Chapter 202 Explosion ([-])

Inside the gate is a site larger than a factory, with countless culture tanks lined up on both sides, and the ground is covered with dark, sticky oil.In front of the field, there is a steel cage nearly ten meters high. The steel cages on the cage are cross-shaped, and each steel is nearly half a meter wide and thick.

Through the intersecting gaps of each steel barney, Barney could vaguely see the behemoth inside—the whole body was full of endless scarlet color, and the two blood-red eyes were particularly obvious in the cage.

At this moment, there are a group of Nirms wearing chemical protective suits around the cage, and most of them are busy in front of the workbench or operating equipment around the cage.So Barney's arrival didn't attract anyone's attention.

After nearly 3 minutes, a Nirm man just turned his head and caught a glimpse of Barney who was standing there watching, and immediately said in a voiceless voice: "General Barney?"

With his voice, almost all the other Nirms looked towards him.

Barney nodded without changing his expression, and then waved his hand to signal them to continue working.Then he strode towards the steel cage in the center, and looked up at its scale.

As soon as Barney walked to a place less than three meters away from the steel cage, the behemoth inside let out a roar of resentment. Barney stopped and looked back at a Nirm man: "It's been so long Time, why is its temper still so violent."

"General, we have carried out all-round transformation of dark energy on it during this period, but there is one thing - its violent temper can never be changed." A Nilm man responded.

Barney nodded to himself: "Having a temper is a good thing, it would be even better if you leave this temper to Taylor Ans."

He said sharply again: "Your Majesty's situation is still not optimistic, so you must redouble your efforts. At present, the best news I can bring to Your Majesty is only this. I hope you will not let me down. Everything is for Your Majesty."

"It's all for His Majesty." The Nirm people who were working answered this sentence almost without thinking.

Meanwhile, Earth.

Boring! ——

The harsh sound of metal collisions sounded, echoing throughout the corridor.

"You shouldn't be here."

On the edge of the blade, Hei Ying forced Shi Liuyue down with a smirk.

Shi Liu's pair of knives came up to the top to control the power of a military ax of the opponent. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from falling on his back, and said with a sneer, "I can't sit still."

After that, he bent his left leg and swiped his right leg suddenly, but the opponent put away his military ax and retreated to avoid it.Shi Liu got up suddenly at this gap, swung his left knife towards Hei Ying's neck covered in military uniform, but retracted his right knife and stabbed towards the opponent's stomach.

Hei Ying lowered his head to avoid Shi Liu's left knife, and blocked the opponent's right knife while retreating with the military ax in his hand, but he had to retreat quickly.

Shi Liu didn't give him any time to slow down, and both stabs were empty. Shi Liu got up and stepped on the left wall to borrow his strength. The whole person soared into the air in the corridor. The eagle stomps over!

The pupils of Black Eagle's eyes suddenly enlarged, and it was too late for him to evade Shi Liu's attack. Immediately, he shouted loudly, and an invisible and colorless force field exploded forward from under Black Eagle's feet.Shi Liu gritted his teeth, concentrated his whole body strength on his right leg, even if he was with that powerful force field steel!
Hei Ying only felt a powerful force break through his force field abruptly, he couldn't control it immediately, his whole body retreated sharply and even had a tendency to fall over.

But Black Eagle didn't fall down after all, he stood up in time with the military ax in his right hand, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Shi Liu just landed, two sabers crossed and sharpened, he looked at Black Eagle coldly.

Here, Su suddenly raised his head, avoiding the opponent's pair of iron fists while flicking his hair.The opponent missed a punch, Su took advantage of the gap to pull out his body, let the opponent pass by him, swung the saber with his right hand to his left waist, and swung it out again!
Su's speed was so fast that he didn't give the other party any time to react.So when the two exchanged positions and stood on their own, there was already a blood-red wound sloping down behind the rebel.

"Isn't it enjoyable?"

Su clapped the saber in his hand, and asked with an enchanting smile.

The wound on the opponent's back was painful, and the fine sweat on his forehead was already covered. He gritted his teeth and endured it, and immediately yelled violently, and went up to him again.

Asia, a certain urban area in the Southern Wilderness.

"Three teams call for backup! Three teams call for backup!"

Under the scorching sun, among the waste, a large group of rebels was scrambling to retreat to a building that was still in good condition.A rebel with the appearance of a captain shouted loudly while pulling the headset on his helmet.

The rebels had only been evacuated from the trash for less than a minute when the overwhelming tide of corpses rushed in.

In the tide of corpses, an unusually huge monster with eyeballs all over its body walked slowly among the tide of corpses. On its left chest, there was a head that was about to merge into the body. If you look carefully, it belongs to Kane's face. However, at this moment, the head has undergone an incredible deflection and displacement, and in its original position, a real monster head is replacing the former position.

Chug chug chug! ——

Gunshots sounded from the bottom of the waste in front, and then several zombies in front of the corpse wave sprayed black blood and fell to the ground. At this moment, several black iron eggs were thrown from the bottom of the waste, and all fell on the corpses. In the middle of the tide.

boom! ——

The flames soared into the sky instantly, and several ring-shaped cracks with a radius of about half a meter exploded on the ground. The zombies walking there before were all exploded into pieces, and the surrounding zombies were also washed down by the huge air wave. land.

At this moment, an angry roar sounded from the tide of corpses, and then all the zombies were seen flying out to both sides.A huge monster covered in eyeballs rushed out like a tank.

Kane was furious. In its heart, everything that stood in its way would die.

At this moment, Kane rushed out of the tide of corpses, ignoring the rain of bullets falling on it.It opened its mouth wide and roared towards the ruins where the bullets came from ahead, and a shock wave generated by pure sound force flew out, aiming at the ruins ahead!
Then, all the objects in the ruins exploded into the air, revealing an open space in the gravel space. In the open space, a few rebels who hadn't had time to enter the building and were hiding under the rubbish were exposed at this moment.

Their idea was to use the ruins as a cover. After all, in the consciousness of these rebels, no matter how powerful the zombies were, it was impossible for them to have the ability to set off the ruins.However, at this moment, they understood what was unexpected.

The next moment, I saw an invisible sharp claw descending from the sky, followed by the sound of flesh and blood bursting.

 Thank you brothers for subscribing. I have been very busy these days, and I basically squeeze out time to write, so it is inevitable that the quality will be much worse than before. However, even so, there are still many brothers who subscribed and were moved to tears! ~~(>_<)~~
(End of this chapter)

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