Chapter 198
The night was still deep, and it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

Shi Liu left the hotel and disappeared into the vast night.

As soon as the front foot left, a figure flashed out of the hotel again.

This is a woman, she is wearing a black combat leather jacket, with a long ponytail on her head.

She came to the door of the hotel and leaned on the door, holding an AWM sniper rifle flat with both hands, looking at the back of the back in front of her, with a smile on her mouth, then raised her hand to button an imperceptible white walkie-talkie, and said in a low voice: "Report to the general, number ten has been locked."

In the vast sea of ​​stars, a starship is driving in space at low speed.

In a passage in the stern cabin of the starship, a man in a black robe was walking briskly.

Suddenly, he stopped, and a female voice sounded next to his ear: "Report to the general, number ten has been locked."

Then, he murmured alone: ​​"Very well, continue to protect No. [-] secretly, and don't make any mistakes until his divine body is formed. Until you find the fallen starship, then you will be able to see all your brothers and sisters." .”

He also said: "At that time, the jihad will begin!"

That night, Shi Liu walked alone on the street.All the residential buildings on both sides of the street turned off their lights to sleep, so the street was completely dark.But Shi Liu didn't care. After he came out of the hotel, he realized that he had already entered the rank of Hades-level mercenaries. Now counting, his mercenary level in the whole team had finally risen to another level.

But when he was promoted to Pluto, there were no new abilities or abilities on him.It is not surprising to compare Shiliu. Ability is purely luck. Take Mandala as an example. Although she is also at the Pluto level, she does not necessarily have a kind of ability, but her own defense and attack power are higher than others. That's a lot.

At this time, he recalled the person in the hotel who shot to save himself in distress.

That person couldn't be White Wolf Blade and the others, if they were, they would have been reminded by the mysterious soul control ability in the hotel.

So, who is he or she?
Just as Shi Liu was thinking while walking, a light blue crack in time and space suddenly appeared on the road ahead of him.

Shi Liu stopped, squinting his eyes, but he didn't know what the light blue crack that suddenly appeared in front of him was.

At this moment, a naked head emerged from the crack.

Shi Liuding looked over, the head did not have any hair, and was somewhat pointed, with dark gray blood vessels faintly visible on it.The most ridiculous thing is that this head has no ears.The head was raised, revealing a humanoid face - two big black eyes that rolled around, a nose not as big as a thumb, and a slender mouth.

When it saw Shi Liu, it showed a human smile, then stretched out two slender arms with the same skin color as its head from the crack, pressed the sides of the crack on it as leverage tools, and then its whole body jumped out of the crack out.

Looking at the monster in front of him who talks about people and ghosts, Shi Liu has already pointed the desert eagle in his right hand at it.

"Hey, the earth is still so backward. What era is this? It's still using this kind of crap." When the alien saw the pistol in Shi Liu's hand, he immediately showed disdain on his face, and issued a human voice. said the voice.

Nima, aliens can talk so much these days.Shi Liu was a little surprised. After all, this was the first time he saw an alien species, so he immediately asked, "Which planet is it from?"

The other party gave a sinister smile and replied, "Is it because we have been separated for so long that you don't even recognize me, a Nirmite?"

"What lm?"

"Nilm." The alien repeated again.

Shi Liu said "Oh", and asked again: "As for me, I have relatively little knowledge. I only know one galaxy in the entire universe. Are you here to find me today?"

The alien sneered: "No. [-], it's been a long time since we parted, but I think no matter how long the time is, you won't be shying away from me to such an extent, right?"


Shi Liu smiled wryly: "What number ten, I can't understand what you're talking about at all. Are you here to find me? If not, I'll take a step."

The face of the alien suddenly became crazy, and it almost roared: "Ridiculous! You think I don't understand your Saron star's naive god-making plan? Tell you, looking at the entire universe, this kind of god-making project is really backward At the extreme, if Emperor Nilm hadn’t fallen back then, believe me, it would be your planet Saron that was destroyed!”

As soon as the words came out, Shi Liu was speechless. He didn't know where the alien species in front of him came from, and he couldn't understand what it said. words.

"Back then you killed me by relying on the source power armor, but now I am resurrected! Number ten, today I want you to experience the taste of death!"

As he said that, the alien's two big black eyes gleamed with endless murderous aura, and an icy chill spread from his body like an explosion.

Shi Liu was startled, no matter how much he didn't understand alien civilization, judging from the murderous aura on the opponent, the strength of this alien was by no means inferior to that of Fox Hunter, and even higher than the latter.

So without even thinking about it, he directly pulled the trigger, the muzzle flame flashed with Shi Liu's percussion frequency, and bullets wrapped in faint flames whizzed out.

But the alien in front was unscathed, the bullets just flew to a place less than 10 meters away from its body and stopped. When Shi Liu looked at it, there was a faint energy shield around the alien's body , bullets hit the shield, and all fell to the ground.

The alien grinned, and it pushed its arms forward with a thunderous momentum, so the image of the energy shield suddenly magnified in Shi Liu's eyes, hitting Shi Liu like a wave of overwhelming waves!

puff! ——

Shi Liu felt a sudden shortness of breath in his chest, and the shield hit his chest forcefully.Then his whole body flew backwards uncontrollably, flying a full three meters high and five meters away before landing heavily!

At the same time, in a dark part of the street, a woman in a tight black combat uniform was squatting there, whispering something affectionately and anxiously with a nearby headset.

"General, the Nirms came to Earth and found Number Ten. Now Number Ten has fought against the Nilms!"

The other party replied immediately: "The current No. [-] is not enough to compete with the Nirms. I don't care what method you use or what price you pay. You must let No. [-] get rid of the Nirms!"

 This burst of work immediately exploded, what the hell, I didn't have time to move a word for more than ten days, alas, don't say anything, just read the words.

(End of this chapter)

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