Chapter 199 Explosion ([-])

The vast sea of ​​stars, the Jotun galaxy.

On a certain year planet, an empty crack suddenly appeared in the space, and an alien walked out.

His direction is the majestic hall in front of him.

In the main hall, a huge triangular seat facing the door is fixed there.

On the seat, a cloud of thick black air lingered over it.

"I tried to kill No. [-] on the spot, but I didn't expect No. [-] to appear."

The alien who attacked Shi Liu on the earth was standing a hundred meters away from the triangular seat at the moment, nodded respectfully and said.

There was silence in the hall, and suddenly there was a deep voice: "You should think about our race, instead of continuing your willful way, Barney."

The sound was extremely hollow, but it was close to the ear. It came from the black air on the seat, but it filled the entire hall.The alien named Barney was immediately overwhelmed by the voice and did not dare to raise his head.

After a while, the voice sounded again: "You did the right thing. No. [-] is just an ordinary human being now. Although there is some source power in his body, after all, he is no longer No. [-] back then. I saw it with my own eyes. After witnessing the fall of No. [-] on Planet Verne, Fang later learned that the old fellow Taylor Ans resurrected No. [-] at the cost of half of his own source power, so it is reasonable for No. [-] to be able to find No. [-]."

Barney finally couldn't help it, he raised his head slightly to face the black air on the seat: "Your Majesty, don't care about number ten. Right now, for tens of thousands of years, Saron is already an endangered planet, Taylor Ans Now I am afraid that I am already wandering in the interstellar, looking for a planet for my race to live on. Your Majesty, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Presumptuous!" As soon as Barney finished speaking, the cloud of black air on the seat suddenly rose several times high, and gradually revealed a demon shape, and the airflow in the entire hall suddenly slowed down, making it difficult to breathe. A powerful aura was released unobtrusively throughout the hall.

Barney immediately lowered his head and nodded, not daring to say another word.

"Barney, I think you are old and confused! Could it be that you have forgotten that Taylor Ans was able to retreat from the two Supreme Beings alone on the planet of Hell! Although there is no God of War to escort him, his strength is still strong. Not weaker than back then, do you know the price to pay for his demise!"

On the seat, the devil-like black air swelled several times high, and the powerful aura it emitted filled the entire hall.A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Barney's gray forehead.

The voice calmed down slightly again: "Barney, do you know what made me regret the most after the failure of the jihad? It wasn't the interstellar gods of war on Saron, nor the damned Natok people, but impetuousness."

"Impetrance, let us lose that war, so that the Nirm star has been in a slump for tens of thousands of years. If I hadn't been eager to destroy the capital of the Saron star, believe me, the Natok people would not have come. After the holy war, Saron Although the star was also in a slump, it formed an alliance with the Natok people to build an interstellar defense line, which made the surrounding planets completely give up. Barney, we made a mistake once, and we must not make it again. Never again. "

"Okay, let's put this aside. Go see how our golden titan is doing."

The words "Golden Titan" sounded, and Barney's big black eyes flashed with joy. He nodded respectfully and said, "Understood, this subordinate will leave."

Then he quickly exited the hall. In the hall, the dense black air on the seat gradually shrank, and the coercion in the hall disappeared little by little.

Barney strode out from the hall, and when he stepped onto the ground outside, he even covered the thin layer of sweat on his forehead with his hands.

It has been nearly three years since Barney had met the Emperor Nirm. When he saw him today, his coercion and unfathomable power still overwhelmed Barney, and the latter couldn't help but With a wry smile.

It shook its head, the space in front of it suddenly tore apart, Barney dodged, and then dodged in, and then the space rift disappeared in an instant, and everything was as if it had never happened.

Earth, 4:20 a.m.

"That is to say, after such a long time, you have just been promoted to Pluto-level mercenary?" In a certain street, a woman in a tight black uniform sat on the ground, looked at Shi Liu and smiled.

Shi Liu smiled wryly, "Or, if my strength is above the Pluto level, you will definitely have to hold back your shot in the hotel."

"But I saved you after all, didn't I?" The woman smiled very beautifully.

"By the way, what's your name?" Shi Liu asked.

The woman thought for a while and said, "Call me Su."

"Su," Shi Liu murmured, "Call me Poison Wolf, I will continue to wander around, and I will not go back until I become a real strong man. Are you still planning to follow me?"

Su Dai raised her eyebrows slightly: "Although it's been a long time, I don't care about the time. Anyway, since the alliance was destroyed, I have been wandering. Now, I have a companion."

Time flies, and the sun will reach the sky in the blink of an eye.

In the southern wilderness of Asia, a certain anti-military base.


"Wipe, wipe, wipe!—"

Outside the base, a group of anti-military soldiers who set up a simple position were firing into the base. The entire position formed a seamless firepower network, and the tongues of flames ejected from each gun were connected like a fire dragon.

Every time a bullet wrapped in faint flames was fired, a zombie who rushed out of the base would fall to the ground in the blood mist.

It continued like this, and at this moment, a large number of zombie corpses had piled up at the entrance of the base, and the ground was full of thick dirty blood.

But this base seems to be a creation basin. Although no less than 200 zombie corpses have fallen at the entrance, zombies in ragged clothes and claws are still coming out in a steady stream.

"Captain, when will the reinforcements come? Brothers have limited bullets!"

An anti-army soldier looked at the weapon system. There were only 4 magazines left in it, but his GP was not enough to buy a set of magazines. The captain of the sweep, shouted loudly.

The captain responded with the same voice: "The order given to us is to stay here for three hours. After three hours, all the troops in the city will be concentrated here!"

"Three hours!" Another soldier yelled dissatisfiedly, "What a fool! It took three hours to assemble the troops in the city. After three hours, I'm afraid we will all become food for these damned zombies!"

At this moment, a T-52 with two sharp iron claws loomed among the endless crowd of zombies at the entrance of the base.

"Fuck, it really is out of control!" Looking at the T-52 whose eyes had turned blood red, the captain couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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