Chapter 192 Leave
There was no movement for several days. On the fourth day, when the east was exposed, a large group of alliance mercenaries quietly entered the city.

That morning, Shi Liu was sitting alone in his office, when there was a knock on the door, Shi Liu slightly raised his head and said, "Come in."

The door was opened, Mandala walked in, and just after entering the door, he smiled slightly and said: "You are right, the old alliance in the whole of Europe just lacks a leader. In four days, there are always 12 mercenary groups coming. confluence."

Shi Liu nodded, walked out from behind the desk and said, "Not only in Europe, but also in Asia, Africa, America, and even the polar regions. If a mercenary group like ours can stand up, then the world of rebels will be in jeopardy."

"How can there be so many people who care about the world like you," Mandala closed the door with his backhand, annoyed coquettishly.

Shi Liu smiled wryly, motioned Mandala to sit down, and walked towards the sofa himself, and said as he walked, "Why, today is another harvest?"

"The mercenary regiment arrived early in the morning, and I have already assigned them according to your basic deployment," Mandala said as he threw himself onto the soft sofa, and immediately frowned slightly: "But, their The head of the regiment, Li Kong, told me that this mercenary group is not an ordinary marine force, they belonged to the Third Fleet of the Alliance Atlantic Ocean before."

He added: "But, we don't have a ship at all now, this group of navy..."

Before she could finish speaking, Shi Liu smiled and said, "Not having it now doesn't mean there won't be one in the future. Moreover, since we are going to fight the world, the navy is an indispensable force. So, although Liekong and the others are the navy, there will always be When it comes in handy, it’s just a matter of time. And, maybe, the Alliance Air Force will arrive in a few days.”

Mandala said nothing, just nodded slightly.

"How is Ye Meigui?" Shi Liu asked again.

As soon as this remark came out, Mandala was stunned, and spread his hands and said: "I have been busy handling the mercenary group for you these days, and I have no eyes and ears at White Wolf."

He also said: "However, according to what Hunting Fox said, the two seem to be in a buffer state. As for the details, you can ask Hunting Fox, she knows more details than me."

Shi Liu nodded, and said again: "Starting tonight, I'm afraid I will have to leave the base for a few days."

Mandala was taken aback, "What are you going to do?"

Looking at the entire base, although Shi Liu is not considered to be the highest level, many people have silently acknowledged his leadership skills. Even Fox Hunt, who was recognized by everyone at the beginning, had already taken the initiative to command Right to deliver with Shi VI.

But now everyone has only been independent for four days, but Shi Liu said that he was leaving.

Moreover, it was only told to her mandala, it looked like this and she didn't intend to let others know.

What medicine is sold in his gourd?

Shi Liu smiled wryly, and said: "You have also seen that now, my level is still on the line of a third-level mercenary. In the team, you, An Ye, Hunting Fox, and Dao Feng are all higher in level than me. , Even the Starburst and Mad Scorpions are overwhelming me. Our allies are increasing day by day, if this gets out, I'm afraid we won't be defeated by the rebels, but we will be defeated by public opinion first."

Mandala couldn't help frowning after hearing this: "Just because of this?"

"Isn't this enough?" Shi Liu said indifferently.

"From tomorrow onwards, you will ask Linghu and Feihu to manage the mercenary group for you, and I will be in charge of watching over any soldier with a dishonest mouth. If there is one, I will definitely cut off his tongue!" Mandala said angrily, widening her beautiful eyes.

Seeing that she was being serious, Shi Liu shook his head and smiled wryly. He stretched out his hand and tapped the other party's forehead lightly, and said, "Silly girl, what are the conditions for creating such public opinion? If I were If you are a third-level mercenary but has the strength of a ghost king, who would dare to gossip? Not only do they dare not express any opinions, but they are also afraid of me."

He also said: "But obviously, as a third-level mercenary, I can't have the strength to possess the ghost king out of thin air anyway. In the final analysis, my own strength determines everything. Although I have supernatural powers, when it comes to real strength, I have both. You can't fight a white wolf, let alone convince the crowd."

"That's why you want to leave the base temporarily and find a way to improve your level alone?" Mandala squinted at him and said angrily.

Shi Liu nodded.

"You are stupid!" Mandala said fiercely, and she looked at Shi Liu squarely: "Europe is so big and there are so many rebels, could it be that you slaughtered the rebels in the whole of Europe by yourself?"

"You're serious," Shi Liu said with a wry smile, "Does it mean that you have to kill the rebels when you level up? Obviously not, when we were in Asia, Shuilei once took me to a place called 'Death Sacred Domain', There are countless monsters there, each monster is different, but the same thing is that by killing them, we mercenaries can gain nearly three times the experience of ordinary rebels."

"But that's Asia," Mandala said resolutely, "Do you want to return to Asia again because of this?"

"Can you guarantee that there is no 'Death Sacred Domain' in Europe?" Shi Liu answered irrelevantly.

"I..." Mandala was about to say more, but was interrupted by Shi Liu: "Stop talking, whether it's killing the rebels, or looking for treasures like the Deathly Hallowed Domain, I'm going to go out and venture out. Mandala, don't stop me, if you think about our future cause."

Seeing that all six of Shi's words were about this, Mandala was speechless.

"Promise me, before I leave, don't let Hunting Fox and the others know," Shi Liu took her tender white hand and said, "I know you can't worry about me, and Hunting Fox and the others can't worry about me either, but if I don't mind you With such strength, always hiding behind the brothers and unable to share your worries and problems, what is the point of living?"

He also said: "Besides, although I am only a third-level mercenary, it is still difficult for ordinary rebel soldiers to kill me. Maybe I can bring back a few more mercenary regiments when I come back this time."

"I have to go..." Mandala clenched her pink lips, she knew she couldn't stop Shi Liu, but he guessed it, she was really worried about him.

"Of course," Shi Liu showed a gentle smile, "After I leave, you just need to tell Fox Hunting the exact words I said, she knows what to do, and tell White Wolf that no matter what method he uses, you must let him He left Nightrose."

"Don't worry, when I return, it's time for us to fight!"

At the same time, a certain anti-military base in Asia.

puff! ——

The sound of flesh and blood bursting sounded, but when I looked at it, it turned out that a strong T-52 was directly crushed by something, and the stumped limbs and body organs, as well as the blackened bones fell to the ground.

With it as the center, there are a large group of living corpses and more than a dozen T-52s around it, but at this moment their red or black eyes are filled with something called fear.

Following the eyes of this group of living corpses, at the confluence, there is a huge reptile monster with eyes all over its body and muscle tissue exposed!

The T-52 that exploded just now was thanks to it.

It was Kane, who had been bombed before but was not killed!

Obviously, at this moment, it has soared from the previous G-2 form to the G-4 form!
The previous G-2 form has changed Kane beyond recognition, and the G-4 at this moment confuses Kane directly with reptiles. Its size is nearly three times larger than before, and it looks like a reinforced armored vehicle from a distance. It is a chariot, but it is distinguished from a chariot by its mouth that is torn up to the ears and the rows of sharp teeth inside, as well as the carrion and eyeballs all over the body.

Kane who turned into a monster is still in this base, which is not surprising, because the bombing of the anti-air force headquarters did not kill Kane.

It was this group of sudden zombies and T-52s, whose appearance made Kane proud.

Because, the appearance of the former was caused by Kane alone.

The cause of the incident began many days ago, after the bombing.

(End of this chapter)

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