Chapter 203 Explosion ([-])

Su Jiao shouted, she put her foot on the opponent's shoulder, and used her strength to backflip to the ground in mid-air. As soon as her two feet touched the ground, she swung her right hand, and the saber swung left and right and flew towards the opponent.

The opponent was startled, and his whole body leaned back to avoid the saber. The saber spun past only 10 centimeters from his face.

After the saber was shot, Su didn't stop there. At this time, because the opponent leaned back and his upper body was in a horizontal state, his neck was perfectly exposed.

The corners of Su's mouth turned up slightly, and she leaped up again, with one foot on the wall to help, and the whole person soared into the air. On the way, Su's left arm shook suddenly, and a throwing knife as wide as the back of the hand popped out from the wristband of her left arm. groove.

She swung her left arm, and the other party just got up.The sound of metal bursting out was heard, and the next moment, the sound of knives piercing flesh rang out three times in a row.

At this moment, the other party froze in place, his face was full of fear of death, and his two trembling hands were tightly clutching his neck, even though he couldn't stop the blood that flowed out no matter what.Behind him, Su Fang supported the ground with one hand and fell.

Su got up, and when he looked back, the other party was lying on the ground with a dead face.

"The power of the iron fist..." Looking at the corpse on the ground, Su Dai frowned slightly, as if she was trying to think about something.

"Could it be..." Su's beautiful eyes suddenly widened uncontrollably.

The endless star sea, in a certain star field.

In the resplendent and resplendent castle, a tall figure stood in front of the balcony with his arms folded, a golden robe that was dragged to the ground was draped over him.His body can be called stalwart, and when he stood there, the entire balcony could hardly accommodate another person.

"...So, now it seems that the Milky Way is indeed chaotic enough."

Behind him, an old man in a black robe nodded slightly and said.

The man snorted coldly, and said: "I said a long time ago that that old man Saul would not let it go easily. I never thought that Lan'er's trip to the earth this time would not be able to escape his eyes and ears. According to the jihad I made an agreement with Sol before that we would not intervene in this matter on Seibert. But Sol knew that Lan'er was on the earth, and he ignored my existence and took actions openly, which made me feel bad for him. the opinion of."

The old man in black robe nodded slightly, and continued: "My lord, when I think it is necessary, I must stop Sol at all costs. After all, if the gold..."

Before the old man finished speaking, the man suddenly raised his hand to signal the former not to continue talking.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, the man said softly: "Walls have ears."

Then he turned around and said as he walked: "Go, I haven't had a drink with you for a long time, I just came back today, let's not talk about this!"

When the emperor walked out in front of the old man quickly, the latter couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and murmured in a voice that he could only hear: "This old guy, everything has changed, but this can't be changed, it seems My Fan Xingluo will suffer again..."

Earth, Southern Wilderness.

"Captain, we...we won't be like them..."

In a certain room on the eleventh floor, a rebel was holding an XM8, poked his head slightly through a crack in the window, and said in a trembling voice.

Downstairs, there is already a sea of ​​corpses.

"It's okay! Brothers, don't be afraid! We are now on the eleventh floor. These monsters are awesome, but they are not so awesome that they can fly into the sky!"

The captain of this anti-army team leaned against a window, looked around the room full of team members who seemed to have lost their souls and said loudly, his face was also washed with cold sweat.

At this moment, an anti-army stared at the anti-army leader and raised his hand: "Captain...behind! Behind you!"

The anti-army leader was taken aback, he had already realized that this situation was not a good thing, he knew that he could not turn back, so he picked up his gun and ran forward.

But he just took the first step, and two fleshy tentacles emerged from his two eye sockets!The third tentacle also emerged from his mouth!
All the rebels in the room were scared out of their wits, but a few brave ones immediately yelled and raised their guns to shoot wildly at the three tentacles.With the leader, the rest of the rebels followed suit one after another, and for a while the whole room was illuminated by the muzzle flames.

But within a few seconds of shooting, all three tentacles were smashed into meat paste by the bullets.Looking at the captain who was lying on the ground, there was no possibility of surviving.There are three large blood holes on the back of the head, corresponding to the eyes and mouth on the face.

"What the hell do we do?"

"Let it be your fate."

"Listen to your paralysis! Brothers, it's death anyway, let's go downstairs and have a fight with these monsters! It's better than sitting here and waiting to die!"

Seeing that the captain was dead, the rebels in the room began to babble fiercely, but they babbled for less than a minute, and then collectively stayed where they were, unable to utter a word.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and countless thicker and longer black tentacles broke through the window!

"Puff puff!……"

The sound of flesh and blood bursting sounded one after another, like a tune with a strong sense of rhythm. When the tune ended, endless viscous blood slowly slid down the outer wall of the building.

Downstairs, Kane's monster head in the sea of ​​corpses looked at this scene very proudly, and the countless tentacles hovering on the eleventh floor also returned to its huge body at this moment.

Somewhere in Europe.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and the saber in Shi Liu's left hand flew aside.

Heiying grinned, and swung an ax at Shi Liu's gate. Shi Liu leaned over to avoid it, but Heiying turned around and kicked Shi Liu's left face with the force of the swing. , Shi Liu was kicked by him and staggered down.

"Boy, we don't have much time, let's go." Black Eagle didn't give Shi Liu any time to react. As soon as Shi Liu fell to the ground, he pulled out the Desert Eagle stuck in his right leg.

"What are you doing here! Go away!"

Shi Liu didn't get up, but shouted behind Black Eagle as he drew his gun.

Hei Ying was startled all over, and then, he turned his head in disbelief!
At this moment, Shi Liu stood up.As soon as Hei Ying turned his head, he felt that he had been fooled. When he turned his head again, Shi Liu was already standing in front of him.

Moreover, Black Eagle felt an indescribable murderous aura around his neck.Looking down slightly, he saw Shi Liu's right saber.

Immediately, the throat moved up and down.

"Do you feel that your IQ has dropped by countless percentage points in an instant?"

Shi Liu pointed the knife at Black Eagle's neck, and said expressionlessly.

"A little bit. Still, I think there's going to be a scene that none of us want to see."

Hei Ying sneered and said, and then, his left hand, which was already on the ring of the grenade around his waist, moved!

(End of this chapter)

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