mouth, so that the second half of the yell was directly suppressed.

Then, the off-road vehicle regained its previous calm again.

When she looked at it, it was Ye Meigui who was helplessly being pressed on the delicate body by the white wolf, and their lips were tightly pressed together, with no intention of separating at all.


Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes were wide open, and there was quite a bit of anger in them. She resisted desperately, but the white wolf's hands held her arms tightly. Even with her captain's strength, she couldn't break free from the white wolf. big power.

The white wolf kissed her calmly, and forcefully opened her mouth with his tongue, and poked in.

After 2 minutes, Ye Meigui stopped resisting completely, she relaxed her whole delicate body, and she took the initiative to cater to the white wolf.

The white wolf understood, and relaxed the hands holding her arms a little, but after this relaxation, Ye Meigui's arms were directly wrapped around his neck, and those long legs were also directly crossed around the white wolf's waist. At this moment, She hugged the white wolf like an octopus, inseparable.

"Hu! Hu..."

Finally, the two separated panting heavily.

Just as White Wolf raised his head, unexpectedly, Ye Meigui's jade hand wrapped around his neck pressed hard, and then those pink lips, which were still drooling, took the initiative to meet him again.

Another burst of kisses.

When the two separated again, Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes glistened with tears, she grabbed the white wolf by the collar, her voice broke down in tears: "Why did you do this to me? Why?!"

"Because I have no choice," White Wolf pressed her shoulders firmly and said in a deep voice, "I've had enough of rebelling against the military. I have paid so much for the military, but they are going to put me down just because of Kane." I'm dying! If it were you, would you still serve it wholeheartedly!"

He said again: "Don't you still not understand the current situation? Yes, the current anti-army has gained control of the world, but if the anti-army does not have biological and chemical weapons, even with double or even three times the strength, it is impossible to occupy it." A tiny bit of the Alliance's land! And now that the anti-army has sealed up all the biochemical weapons, the military never thought about the consequences of the alliance mercenary groups from all over the world gathering together!"

As he said that, the white wolf stood up abruptly, a thought flashed in his mind, and the desert eagle came through the air.He stuffed the pistol into Ye Meigui's hand, and immediately pointed to his temple: "That's all I want to say, your base has been occupied by alliance mercenaries. So, now either go back with me, or shoot to death I."

Ye Meigui didn't hesitate, and in the blink of an eye, the black muzzle of the Desert Eagle was aimed at the white wolf's forehead.

At such a close distance, only one bullet is needed.

The white wolf's consciousness is very strong, but no matter how strong his consciousness is, no one can dodge a bullet fired at such a short distance.

Even though he was pointed at by the gun, Bai Lang remained motionless, he even leaned closer to the muzzle of the gun, so that he could feel the cold metal on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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