Chapter 195 Promotion to Pluto ([-])

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, night falls.

Josh City, which is a bit quiet during the day, wants to tell the world its prosperity, nobility and luxury every night. At this moment, the lights are feasting and feasting, what a bustling city.

The largest hotel in the city - "Mengtu" Hotel is now in a booming business, not only today, but also in the past.

Among the customers, only a small number of them sincerely stay in the hotel, and most of them are couples who are drunk and drunk. Of course, there are also some people with one man hugging two women, three women or four women.

After all, the saying "Men and women don't get drunk, no one sleeps in the hotel now" is not for nothing.

However, tonight's "Mengtu" hotel welcomed a group of special guests.

If the owner of the "Twilight" Hotel sees this group of guests, his nose will be crooked.

These guests are the group of rebels who went to the "Twilight" Hotel to investigate the assassination case early this morning.

Before leaving, the anti-army leader promised the boss that he would "definitely come over", but now he led the people to the largest hotel in the city.

In fact, it is not that the "Mengtu" Hotel has no precedents of rebels living in the hotel, but although there were rebels staying in the hotel before, they often went in groups of three or two.

But today's row of noodles really shocked the waiters.

When a waiter called the lobby manager over, the latter also held his forehead with some headaches.

But the position of the lobby manager is not something that can be taken casually. He waved his hand to signal a few waiters to greet other guests first, while he walked straight towards the group of rebels.

Seeing the lobby manager in a suit and leather shoes approaching, the commander of the anti-army also stood up without hesitation.

The lobby manager saw one of the rebels striding out while the other rebels remained motionless, and Dang even recognized that the person in front of him should be the captain of this army.

"Sir, don't look at us..." The lobby manager stepped forward and said with a smile on his face. What he meant was to explain to the captain that the rooms in the hotel can no longer accommodate so many people, but Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the captain walking straight towards the corner of the hall, beckoning him to go.

The lobby manager was taken aback. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over.

Stepping forward quickly, the anti-army captain put his shoulders on the shoulder of the lobby manager as if calling him a brother, and whispered: "Little brother, we are not here tonight."

"If you don't stay in the hotel, what else can you do?" The lobby manager frowned and looked at the officer in front of him.

"To tell you the truth..." the commander of the anti-army whispered to the lobby manager.

After speaking, the manager's face changed drastically.

"Don't panic," the anti-army captain smiled and patted the manager's shoulder: "It's an emergency, and this is the only way to do it."

"But..." The manager became anxious. After all, the idea of ​​the anti-army commander just now was indeed too dangerous.

But before he finished speaking, the anti-army commander frowned and urged: "Go!"

The manager hesitated to speak, facing the captain's tough attitude, he could only bite the bullet and act according to the captain's words.

It was night, and this team of rebels temporarily stayed at the "Mengtu" Hotel.

At midnight, although the peak passenger flow has passed, there are still men and women coming in and out.

When the last couple of men and women disappeared into the night, Shi Liu, wearing a tactical uniform, appeared at the door of the hotel.

At this moment, all the windows of the "Mengtu" Hotel have been darkened, only the big plaque hanging on the window on the third floor is still shining with colorful electronic lights.

When I saw it, Shi Liu crossed two sabers on his back, the dagger was tightly inserted in the dagger sheath on the outside of his left thigh, and the upper and lower pistol holsters were on the outside of his right thigh, and the two desert eagles still glowing with silvery white light were inserted quietly in it.There are grenades, flash bombs and smoke bombs hanging around his waist.

From the looks of it, he was planning to commit a massacre tonight.

That's right, he was going to commit a massacre.

He simply counted the number of rebels in this team, and then calculated it through the mercenary system, and found that if this team was slaughtered, its experience value would be just enough for Shi Liu to be promoted to a Hades-level mercenary.

The calculations of the mercenary system will not make mistakes, Shi Liu is convinced of this.Therefore, he made preparations for a battle with the rebels in the building.

Turning on the mysterious soul control, all anti-army actions in the building can no longer escape Shi Liu's eyes.

At this moment, through the thick wall of the hotel, many yellow square frames are displayed on it without reservation.

Shi Liu roughly observed the distribution of these boxes, but suddenly found that some of these boxes were above and some were below, and even both sides were distributed.

However, there is only one space left in the middle.

Why is this space left alone?
Shi Liu sneered, thinking that the group of rebels in the hotel probably had already discovered his whereabouts, so they set up such an encirclement circle to keep him in and out.

Or, they had already figured out their true strength, and they were afraid that they would end up in the same fate as the three rebels in the "Twilight" hotel, so Bai deliberately put this situation down so that he would not dare to enter rashly due to the large number of people.

Ridiculous, if Shi Liu was afraid, would he still come?
At that moment, Shi Liu pulled out the Desert Eagle on the outside of his right leg, left and right, and with two guns in hand, he strode towards the 360° revolving door of the hotel in front of him.

He pushed the door lightly and entered the hall.

In the hall, the lights on the ceiling were kept on all night. Shi Liu was walking vigilantly inside while keeping an eye on the movement of those yellow boxes.

The reason why he was vigilant about entering rather than charging recklessly was because Shi Liu knew that there were many rebels at present, who had already lost the perception ability of the mysterious soul to control the supernatural power.

For example, White Wolf.

That is to say, at this moment, although there are many yellow boxes in front of Shi Liu's eyes, he firmly believes that there must be enemies hidden in the dark that the mysterious soul can't control.

After all, within a team, Shi Liu could not guarantee that all of them were within the control of the profound soul.

As few as one, as many as four or five, who knows.

Such a situation made Shi Liu have to slow down and enter vigilantly. After all, if he fights with the rebels above him later, a rebel who is not within the control of the mysterious soul suddenly appears behind him If he used a black gun, it would undoubtedly be fatal to Shi Liu.

Not to mention four or five black guns like this, just one is enough to put Shi Liu in danger of losing his life.

The whole hall is so quiet from south to north, and from west to east. Although there is not a single waiter busy in the hall, Shi Liu also understands why.It was already midnight at this moment, no matter how crazy and capable the guests in the hotel were, at this point, most of them were exhausted and fell asleep.

In order not to wake up the sleeping guests in the hotel, Shi Liu quietly installed silencers on the two Desert Eagles on the way.

And he believes that if the rebels on the second and third floors really want to ambush him, then the guns in their hands must be equipped with silencers.

(End of this chapter)

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