Chapter 191 Start

"Come on, shoot and kill me."

The white wolf grasped the Desert Eagle in Ye Meigui's hand, then pressed it on his forehead and said.

"Don't think I'm afraid." Ye Meigui gritted her teeth and whispered.

"Then shoot." White Wolf said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Meigui's slender fingers were snapped into the trigger sheath.

The two faced each other quietly like this, but as long as Ye Meigui was willing, the white wolf could turn into a corpse at any time.

At this moment, Ye Meigui's beautiful eyes were full of helplessness, her pink lips were bitten tightly, and the two lines of tears on her face were still wet.

Now she is in the midst of painful choices.

On one side is the anti-army she has served for many years, but in front of her is her sweetheart who has already joined the alliance.

At this moment, she already knew that the white wolf did not lie to her, one night was enough for an alliance mercenary to take down the base.

She has to choose, between the two.

Then, holding the little hand of the Desert Eagle, it began to tremble uncontrollably.

The white wolf looked at her with firm eyes. He knew that Ye Meigui was tempted by him, but even so, it could not shake the white wolf's hatred for the rebels.

Seeing the white wolf who had no intention of retreating, Ye Meigui finally couldn't help crying "Wow". She had made a choice, but she had never made such a difficult choice.

Just when Ye Meigui collapsed, White Wolf took action.He snatched the Desert Eagle, and then gently hugged Ye Meigui, who was crying and raised his fists to beat him on the chest.

White Wolf said nothing, he put his arms around Ye Meigui, but his right hand fell on the back of her neck.

Then Ye Meigui let out a muffled groan, and when she looked at it, she was already leaning against the white wolf's arms as quietly as if she was asleep, motionless.

The white wolf stared at her deeply, and finally sighed softly.

In the headquarters building of the base, Shi Liuzheng was standing in an office with his hands behind his back. This office was located on the highest floor of the headquarters building. Through the crystal-like glass wall, one could clearly overlook the entire base.

At this moment, what Shi Liu could see was the entrance of the base.

There are three female mercenaries behind him, Hunting Fox, Dark Night and Flying Fox.

"Although the white wolf is brave, Ye Meigui, as the captain, is not inferior to him in battle..." An Ye looked down at the reduced version of the base entrance, and murmured in a low voice.

"Believe me," Shi Liu smiled without looking back, "White Wolf is reluctant to kill Ye Meigui, even if he touches Ye Meigui, he will feel distressed."

"I always feel that we use Ye Meigui like this, isn't it too..." Feihu Dai frowned and said, she is also a woman, and she can feel the feeling of being betrayed by her beloved by simply empathizing.

"Don't forget the purpose of our coming to Europe." Shi Liu looked back at the three women and said in a deep voice, "This is our starting point, and all practical actions will start from here. The key person who grasps this starting point is Ye Meigui, if there is no If she supports it in the middle, then the rebel troops will come to the city tomorrow."

The meaning is obvious, don't let them be easily impulsive.

Then he looked back: "With the white wolf here, we just need to be ready to welcome new players."

The night is still dark, and there are countless stars in the night sky. If you rush to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, you will overlook the orbiting planets of the entire solar system and the magnificent universe.

At this moment, in the endless sea of ​​stars, a huge monster is slowly moving along the trajectory.

This is a starship, with a tapered body with a pointed front and a wide rear, and is covered with scale-shaped iron armor and various forts. There is an arc at the bottom of the ship that outlines from left to right. The overall length of nearly 1500 meters makes This starship looks like a prehistoric behemoth.

In the aft cabin passage of the starship, two people in long black clothes were walking one after the other, talking to each other.

"Master Galmoda's painstaking efforts have not been in vain. Number 10's performance in the world of will has greatly exceeded the expectations of adults. Number 3, this time you go, you must help number 10 find the fallen during the jihad." Asura's battleship, this is also the first assessment for you by Lord Galmoda!" The man in black walking in front said while walking, the passage of the tail ship is nearly 20 meters wide, and the length is endless, so he must raise his voice Let the people behind him understand what he said.

Seeing the latter nod slightly, he said again: "In 'Asura', you and No. 10 will find your brothers and sisters from back then. At that time, it will be the time when Saron star rises, and we will send a message to the whole universe. Interpretation, what is the real God of War!"

At the same time, on Earth Europe, a certain base.

In the vast darkness of night, there was a flash of light approaching from far away. The brightly lit place was an anti-military off-road vehicle. In the blink of an eye, it had already entered the base at high speed and was speeding towards the headquarters building.

Soon, Shi Liu galloped out of the headquarters building.

"Haha, I knew you boy would not want to touch her." Seeing the white wolf get off the car with the sleepy Ye Meigui in his arms, Shi Liu couldn't help looking at the former and laughing.

Then, Hunting Fox and others came out one after another.

The white wolf looked around the crowd and gave a wry smile. He tightened his grip on Ye Meigui. He looked at Shi Liu and said, "I don't care about the others, but she can't move anyone."

He said again: "If everything is done, I think she and I need a separate room."

Shi Liu nodded knowingly: "No problem, her ownership is up to you."

White Wolf nodded, looked at the crowd again, and entered the building with Ye Meigui in his arms.

"Are you sure that White Wolf can succeed? Don't forget, Ye Meigui's father is one of the five generals who rebelled against the army." After White Wolf left, Mandala looked at his back and said softly.

"I don't know," Shi Liu sighed, and told the truth: "Just imagine, if we spread the situation here, what will happen to Ye Meigui's father?"

"Of course, without further ado, we sent troops to recover the base and rescue his daughter by the way," Hunting Fox said.

"That's right," Shi Liu nodded, "but I always feel that Ye Meigui's father is not her real biological father."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Mandala couldn't help staring at her beautiful eyes: "Are you crazy? How do you know whether someone's father is his own?"

"What Shi Liu means is that if Ye Meigui's father is not her biological father, then Ye Meigui can hate the rebels and join us." Hunting Fox said thoughtfully.

Shi Liu nodded.

"But none of us dare to jump to conclusions, do we?" Hunting Fox looked at Shi Liu and shook his head slightly.

"But I trust my intuition." Shi Liu said indifferently, "If you have to prove it, it's okay. We can spread the situation here until it reaches the ears of Ye Meigui's father. Then we can see the difference."

He added: "Everyone, since the fall of the alliance, we have been traveling here and there for so long, but now we can no longer escape. We must resist and fight for our freedom! The battle for freedom will start here!"

(End of this chapter)

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