Chapter 201 Explosion ([-])

Su said that the monitoring room was on the 26th floor, so Shi Liu couldn't use the stairs as a way, not because he was afraid of being tired, but because he was afraid of delaying the progress.

At this moment, along this quiet corridor, Shi Liu is walking alone, and finding the elevator as soon as possible is his primary goal now.

At the same time, at the other end of the communication building, Su lowered his sniper rifle and walked forward cautiously with petite catwalks.

Her hot figure was reflected on the alloy wall, and at this moment, another figure appeared in the wall.

Su stopped, she had already glimpsed the existence of that figure.

She relaxed, turned around with the sniper rifle in hand, and saw the man clearly.It was a rebel, but the combat uniform on his body was much brighter than other rebels. His chin was full of stubble. If he put on a suit of clothes, he would look like an uncle.

"You shouldn't have come to this place." The man said coldly.

Su Leng snorted and said nothing, but the sniper rifle in his hand disappeared instantly, replaced by a miniature saber.She rushed over with her whole body, but there were afterimages behind her, and the next moment, she had already appeared in front of that person.Her jade hand had already been raised, and the saber in her hand swept towards the man's neck like thunder!

The man was indifferent, which puzzled Su.But then Su was startled, the air blade from the sweeping saber was about to touch the opponent's neck, but the opponent's whole body moved instantly, dragging afterimages on the spot.

With a sound of "铛!", Su's knife slashed on the alloy wall. At the same time, she also saw through the wall that the man was already standing behind her.Su didn't let go of the right hand holding the saber, but when his left hand flipped, three more throwing knives appeared, and he threw it backwards.

When the flying knife was shot, Su raised the saber again and turned around to sweep it. Unlike last time, the entire blade of the saber was surrounded by a thick purple air current, which was also dark energy.

clang! --clang! ——

There were three consecutive sounds of metal hitting the wall. When Su turned to look, the man had disappeared without a trace. With the speed of her three throwing knives, all of them hit the alloy wall.

Su An sighed at the speed of the opponent's reaction, but she couldn't figure it out, how could a rebel have such a high reaction quality and lightning speed?

She turned her head and found that the man was already standing there, but still didn't hold anything in his hand.

"It's up to me now." The man whispered, his body had already moved, Su Leng snorted, at this moment a faint purple light began to appear on her body, and the light began to condense gradually at a place less than half a meter away from her body. It's a dark energy shield.

Before the shield was formed, the man flew forward, and immediately raised one leg and swept across Su's pretty face.

Su leaned back to dodge, the opponent's legs swept past within two fingers of the door, Su could also feel the strong wind, if he hit him, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

Seeing the opponent's legs sweeping head-on, Su Jiao shouted, and the condensed dark energy shield burst at this moment, creating a gravity field with a radius of about three meters. If you are in this force field, then absolutely It's a very dangerous thing.But the man ignored the existence of this force field at all, he clenched his fists without hesitation, faced the blade with his flesh and blood, and gritted his teeth: "Men are all proud and arrogant animals, but you, you are too much!" !"

Immediately holding the saber with both hands and slashing forward, the man's fists were pressed forward, and the fist was surrounded by a strong blood-red light, which collided with Su's saber blade fiercely.Both of them were in mid-air, so they collided head-on like a mass of red and purple. At the moment of the collision, a strong energy fluctuation spread from the soles of their feet to the surroundings, and cracks opened on the ground.

After only two seconds of stalemate, both of them landed far away from their respective dangerous areas, but within a few seconds of landing, the two fought together again, evenly matched.

Here, Shi Liu has already seen the depression in front of the corridor, surrounded by marble, it is the elevator.

He picked up the gun and was about to take the first step when he felt something was wrong behind him.Just as he was about to turn around, he heard the words from the people behind him: "I always thought that the alliance mercenaries would never dare to show their faces in this world again. It seems that there are really a few mice."

"These rats didn't have the audacity to kill my people and sneak into my door. It's a pity that I caught you on the spot."

After hearing this, Shi Liu smiled coldly. He didn't turn around, but slowly lowered his hands holding the gun, and said, "Do you want to arrest me and return me to my life, or to receive a reward?"

"None of this is important. The important thing is that you were captured by me, but there is no way out."

As soon as the words fell, Shi Liu's mind flashed, and the two desert eagles had been replaced by two sabers in an instant.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, at one end of a certain planet, in a giant castle.

Barney walked alone in the endless dark passage.

In the main hall before, Emperor Nilm ordered him to see the situation of the Golden Titan, which made Barney feel a little excited. Since he still remembered the Golden Titan, he still retained the blood of Nilm in his bones. The emperor didn't say a word about the golden titan, so Barney would probably have to return with a sad face.

At this moment, Barney has come to a steel gate.

In front of the gate, there is a blood-red line that is as long as the gate and about [-] cm wide.Barney walked up, and just stepped on the red line with his feet, the walls on both sides suddenly deformed with a sound of mechanical twisting, countless black muzzles flipped out from the wall, and the blue transparent light on the muzzles fell on Barney. Numerous blue light spots converged on Barney's body, and finally five light blue beams of light quickly fell from the front and back of Barney's body. An adult Nilm passed it, but even a child is a bit reluctant.

Looking at the changes in the surrounding situation, Barney couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.Then, the ground in the middle where the red line was located was opened, and a steel column was raised from bottom to top at a constant speed.

The top of the steel column rose to the height of Barney's chest before stopping, and then a blue light shone on it, and countless blue lights outlined the shape of a combination lock. It became a real thing attached to the top of the steel column!
Barney paused, then raised his hand to enter the code on the combination lock.

After typing, Barney only saw his surroundings flicker for a moment, and then everything returned to its original place, only the red line under his feet remained.

At this moment, the steel gate in front slowly rose from below.

When the door was raised to the height of Barney's eyebrows, Barney could see everything inside.

"Golden Titan..." Barney showed a look of admiration and awe, and then he took a step and strode in.

 On the recommended position, no matter what, I can't be sorry for the editor's great care and the expectations of readers and brothers.


(End of this chapter)

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