Chapter 194 Instant Kill
The eastern sky gradually turned white like a fish maw, and just before dawn, a group of well-equipped rebel troops filed down from a rebel truck, heading towards a "twilight" hotel on the east side of the street ahead. go.

This morning, the local rebels in Josh City, where the "Twilight" hotel is located, received a report. The hotel staff said that three soldiers were killed in the early hours of the morning.

This made the anti-military troops stationed in Josh City very disappointed, so at 03:30 in the morning, a commando team was assembled, plus a troop carrier, and went to the "Twilight" hotel where the accident occurred.

At this moment, many guests of the "Twilight" Hotel were kicked out. They dared to be angry in their hearts, but they dared not speak out when they saw the XM8 rifles in the hands of the rebel soldiers.

Therefore, the business of this hotel yesterday was ruined because of this incident.

Two armed rebels stood guard at the entrance of the hotel, and another team rushed straight into the hotel.The captain of the anti-army force just got out of the car.

The hotel owner standing outside was a discerning person. He caught a glimpse of a rebel coming down from the co-pilot of the military vehicle from a long distance. He was suspected to be the captain of the team, and Dang even greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Show me the list of guests staying in the hotel from yesterday morning to early this morning." The captain also greeted the hotel owner, and said with a straight face.

The boss was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly greeted a shop clerk and asked him to go in and take out the accommodation list.

The clerk nodded, Fei Ye seemed to run into the hotel, and he came out after nearly 3 minutes, looking at the boss in panic: "Boss, everything else is safe and sound, except that the list of accommodation is missing!"

The boss trembled slightly, and he looked at the anti-army captain again.

Anger flashed in the captain's eyes, and then a hint of helplessness flashed across. He ignored the boss and his staff, but pulled a rebel soldier behind him: "Go, let them move more quickly."

"Yes." The soldier nodded.

After a while, rebel soldiers came out in twos, one in front and one behind, with a corpse of a rebel soldier in the middle.In this way, a total of three waves came out, with a total of three corpses. The rebels laid the three corpses on the ground in order, waiting for the captain to come for an autopsy.

Seeing the last corpse on the ground, the captain let out a muffled grunt, and strode towards the corpse on the ground with his hands behind his back.

As for the anti-army soldiers, they consciously surrounded the scene, and the XM8 guns that were fired outside reminded passers-by at all times.

On the west side of the street, which is far away from the hotel, Shi Liu quietly appeared on the curb stone.

Shi Liu could clearly see everything that happened outside the hotel through the green trees on the stone along the road.

He sneered, then took out a tablet brain from his arms, and threw it into the trash can next to him.

If someone picks up this tablet and glances at the screen, then the anti-army leader in front will get his wish to get the list of accommodations in the "Twilight" Hotel from last night to early this morning.

However, who would be bored enough to go to the trash can to pick up trash?
Don't tell me the cleaning staff, they don't understand.

The anti-army leader came to the first corpse with his hands behind his back. He bent slightly and found that the eyes of the anti-army were still staring, typical of death.

At his throat, a fissure of flesh and blood was firmly carved on his Adam's apple, and its length wrapped his entire Adam's apple from left to right.Since he was killed last night, his entire neck was scarlet, but at this moment there was no drop of blood that could flow out.

His mouth was also slightly opened, and the anti-army captain judged that the speed of the killer must be very fast, too fast for the soldier to speak and shout.

You must know that people's words can always blurt out in less than 1 second when they cooperate with their brains, and the export speed when they want to shout is even lower.

Well, this also shows that the time it takes for a killer to kill a person is no less than the speed at which a person wants to speak!

It can also be called "second kill".


These two words appeared in the mind of the rebel leader, and then he began to care about the weapons used by the killer.

To be able to do this kind of injury, apart from the triangular army, which can be called the "murder weapon", and ordinary military daggers, the anti-army commander couldn't think of any suitable cold weapons even if he tried his head.

If there is a murder weapon that must be found besides the triangular army stab and military dagger, then there is nothing more suitable than the saber.

Thinking of the saber, the anti-army commander couldn't help but wryly smiled. The saber can indeed pull open a person's throat to deal a fatal blow, but the saber is different from a dagger or a military stab. It is slender and heavy. The wind of the sword can also hurt people, but no matter how fast the killer is holding an ordinary saber, the hindrance brought by the slender blade alone can make the wielder slow down for a few seconds before he can strike. The "spike" in my mind doesn't match.

He looked at the injuries of the other two corpses, and they were all the same.

Then, this murder was committed by one person.

"Hmm..." The anti-army commander stood up straight, and he turned on the weapon system. When the interface of the weapon system disappeared in front of him, a gleaming military stab suddenly appeared in his right hand.

Then, he squatted down next to the corpse, and compared to the edge of the army thorn, he carefully put it towards the wound on the neck of the corpse.

The anti-army captain stared carefully, and when the edge was about to fall into the horrific wound, his hand shook slightly.

The feeling of touching flesh and blood spread to the palm of his hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of the anti-army commander's mouth, and he withdrew his hand.

If it was killed by a military thorn, then any of its three edges would fall into the wound without hindrance, but the military thorn does not match the idea at the moment, so it is obvious that the killer did not use the military thorn.

Then, the anti-army commander put the military thorn back into the weapon system, and took another fine steel dagger in his hand.

Following the same pattern, the anti-army commander couldn't help nodding this time.The boss next to him was curious. He looked over from a distance and found that the steel dagger blade in the hands of the anti-army commander happened to land in the wound on the neck of the corpse. Going, it was as if the captain of the rebel army had just sliced ​​into the neck of the corpse.

But the commander of the anti-army did not have necrophilia, so even the boss, an outsider, understood something a little bit.

"It seems that these rats are running around again." The anti-army captain stood up, put the dagger back into the weapon system, and said to the boss.

The boss naturally understood what the "rat" in the mouth of the rebel commander meant, so he couldn't point it out, but he had nothing to say, so he stood there quietly without saying a word.

"In that case..." The anti-army captain narrowed his eyes.

"Let's go!" He waved his hand, signaling all the rebels to retreat.

Then, this team of rebel soldiers consciously carried the three corpses onto the military vehicle.The anti-army commander also returned to the co-pilot position. When the door was closed, the military vehicle started and drove towards the city of Josh.

Shi Liu, who was still on the roadside stone before, came to a building in the blink of an eye.

Just outside the hotel, when the anti-army leader took turns probing the wounds of the corpse with a military stab and a dagger, Shi Liu had already taken advantage of this time to reach the top of the highest building of the hospital.

It has to be said that the building of this hospital can indeed surpass the buildings in the whole city. Standing on it, Shi Liu can clearly see every street in the city and the military vehicle that has just left.

Looking at the military vehicle, Shi Liu smiled slightly: "It seems that I will be able to break through the Pluto class tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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