Chapter 200 Explosion ([-])

"Fuck, this is our biochemical weapon! Those idiots at Air Force Headquarters!"

Looking at the looming T-52 among the zombies, the captain couldn't help cursing loudly.Zombies are rampant in the base ahead now, and they used to be the main force of the rebels to overthrow the alliance.

The practice of turning against the army now is thanks to the anti-army air force headquarters. If the air force headquarters did not participate in this matter at that time, then the responsibility would undoubtedly fall on the army.At that time, there was only Kane, a mutated monster, and the army would easily kill it, but the idiots in the air force could not steal a lot of money. Even the anti-army headquarters repeatedly emphasized that the biological and chemical weapons that must be sealed were released together. out.

At this moment, there are many zombies, but only this team of 7 people came to the infected area.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across the abandoned building on the left.

The captain immediately grasped the existence of this figure, and he turned his head suddenly, so he saw the true face of that figure.

It was a humanoid monster with black hard scales all over its body. It had no eyes, and the part from the mouth to the top was covered by a thick skin tissue. There were also a large number of black holes on it, and dense white fat insects drilled in and out.

The captain was startled.

He thought that the mutants in this base were the original mutant species of the anti-military forces, but when will this come out?

The monster crawled around on the abandoned building like a giant gecko. The captain pulled the trigger one after another, and countless bullets poured out like raindrops. On the ground, countless dust sparks were splashed.

The monster relied on its nimble movement to avoid a round of shooting, and its powerful jump allowed it to easily span several buildings and pounce on the anti-army team.

The captain's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted: "There are enemies, retreat!"

As soon as the words fell, when all the soldiers looked in the direction of the captain, the captain had already fallen into a pool of blood, and a humanoid monster covered in black scales was standing up from the captain's body.

Without further ado, the soldiers immediately raised their guns to shoot, but as soon as they raised their guns, the black scale monster acted like a frightened hare, and its reaction was super fast.When the soldiers' index fingers just touched the trigger, it disappeared without a trace, leaving only the rebel leader in a pool of blood.

At this moment, there was the sound of a wave of corpses at the entrance of the base. The soldiers were all focused on the black-scaled monster just now, but they forgot that once the entrance of the base lost the coverage of firepower, the zombies inside would come out one after another.

Now, the tide of corpses has flowed to a place less than 300 meters away from the position.

A few soldiers lost the captain's command, but they did not panic. They immediately formed a firepower network that was fighting and retreating. However, there were too many zombies, so they launched a fearless charge, facing the hail of bullets.

Meanwhile, Europe.

Su and Shi Liu came to a place less than [-] meters away from the building.

The building in front has more than 30 floors, and the giant radar on the roof is particularly eye-catching.This is the communication building that the Alliance originally set up in this city. It can clearly see the bird's-eye view of the entire city. any place on earth.

But now, this communication building has been occupied and used by the rebels.

Shi Liu and Su planned to invade the communication building and obtain some information about the city.

"If the anti-army didn't make any changes to it, we still have a chance." Su squatted in the grass, holding the binoculars in both hands and looking at the building.

"It's up to you, I just take action." Shi Liu shrugged and said.

She gave him an annoyed look and continued to observe.Soon, she patted Shi Liu: "I found it, on the 26th floor! That's the main monitoring room."

"Are you sure?" Shi Liu said, two Desert Eagles had entered his left and right hands.

"Of course," Su nodded affirmatively, then took a jet-black Barrett M82A1, and then looked at Shi Liu: "This communication building has two entrances, east and west. I think, you go west and I go east, and finally meet on the 26th floor and enter the monitoring room together."

Shi Liu nodded: "Yes, be careful."

Su gave him a smile, then picked up the sniper rifle and walked away.

Watching her going away, Shi Liu also bent over and got up, using the dense grass around him to go towards the west gate.

Shi Liu groped his way quietly, squatted down in the grass only a few tens of meters away from the west gate, poked his head slightly, and then saw several rebel soldiers guarding the west gate.

Shi Liu listened to the footsteps of several rebels at the door, and was about to launch an attack when he suddenly heard a voice.

"There is something wrong with the system room today, so we won't be changing the guard for the time being. Let's all be more energetic."

Then, there were several voices of anti-military promises.

Shi Liu lowered his guns and poked his head out slightly, so he saw that there was an extra rebel at the west gate.

This rebel was not like the others, the clothes alone were much brighter than other rebels, this person had a small braid, and was carrying a machete bag behind his back, with a black handle protruding from the outside.

black hawk...

Shi Liu's eyes lit up, this person, and the lurker in the game, Black Eagle, came out of the same womb!Even the clothes are the same!
Hei Ying explained a few words at the door, and strode into the building again.This made Shi Liu feel that this operation was a bit tricky.

But no matter how you say it, Su has almost entered now, so how can I retreat?
Immediately he raised his two guns, counted the time silently, guessed that the black eagle had gone far, and Shi Liu rolled out of the grass.

All the rebels saw the grass tremble suddenly, and then rolled out alone.Immediately startled, he picked up the gun in his hand and was about to aim and shoot, but he was not as fast as Shi Liushou. The muzzle flame of the muzzle installed with the silencer flashed, and within ten seconds, several rebels fell to the ground.

Shi Liu raised his gun with both hands, jumped over the doorway and stepped in with the corpse.

This picture was suddenly locked, and then converged on a large screen.

In a certain monitoring room, Black Eagle looked at the picture on the screen indifferently, and behind him stood a row of heavily armed rebel soldiers.

Heiying turned around and looked around at the rebel soldiers. With his right hand behind him, he raised his left hand and placed it across his neck, and then wiped it gently from right to left.

The corridor is very long, and the alloy wall reflects the shadow of Shi Liu walking slowly with vigilant steps. Shi Liu is always paying attention to both sides of the corridor, hoping that the elevator will come into view soon.

At this moment, a staircase appeared ahead.Shi Liu walked over slowly and took a look. It was the stairs built to prevent the elevator from being damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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