Chapter 196 Promotion to Pluto ([-])

In such a quiet corridor, Shi Liu walked alone.

After a while, the entrance to the stairs on the second floor located on the easternmost side of the hotel gradually came into view.

Looking up again at the yellow box on the arm, nothing changed, everything was normal.

Shi Liu raised his guns horizontally, and raised his legs to step up the first step. At the same time, he swung his body to the right quickly, and the two guns in his hands quickly pointed to the second row of stairs on the right.

It's normal, there is no abnormality.

After looking around to make sure there was no danger, Shi Liufang stepped up to the second step. As soon as he stepped up the steps, he turned around quickly and turned himself to face the stairs on the second floor.

Same as before, no exceptions.

After pausing for a few seconds, Shi Liufang took another step and stepped up a step.

Seeing the stairs on the second floor, Shi Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly, his ears moved.

Then, he supported the handrail of the stairs with his right hand, borrowed his strength to turn his whole body over the handrail, and jumped towards the stairs on the first floor.

As soon as he turned over, a rebel soldier holding a gun and slowly climbing the stairs on the first floor came into view.

Sure enough, it seems that the current control of the mysterious soul really can't see through all the enemies in the field.

Shi Liu thought so, and in the blink of an eye, he was already lying flat on the handrail of the stairs. The smooth handrail made Shi Liu's whole body slide down like a sharp arrow.

The soldier was shocked. He was specially arranged by the captain to attack the opponent, but he didn't expect the opponent's speed to be so slow. He had already touched the stairs, but the opponent hadn't reached the second floor.

In desperation, he aimed his gun at Shi Liu who was sliding up and down the handrail.

At this moment, Shi Liu happened to be smoothed to a place parallel to the opponent's body.

The eyes of the two men intertwined.

Just as the anti-jun was about to pull the trigger, he felt that the trigger under his right index finger weighed tens of millions of tons. No matter how hard he tried, the trigger would not move at all.

Subconsciously looking down, he suddenly discovered that a silencer pipe had been inserted into the trigger cover at some point, and what was connected to the silencer was a silver-white Desert Eagle!

Nima! ...

The soldier was furious. It turned out that the opponent had inserted the silencer into the trigger sleeve of the firearm in his hand, so that the trigger could not be pressed down normally to trigger the firing pin, and the bullet could only be held in the chamber of the gun.

At this time, Shi Liu had already slipped to the end of the handrail, he used his strength to jump down and landed, without even thinking about turning around, he was shot.

leave! ——

The Desert Eagle, which had been silenced, let out a muffled and rapid gunshot. When the muzzle flame flashed, a bullet whizzed out and firmly nailed into the opponent's forehead.

At this time, the anti-military turned around, but unfortunately, he ushered in a fatal bullet.

At that moment, he squirted blood from his head and shook his body, and then fell down in a lump, his body kept rolling on the stairs until he reached the foot of Shi Liu.

Shi Liusan ran up the stairs in two steps. He picked up the desert eagle that had fallen on the ground, but found that the yellow box on the second floor had moved.

All for him.

Although it is all, it is unavoidable that there are things that the mysterious soul can't control.

If you choose to fight them in the upper and lower stairwells, then this choice will be very unwise.

Since the soldier came from the corridor on the first floor just now, it means that the corridor on the first floor is full of rebels at this moment, and the rebels on the second floor have rushed down. In this stairwell, Shi Liu is surrounded by two sides. Not stupid enough to fight the battle of being made dumplings.

So, he flew downstairs, and at this moment, the blood flowing from the corpses of the rebels was like a river, so he simply lay down crookedly in this blood river.

After lying down for a few seconds, he heard footsteps on the stairs.

He closed his eyes tightly, but his ears listened to the sound of footsteps all the time.

The sound of footsteps became more and more intense, which indicated that the rebels on his arms had surrounded him.

"Hey, isn't this dead?"

There was a voice, and then he felt a military boot step on his stomach, and kicked it several times.

"Fuck, labor and management will give him two more shots."

Then, the sound of the safety being pulled open sounded.

At this moment, Shi Liu's eyes suddenly opened wide!
Then, a large group of rebel faces gathered into his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he startled the rebels who formed a circle around his body.

Without giving them time to react, Shi Liu raised his legs and stomped forward with almost lightning speed, while opening his arms and pulling the trigger continuously. On the ground, several rebels around Shi Liu fell to the ground in response to gunfire.

Just as the two rebels in front fell to the ground, Shi Liu stood up straight, but rolled forward after he got up. After rolling to the ground, he stepped on the two rebels who hadn't got up on the ground and jumped towards the stairs on the first floor .

"Diu Diu Diu Diu Diu Diu -"

"Diudiu! Diudiu!—"

The group of rebels just reacted, and they shot at Shi Liu on the stairs on the first floor angrily, and the bullets roared towards Shi Liu who was running upstairs like raindrops.

When the rain of bullets hit, Shi Liu's climbing speed was beyond the imagination of the rebels. He had to step up five steps with each step, even using both hands and feet, so he climbed up the stairs on the first floor in just a few steps.Countless bullets hit the iron steps, and sparks flickered like muzzle flames. A few bullets hit Shi Liu's back, but were blocked by the two crossed sabers, and countless sparks splashed out.

The rebels downstairs were not reconciled, but they also knew that the enemy already had a condescending advantage at this moment, so they didn't chase after them, but each took out a grenade, pulled the ring and threw it towards the second floor.

boom! ——

The unique orange light of gunpowder made the entire second floor shine like daytime, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, the whole corridor trembled, all the glass in the corridor on the second floor was shattered, and even sand lines slipped from the ceiling.

Then, there were abnormal noises in the rooms on the first floor and even the second floor.

Nonsense, with such a big explosion, anyone who sleeps dead will be awakened.

Of course, there are exceptions.

In just a few seconds, all the guests, male or female, who thought it was an earthquake, opened their doors and rushed out.

As soon as he went out, he saw the rebels armed with live ammunition in the corridor on the first floor.

Suddenly, one of the rebels turned his head to the side, and a bloody arrow shot out from his temple. He himself was stunned for a moment, and fell to the ground with blood spurting from his head.


The guests who were in a daze exploded at this moment, the woman's screams filled the entire corridor, the men dragged the woman back to the room and closed the door quickly, so the whole corridor fell silent again.

However, this silence lasted only two seconds before it was broken by clear and powerful gunshots.

Someone walked down the stairs on the second floor with two M4A1s in hand. The two M4A1s formed an inseparable firepower network, and countless bullets poured down from the second floor towards the rebels at the corridor entrance on the first floor.Behind the muzzle flame that was comparable to daylight, was Shi Liu's handsome face with sharp lines!
(End of this chapter)

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